Looking at the eyes of the five girls in front of her, Yang Ling didn't talk nonsense either. She turned them into small graves.

"Ding, you smashed the female players do not want to die on the game, attribute point + 212."

It's just that after Yang Ling solved them, she completely exposed her position. After returning to the novice village, these girls directly revealed their coordinates on the world channel.

It's a game that interacts with reality. It's used to attract money. Many of the second generation of local tycoons or game masters have bought a warm-up bag with a lot of money in advance, ready to kill all sides in it.

Even a lot of them have organized unions offline.

One of the props on sale in the pre heating package is the coordinate transfer symbol, which allows people to quickly transfer to any position on the open map.

This is one of the keys to leading in the early stage. Many bosses have bought it, even for their subordinates.

This is not, Yang Ling just solved this group of girls, not long before suddenly appeared in front of a transmission array, more than 20 players instantly appeared in front of.

Most of them are wearing new clothes, but the leading man and woman are wearing beautiful clothes.

Although they have the same defensive power, their appearance is beautiful, which highlights their local tyrant identity.

To be reasonable, Yang Ling first put forward the concept of money. The alliance understands it very well. There are many fashions, and they are expensive.

There are always people who are stupid and have a lot of money. They will buy it right now.

Sure enough, it's the boss!

the young local tyrant man's eyes were very excited, while the beautiful woman beside him said with a smile: "husband, it seems that we are lucky."

"The boss's armor is good. It must be very attractive on you!"


"I'll make up my mind about this armor!"

"Xianxia world" this game is very realistic, you can even force the boss to give you their own equipment, and each boss claims to have its own independent personality, as long as you can, you can even make the boss become your pet baby!

This group of players directly surrounded Yang Ling. Although they knew that the dark knight must be a boss with a very high level in front of them, in the face of the temptation of equipment, it was nothing even if they died.

Suddenly, there was another flash of light in front of me. Another group of people also came. They turned out to be a group of women. They were all dressed in red clothes with rose marks on them.


"Red rose union!"

The young local tyrant's face is not very good-looking, while the more than a dozen girls of the red rose trade union are calm. The leader is a beautiful woman with long hair. She said coldly, "this boss belongs to us. The rest of us will go away immediately."


When did the young local tyrant suffer from this kind of anger? He immediately burst out and said angrily, "I know you are from Nalan group, and the president of your guild is nalanqing, but so what!"

"This is the game world. The name of Nalan family is not easy to use!"

"who can get BOSS?" has the final say.


The local tyrant's men howled and rushed directly to Yangling, while the girls of the red rose society immediately started.

But the difference is that some are swords, some are shields, and some are bows and arrows.

It forms a defensive array, with shield in the front, swordsmen guarding both wings, and archers flying with bows and arrows!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The bow and arrow shot at Yang Ling, causing a compulsory 1 point of damage, and the next moment, the local tyrant men's men also rushed up.

Yang Ling's original intention is to control hegemony. Only by solving more problems can she successfully control hegemony when settling accounts every week.

The forced damage caused by the attack of twenty or thirty people is instantly full. After reading the blood bar, the health value is 999999. You can't die in a year.

A gun, sweep directly under the seven or eight players into the data, into a small grave.

"Ding, you smashed the player's desire not to be killed by the boss, attribute points + 311 points."

"No, this boss is so powerful!"

Both the red rose trade union and the local tyrants were shocked, while Yang Ling felt that they had intellectual problems.

Don't say it's him. It's easy to change a boss.

In this way, Yang Ling suddenly thought of a setting in this game, players can force boss or npc to give props and weapons, boss can also force players in turn, everything is in accordance with the real.

If the boss does these things, he can get the boss behavior points. The higher the points, the easier it is to dominate the field.

Thinking of this, Yang Ling changed her voice, pointed to the young local tyrant in front of her and said, "you, take off your clothes.""Ah?"

I didn't expect that the black armor knight in front of me would talk and asked him to take off his clothes as soon as he opened his mouth.

the man was in a daze. The next moment, the black armor Knight stepped on the ground, forming a black light curtain around him, trapping all the players in it.

"What kind of magic power is this? How advanced!"

Everyone was shocked to find that the teleportation props could not be used.

And you can't quit the game in combat mode. In other words, they are trapped in the game!

Yang Ling came near, looked down at the young local tyrant and said, "take off."

"It took me more than 100000 yuan to buy this fashion! Why should I give it to you? You beat me to death

"Is it?"

Yang Ling mouth a Qiao, but it is a direct pull off the man's beautiful fashion.

[boss behavior value + 100]

"sure enough, it can be pulled down by force."

Yang Ling smiles in her heart and chooses to hand in the fashion.

[BOSS behavior +1000]

, good guy, it is a awesome fashion.

He was stunned by the naked young local tyrant. At the moment, he was wearing a small white trousers, which was compulsory and could not be taken off.

Anyone who has played games knows.


With a dull sound, Yang Ling directly hit the man's head with a long gun. The man was black in front of his eyes and died on the spot.

"Ding, you have satisfied the local tyrant man's wish that you kill him. The wish value is + 19."

Looking at the small tomb in front of her eyes, Yang Ling looks at another beautiful woman in fashion, that is, his wife.

"Take off."

The voice that does not take affection rings out, the woman opened mouth, for a time Leng was in place.

"The boss of the game..."

"Do you have this function?"

"It's too showy, isn't it?"

Around the ordinary players one by one looking forward to looking at this beautiful woman.

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