Hearing this, Yin Tianjie showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "since brother Tianfeng has said such words, Alexis and I will not win favor."

"It's up to you in a minute."

The red crown man, Wan Tianfeng, looked at Yang Ling coldly and said, "you don't need to motivate me. When it's time to do it, I'll do it."

On one side, this group of Hai emperors is opposite, on the other side, Yang Ling is smoking.

By sensing spatial fluctuations, he listened to each other's conversation clearly.

"He's the one who cares about my harem."

"There's a third of the charm. Lao Tzu's wife is reincarnated immortal Zun. The one who hasn't reincarnated is also my wife!"

"Sister xianzun is really standing in front of you. I'm afraid she'll have to kneel down and kowtow."

he Tucao in his heart, make complaints about it for a while.

His wife because too good, often become the object of other people's delusion.

You say delusion is delusion. After all, Yang Ling can't control what he thinks in his mind, but if he takes action, he will be killed.

That Wan Tianfeng directly on the blacklist of Yang Ling, kill the order of rapid ascension.

Of course, the order is still lower than that of Yin Tianjie with white beard. This old dog looks very smart and can't let him gain too long.

In addition, it has to be mentioned that Yang Ling herself is often the object of people's imagination. Recently, some big websites around the world have done nominal surveys. According to the survey of who is the most desirable spouse, Yang Ling ranks first among female investigators.

The voting rate has reached 80%

the respondents are all young unmarried women, which shows how popular Yang Ling is among young women.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Ling got 20% of the votes in the men's survey list

This is very difficult for him to accept, and he even asked the information department to clear some of his women's P-pictures and strange books on the Internet several times.

But it's a pity that his popularity is too high to delete

As time went on, the situation on the battlefield began to tilt in the direction of Yangling army.

Sure enough, as Yang Ling expected, the first to collapse was not the Hai nationality, but the barbarians!

The maids with fireswords and thunder swords are no longer able to resist the barbarians. In other words, their combat effectiveness has exceeded the military's individual combat ability that this plane should have.

This is an army that can run rampant in the vast universe, the sky and the world. These 20000 barbarians have been able to withstand nearly an hour, which is very resilient.

When the number of the barbarians killed in the battle exceeded 14000, the remaining 6000 people had a complete mental breakdown. Even if they were bathed in the golden light of the second prince, they had completely lost their fighting capacity.


I don't know who yelled, but the remaining barbarians didn't resist. Instead, they rushed to a light door in the distance.

The second prince also knew that today's affairs could not be done. The previous heroic words were directly thrown out of the sky, and he fled quickly at the moment of collapse, but disappeared in the small world in a blink of an eye.


"Catch up

At the command of Yun Qinglan, the maids directly chase and kill them. Their speed is far faster than these barbarians. If they form a formation in place to resist, the maids will be able to live a little longer without long-range attack means.

But if you run away, you die faster.

I saw redundancies first catch up, just a knife, a congenital middle barbarian man was directly hit by the thunder sword, burst open on the spot, directly into a blood fog.

Then, she speeded up and caught up with a wild woman in front of her. The fireknife in her hand suddenly split out.

The woman quickly blocked with the wild sword. With a sound of Dang, the whole woman was shocked and retreated, and her mouth gushed with blood. At the same time, the flame of the fire knife jumped to the arm of the wild woman.

It's just a blink of panic. When the flame on the arm is wiped out by the savage air, the fire knife of redundant son has arrived.


With a dull sound, the woman split her chest and saw her muddy dust drop out. She was scared to pick up her beads, but at the next moment, a flame flashed across her face. She only felt that her whole body was burned. She had no consciousness at the beginning of this idea.

Because the whole body has been completely engulfed by the fire, only the muddy dust bead fell in the hands of redundant children.

In the middle of putting away the bead, the brave maid burst into shape again, but unexpectedly, the whole body of the barbarian in front of him suddenly burst out, and his crazy laughter rang out.

"Ha ha ha, I'll blow you up!"

"I'll blow up you women!"

Voice whereabouts, this person even self explosion!

The barbarians have the ability of self explosion, but it's difficult to use it when fighting, because self explosion needs to drum up the body. During this period, they can't move and need a little time.This time in the eyes of experts, can not be able to move the opponent to pieces.

However, if you realize the distance and know that the other party will come after you, you can often cause a strong effect.


The sound of thunder was heard in mid air. The power of the barbarians' self explosion in the late congenital period was really great. It directly filled a small area with this terrible energy storm, and this power also swept several barbarians and redundants around them.

Looking at the live broadcast of all at this moment, the heart all mention up, redundant son appeared very early, her name big guy all know.

If not, super distressed!

Just a few breathing, a figure rushed out of the energy storm, it is redundant.

At the moment, her whole body is wrapped by the future style armor, as if she is unharmed. The thunder sword and fireknife in her hand are still there. The only difference is that the beacon floating around her is missing.

The lighting tactical assistant was blown up.

When the armor on his face was opened, everyone saw that there seemed to be a look of chagrin on his face. Then he seemed to think of something, but he turned his hands and put three muddy dust beads into the small box around his waist.

The joy of collecting muddy dust beads for the master is greater than the chagrin of shaking Light Tactical assistant being blown up.

Everyone is also relieved, some people began to ask what the little beacon is, how much money, we need to raise money to buy it for redundant children.

However, the discussion has not yet started, and there is another explosion.

These runaway barbarians began to explode in extreme despair!

Both the left and the right are dead. Maybe this way of death makes them feel more dignified

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