Yang Ling is not worried about what will happen after she leaves.

In ten years, all the imperial students in the Imperial College have become members of the imperial court. They are loyal to the royal family one by one, and the whole country is well managed.

Now Kalan star, everything is smooth.

All the cities have been re planned. Although they are still one by one, there are also walls. Unlike the earth, all kinds of roads extend in all directions, they have already taken on the appearance of modernization.

Nothing can be achieved overnight. In fact, Yang Ling did not intend to build the whole empire into China.

Keep a touch of simplicity, a touch of elegance, that's good.

At the same time, the Empire army began to expand outward a little bit, that is to say, to open up wasteland.

Some aboriginal tribes began to be incorporated into the Empire territory, some of the previously ferocious mountains were developed little by little, and various kinds of resources continued to flow into the Empire, accelerating the growth of all aspects.

With more and more resources, the population began to show explosive growth, because we will not be hungry, so we can have children.

In addition, it has to be mentioned that there have been large and small Wulin forces, cultivation families and so on in the Empire.

The emergence of new forces means that the old aristocratic system may face collapse. Yang Ling and Liu Muhan are happy to see it come true.

Collapse. Well, the strong go up and the weak go down. Within the framework of the law, you can do anything. If you have the ability, you can make contributions and let the imperial court canonize you as an aristocrat.

In the past ten years, the influence of the nobility has changed quietly. The only constant is the supreme status of the imperial family.

The iron royal family, the flowing aristocracy, is not to say.

Kalan has changed a lot, and now everything is on the right track.

On the last night before they left, Yang Ling and xue'er had dinner together and walked alone in the imperial garden. It was not a whim, but a preparation for digestion.

In ten years, he used the points he got, and the points directly accumulated to the upper limit of 1.2 million, because the system is lv12.

The wish value and attribute point are 1.2 million, which can be called terror. This wave of consumption is really terror.

"System, add attribute points to the upper limit for me."

"Ding, the upper limit of four-dimensional attribute enhancement of congenital realm is 10000, are you sure?"

Yes, semi Saint also belongs to the congenital realm, and the upper limit of the attribute value of congenital realm is 10000 points. Your physical strengthening is the limit. If you want to continue to improve, you have to improve the realm.

This is the law of heaven and earth, the law of the universe, which has not been changed.

Yang Ling also simply, directly fill the calculation.

After confirmation, with the deduction of points, Yang Ling's panel changes are as follows:

strength: 10000

Agility: 10000

physical strength: 10000

mental strength: 10000

comprehensive rating: 50 dragon power.

Charm: 3519

the four dimensions give 12 Longli, and the Shengyuan in his body gives 38 Longli, which is exactly 50 Longli.

Light, in terms of power, is far superior to the presence of the first entering the holy land.

"Ding, check your 800, this will attribute points to an integer, get random reward times + 800, current times: 2000 times."

Because a lot of people's loyalty has reached the full value, accumulated a lot of reward times, just give him all at once.

"The system converts all reward times into maid cards."

Yang Ling never frowns at making maids.

"Ding, you have chosen to generate 400 maid cards. Are you sure?"

After confirmation, there is a pile of cards in the maid palace in the space. Yang Ling is not in a hurry to use them. She will use them later.

At present, there are 1192000 attribute points left. Yang Ling tentatively asked, "system, I want to use all the attribute points to strengthen the origin, do you think so?"

Yang Ling doesn't think it can be successful according to the system's urine quality, but this time

"Ding, the host has chosen to strengthen the body source of Qing Tian 119 times. Are you sure?"

Yang Ling was shocked by the prompt sound of the system, and even could be strengthened. In order to ensure that in case, he asked again: "system, strengthen so many times at a time, won't the body go wrong?"

"Don't lie to me!"

"Ding, the enhancement of Qingtian's body origin will not cause any problems for the host. Please rest assured."


"It's all for me!"

At the same time, Yang Ling feels that the source of the body is growing rapidly, and her strength is also soaring rapidly.

In theory, strengthening the primary source can enhance the power of the three dragons, and it can increase the power of the three dragons by 357 in total, which is quite terrible, but in fact, there will be some differences.After all, the improvement of cultivation power is not a simple arithmetic problem. Yang Ling stood in the garden quietly waiting for the end of the improvement.

Because of the eternal relationship, he is not afraid of his own problems. On the contrary, he provides better support for the original growth of the body.

In an hour, the origin of the body of Qing Tian has been strengthened by N times. There is space on the surface of the body around Yang Ling. This is the anomaly caused by the energy released when the body of Qing Tian reaches a certain level.

At this time, if someone comes near Yangling, they may be blown to pieces by the suddenly annihilated space, or they may be swallowed up by the strange space cracks, and exiled into the boundless void.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Ling's immortal body has reached the extreme. At the same time, he is proficient in deduction, and is constantly calculating various possibilities of his body. His mental strength of 10000 points is only enough to support him to do all calculations.

But in a moment, he had completely controlled all his own strength. At this moment, he felt invincible.

As the song sings, invincible is how lonely.

Of course, he is not lonely, because Liu Muhan is always equal to him, and we should be invincible together

The ultimate strength of oneself has reached the strength of 400 dragons. Sister xianzun once said that yuanguangjing, the first realm of holy land, has the ultimate strength of 400 dragons. Generally speaking, if you reach 100 points of dragon power, you can try to promote to the second small realm, namely, materialization.

Good guy, I'm a semi saint. I'm far better than all the monks in Yuan Guangjing. I'm afraid there's no one to come.

It's really invincible.

Of course, the reason for this succession is that Yang Ling has been working conscientiously for the past ten years, making several private visits with Liu Muhan. In addition, there are many people in contact and many things to do, so she has accumulated all the attribute points.

It's also a pity that he has not used it all the time. Otherwise, the ending may be the same, but it won't be so shocking.

Of course, there are still a lot of wishing values that haven't been digested!

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