It's Your majesty. "

Most of them look excited. These ten people are really good officials. How can they not be excited when we see the moon again?

The right servant of the Ministry of punishment, an old man in his sixties, burst into tears and said, "Your Majesty is resolute and resolute. The common people can be saved. The common people can be saved."

"Time is pressing. Retreat."

Yang Ling waved his hand. He didn't have time to listen to these people sing praises.

On this day, the imperial capital was in turmoil again. The maids of the supervision department directly began to check the official's property. A large number of relevant personnel were arrested. The news spread, and the people cheered and praised each other.

Everyone is saying goodbye to the bright moon, the mountains and rivers are still there, and the peace of the country and the people are in front of us!

"Ding, it's detected that you have removed a large number of powerful officials at the same time, which is the highest in history. The system determines that you have dominated a large area, wish value + 3300 points, wish treasure box + 1, cultivation progress + 1, current progress: 17 / 12."

Because a large number of officials have been removed, Yangling and Liu Muhan's original heavy work has become more busy, that is, even Yangling has to be serious and do their best to deal with the official business.

All over the country, everything is dealt with in detail. One person does the work of dozens or even hundreds of people.

Because of her strong mental power, Yang Ling's work efficiency is very high, and the accuracy and accuracy are almost perfect.

Orders were issued from the imperial study, and all the affairs of the six departments of the imperial court were dealt with by Yang Ling in an orderly way. This was the first time Liu Muhan saw Yang Ling working like this, but he was surprised to open his mouth, a little bit like a little fan.

After dinner, Liu Muhan takes Yang Ling's arm and walks in the imperial garden. Looking at his wife sticking so tightly to him, Yang Ling laughingly says, "I'm old, and I'm still so tight."

"Not afraid of jokes?"

Liu Mu Han cackled: "just want to hold you, can't you?"

"Or save it for other women?"

Boy, I'm so jealous.

Liu Mu cold sometimes also can come up with some strange words, since reincarnation once, jealous some big.

Is it true that the mentality has become younger?

Yang Ling said with a smile: "there are so many girls holding my arm at home, but I love you most."

I want to speak.

I'm going to talk to you.

But Liu Mu Han is an instant small face is red, light angry way: "still say I'm not shy, some people themselves don't say these numb words."

"Your teeth are sour

Having said that, the body is more close to some, smiling face very happy look.

So, does this belong to the type that does not admit on the mouth and the body is very honest?

"Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan's wish that you can say something sweet. The wish value is + 330 points."

Yang Ling laughs, looks around nobody, kisses Liu Muhan, and says with a smile: "I'll go around and come back later."

"Wait a minute!"

Liu Mu Han is a hurry way: "I have something to ask you!"

"Husband, before you said that you were ruthless, but today most of the ministers who committed crimes in the court are executed. Why do you just arrest them and support them?"

"The conditions in that prison are much better than those in ordinary prisons. Do you want to support them in their old age?"

After hearing the silence for a moment, Yang Ling nodded slightly and said, "I can't kill them. I really intend to let them live in peace."

Looking at his wife's puzzled expression, Yang Ling explained: "although these officials have committed heinous crimes, they have not failed to make any contribution."

"In the past nine years, the country was peaceful and the people were peaceful. Speaking of the root, they still made a lot of contributions. According to principle, they should be rewarded for their contributions."

"We should not only see their achievements, but also their achievements."

"Of course, the achievements in office can't cover up the crime of corruption. We still have to do it. Let them live in prison."

"The achievements in office can't cover up the evil of corruption..."

Liu Mu Han gently repeated a sentence, slightly nodded: "well, your majesty is thoughtful, I understand."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "the law is merciless, but our law is not perfect. We have to have a steelyard in our heart for merits and demerits."

"What about Hubu Shangshu?"

"Fan Wenchou, the old fox, what are you going to do?"

Liu Muhan throws out this question directly. In her opinion, there is nothing that can't be asked between husband and wife.

Indeed, there is nothing that can't be said, Yang Ling said with a smile: "he thought he was perfect, but the net of heaven is vast, careless, how can he cover up what he did."

"Unless he has the body of Zeus and can reverse time."

"He's got talent!"Liu Mu Han giggled for a while and then said intimately, "where are you going? I don't want to work at night. Shall I go with you?"


Yang Ling wants to continue mapping the entire Kalan star. The mapping on land is finished, but there is still a large area on the sea.

Take an hour every day. Take your time.

A moment later, Yang Ling drove the boat, carrying Liu Mu han to the sky and disappeared in the clouds.

Not to mention, this survey found something wrong on a certain overseas continent.

On the other hand, after removing all the officials, Yang Ling not only controls the field perfectly, but also feels that Tianhe is becoming more and more clear.

If expressed in terms of data, it is that the opportunity of Tianhe is 80% clear, and there is still 20% to be dealt with.

The biggest goal of Kalan's trip is about to be achieved.

Three days later, in the imperial library.

Rui'er hurriedly pushed open the door and said: "great joy! Master, master, great joy


Yang Ling laughingly said: "what makes you happy like this?"

"Master! Great victory in the south

Rui'er said excitedly: "three days ago, the young lady soldiers attacked the thousand mile company of the barbarian army in seven ways. This morning, they finally broke the last camp."

"Once again, the first lady's victory is estimated to have annihilated 80000 enemies, captured 300000 prisoners and captured countless supplies."

"After this war, the main force of the barbarian army was annihilated, and it was no longer able to resist the imperial army."

"Now the army is still catching prisoners all over the mountains and fields."


Liu Muhan cheered softly and stood up and said, "rui'er, you can send Jinlei's victory report to the Ministry of war. At the same time, you can send people all over the country to publicize that the anti thief has been exterminated and the world is at peace!"


Rui'er ran out happily. Yang Ling took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "our daughter is a woman, not a man, very good, very good."

"Of course

"The child is a little naughty, but when did he let you down?"

"I see, there are few boys in the world who can match her!"

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