"I see."

Yang Ling basically understood. According to the system, that is to say, a top-quality spirit stone is equal to an energy unit and the value of a muddy dust bead.

Everything is divided into three, six and nine grades. It's too real.

"Well, you go on."

2B then said: "tianyuexing's sect is very strict. Generally speaking, the small sect has only ordinary spirit stone and is not qualified to use the top quality spirit stone for cultivation, while the medium sect is not qualified to use the top quality spirit stone for cultivation."

, "commander, the everlasting sages that I am observing now belong to the level of large family doors. At present, the investigation shows that they have the resources of tens of thousands of times, even tens of thousands of times, of small family doors."

"And the son of Qi Yun, whom you asked me to investigate before, has basically got an eye."

"There are a total of 100 core disciples in the clan, including 10 Saint sons and Saint daughters. The characters who can be called Saint sons and Saint daughters are regarded as the sons of Qi Yun."

Hearing the report from 2B little sister, Yang Ling was very satisfied.

The ability to handle affairs is too strong. Among the three protagonists 2B, A2 and 9s, 2b has the strongest ability in all aspects. Even if they are all the top robots, there are some subtle differences between them.

Yang Ling said with a smile, "well done."

"Little rabbit, how many soldiers do we need to break such a clan?"

2B pondered for a while and said honestly, "commander, our legions have not arrived at Tianyue star. If you don't fight, the probability of winning yongsha Xianzong is one percent."

"If you do, the probability should be 100 percent."


"Little rabbit, you are very good at talking recently."


"Commander, I'm just telling the truth."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "OK, continue to investigate. If you can get a chance to earn Lingshi, you can earn more."

"Yes! Commander

2B little sister's voice is always so soulful.

After Yang Ling hung up her correspondence with her, she fell into a deep meditation.

Now the situation is in front of us, and the road is clear.

Generally, a small sect can only provide 100 energy units for the system. If the system wants to upgrade, it needs to break at least one medium sect. However, it is not good if it has too much movement.

If you rely on Yang Xiaomu and others, I'm afraid it's a bit hard.

The system upgrade is only the first step. Only by upgrading can we plunder the Qi of the son of Qi Yun and reduce the total Qi of Tianyue. Only by reducing the total Qi of Tianyue can we give mother earth a chance to devour the will of the planet and find her.

At the same time, mother earth owes Yang Ling a favor.

The higher the level of existence, the less willing to owe others. This is related to the way of demons. At that time, as long as we find mother earth, Yang Ling thinks that we can talk about it.

He also had a good talk with mother earth very early.

Once again, after smoothing out his action plan, Yang Ling waved his hand and directly put Yang Xiaomu and Yinyin into the Yuling bag.

Just wait for the bug to come back.

For the next two days, Yang Ling was still in the house most of the time, and people like Mrs. fan were doing funerals. At tianyuexing, they had to mourn for half a month.

The whole Yan family is in mourning, but no one bothers Yang Ling.

Of course, during the second miss, the third miss and the Yan Jin all came to Yang Ling, and Yang Ling also talked with them very gently.

It can be seen that the three women are very fond of Yang Ling.

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