After a few days, Yan family has been doing funeral, but Yang Ling has been staying in the house, did not go out.

Every day, except the maid who delivers the meal can see Yang Ling, most people can't get into the house. Therefore, in order to meet this beautiful future uncle, it becomes a good job to deliver the meal to him.

During this period, the second young lady came once and seemed to want to invite Yang Ling out, but she was declined.

In the early morning of this day, the first false Walker flew back. The information he brought back was that there was a spirit stone in a mountain forest about 70 kilometers away!

Through the memory fragments of xuxingchong, Yang Ling learned that it was a local clan.

However, the specific number of Lingshi xuxingchong was not detected.


Yang Ling showed a wisp of smile at the corner of her mouth, and her heart moved. A girl with purple skin and long horns appeared in front of her eyes.

The girl's appearance is pretty, but both her temperament and appearance are ferocious. It's Yang Xiaomu, who hasn't come out for a long time, that is, the shape of Shenmu Xuan snake after it turns into human form.

"See you, master!"

Yang Xiaomu immediately bowed down. Yang Ling nodded with a smile. In addition to Yang Xiaomu, there was a little girl named Yinyin standing on her shoulder.

They all belong to Yang Ling's real spiritual pet. They are either half spiritual pet and half wife like Yang Xiaoxuan, or simple subordinates.

Yang Ling said with a smile: "Xiaomu, Yinyin, seventy kilometers northeast, is a small clan gate called shihemen. Go and get all the spirit stones in it."


Two people again hem, Yang Xiaomu good strange way: "master, if encounter resistance how to do?"

"Kill me."

Yang Ling said it very simply.

Yang Xiaomu nods his head when he hears the words. The next moment is just a flash of light, and they disappear in the same place.

Whether it's Yang Xiaomu or Yin Yin, their cultivation has reached the seventh level of the congenital peak. Even if this is the cultivation world, if there is a congenital later stage in the Xiaozong clan, it's impossible to resist them.

To do this kind of thing, we don't need Yang Ling to do it in person. It's enough to let her do it.

At noon, Yang Ling was in a good mood and walked out of the room.

When he walked out of the yard, all the servants waiting in front of the yard were surprised. They looked at Yang Ling straight, and some of them even had little stars in their eyes.

"How are you."

Yang Ling smile mild, almost did not give them the electricity fainted.

As they were walking, three young men came forward. Although they were all wrapped with white cloth around their waists, they were regarded as wearing mournful clothes, but the leader's temperament was detached, which was very eye-catching among the crowd.

When he came near, the leading man said with a smile, "are you Yang Ling?"

"All the people in the house said that there was a beautiful man in the house. I didn't believe him at first, but I believed him when I saw the real man."

"Brother, you are really a talent."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "you're welcome, brother. This is What can I do for you

"No, it's no big deal. I'll be a family in the future. Let's meet and get to know each other."

"By the way, I'm the husband of Yanjin's sister, Chen Tian. If you marry a lady in your family, we'll be relatives."

It turned out that the man was the husband of the master's sister, and he was a real son-in-law.

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