
"Stop them!"

Ilza saw this behind the scenes immediately ordered, but now the city wall has become a mess, and there are not many archers still shooting down, and ordinary bows and arrows can not hurt the robot at all.

But in a moment, the robot rushed to the stone gate near, two robots in the hands of the broadsword directly cut down!

"Bang! Bang

After two dull sounds, the robot was shocked to retreat continuously, and the broadsword also left a gap on the stone gate.

Leiya in the distance said in a low voice: "Dad, it takes at least 15 minutes to open the gate of the city at this speed of destruction."

"Don't be so troublesome."

"Blow yourself up."

Yang Ling light said: "let the twelve robots self explosion."


"My daughter takes orders!"

Leiya is smiling and obviously wants the robot to explode.

At the next moment, twelve robots exploded, and a small mushroom cloud rose at the gate of the city. The whole ground was shaking.

This not only destroyed the gate, but also collapsed a section of the city wall.

"The whole army charge, fight into the city and reclaim the helmet!"

Leiya ordered on the spot that all the puppets swarmed towards the city gate. The prawn cavalry who had been guarding the city gate were paralyzed on the ground at the moment. They were killed before they could resist!

But in a minute or two, thousands of puppets have rushed into the gate!

The city defense is broken, the street battle begins!

The general of Haizu, who was guarding the city, yelled: "give up the city wall, start the defense plan of the inner city, and withdraw for me!"

Then he went straight to the sky and rushed into the city. At the same time, those sea people also rushed into the city one after another.

Fierce street fighting is about to start!

Of course, many of the sea warriors are blocked on the wall, and it is obvious that they will meet their fate next.

At this moment, watching the live broadcast of the hit people to see the human puppet army as the tide of the general influx of the city, one by one excited cheers.

But there is also another voice on the Internet, that should not be so violent, after breaking the city, the first thing to do is to persuade surrender, and then to be kind to the prisoners, to be kind to the people of the sea people and so on.

This kind of voice is getting louder and louder, but within ten minutes of breaking through the city, it has become a mainstream voice on the Internet.

In essence, human beings do not want war, because the education they have been fighting since childhood and so on, many people's hearts are very kind, even very beautiful.

They believe that the sea people are not barbarians, but also creatures of the earth since ancient times. They need to be treated equally with all kinds of animals and can be educated.

In addition, some people think that Leiya's order is too vague. They just say that they want to recover their helmets, but they don't have an accurate target. In this way, after the army enters the city, they have to search from door to door?

How many families will be broken in?

How many people will die under the knife of a puppet?

On the eve of victory, in the case of occupying the absolute advantage, the heart of the Virgin Mary of human beings broke out, which was greatly exaggerated on the Internet, and all kinds of messages were received on the official websites of human alliance and Muhua group.

Leiya also occasionally takes out her mobile phone to pay attention to the barrage in the live broadcast room. After seeing a large number of speeches by the Virgin Mary, she looks at Yang Ling and whispers: "Dad, many people petition us not to enter the houses without permission, not to slaughter the civilians of the sea people, and be kind to the captives of the sea people."

Yang Ling sighed in her heart.

From the perspective of a ruler, in fact, slaughtering the city is the greatest kindness to the Hai people.

There is a saying that we should make an example of others.

If there is no one left in this city, when attacking the next city, it will directly make the opponent cold and have a great chance to win without fighting.

In this way, the city land can be obtained, and the soldiers and people of Hai nationality will not die because of the war.

You know, there are more than 100 cities like this. If they are beaten down one by one, I don't know how many people will die.

And the role of making a warning to others, can let far more than Haihe city people survive.

Therefore, everything has two sides. Sometimes slaughter is kind.

But this truth may be known by people like Mary, but people don't know it. Yang Ling doesn't want to say it.

It was so cruel that he didn't want to say it.

At this moment, the whole world is watching this young human leader, waiting for his statement.

This almost determines the future of mankind's overall attitude towards the sea people, which is very important and crucial!

After a moment's silence, Yang Ling said calmly: "daughter, send orders to the army, and the rebels will not be pardoned."

"If you don't resist, then Allow them to surrender. "


Leiya nods her head gently. She looks at Yang Ling with a little surprise, but she sees a faint light flashing in her father's eyes. There is a trace of helplessness in the bottom of her eyes.At the same time, the puppets and the robots received orders.

At the same time, many of the people who heard Yang Ling's words were slightly relieved. After all, no one wanted to see the Hai family break up and so many civilians died under the butcher's knife.

Other people, from the perspective of the fundamental interests of the human race, actually don't quite agree with Yang Ling's orders.

Even though Yang Ling has said that there is no amnesty for the resistance, what they hope is that they will wipe out all the Hai people in the whole city and completely eliminate the future trouble.

These people can only sigh that ah Ling is kind-hearted and not a top-ranking butcher.

Of course, Mary and others are aware of the root cause, are slightly sigh.

Even in front of the people all over the world and under the petition of so many people who don't need to slaughter the city, Alin Laozu still chose to compromise.

We all know what kind of character Yang Ling is. It's not the first time that she has slaughtered the city. In the past few times, she has basically killed all the chickens and dogs, but most of the information is not disclosed.

At least most ordinary people don't know.

In the command center, liu Tie walks up to Mary and looks at the calm Yang Ling on the screen. However, he lights a cigarette and takes a sip of it. He says with a smile, "I really admire the ancestor of ah Ling more and more."

"He is a worthy leader and a spiritual pillar worthy of all our efforts."

Mary looked at him, and many big men and staff of the command center also looked at Liu tie.

"We all agree with that," Mary said curiously

"I said, how do you feel like you're half talking?"

Looking at Yang Ling on the screen with admiration, liu Tie said with a smile: "what Laozu let go is not the sea people, but all our people."

"It's the meaning of our human civilization."

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