The inside information is good. The more the inside information, the better.

Yang Ling heart smile: "kill, boys give me can be strong hit puppets, can be strong kill demons, although the opponent, I support you."

"Don't give up the spirit of war, but also make a good contribution."

In general, only living creatures can contribute to the spirit of war. Puppets can't produce the spirit of war. Otherwise, Yang Ling would have let puppets kill each other for a long time.

so he hoped that the other boys would be more persistent and more awesome.

Good guy, capitalists only look at interests, and they can't even tell the most basic enemy from us.

Who would have thought that a commander like Yang Ling would help the enemy to refuel in his heart

"Ding, you are the first alien to force out the folk details of Tianyue star. The system determines that you have dominated a small field, with a wish value of + 4800 points."

"Ding, you have satisfied people's wish to have a chance to make contributions. The wish value is + 4800 points."

It's true that Yang Ling has contributed nearly 10000 yuan to his wish. The more Yang Ling looks at these young men, the more pleasing he is to the eye.

At the moment, the battle in the sky and on the ground is very anxious. Looking at the time, it will be more than 9 p.m.

Just thinking about whether to enter the desire space to see what Liu Muhan and Liu Suifeng are doing, her daughter is shocked and surprised: "Dad, I have succeeded!"

"It's amazing that there are such secrets in the world. Aunt xianzun is so great!"

Leiya seems very excited, Yang Ling is smiling to help her wipe forehead sweat channel: "well, hard."

"Dad has seen your efforts."

"Cluck, cluck!"

Leiya hugged Yang Ling's arm, stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the face. She giggled and said, "Dad, I'm hungry. Shall we go to dinner?"

"All right."

Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "anyway, this battle will not be finished for a while and a half. Ask Carly to eat together."

But he waved to Carlyle, who was looking at this direction in the distance, but in the blink of an eye, Carlyle appeared in front of him.

"Yang Ling, are you looking for me?"

She seems a little curious, Yang Ling said with a smile: "it's time to eat. Let's go back to Yan's house."

With that, Leiya quickly follows up, leaving Carlyle alone in the light curtain.

"Eat, eat?"

"Isn't this war?"

She smoked at the corner of her mouth, but at this time, there was a flash of light in front of her eyes, but there was a silver haired girl.

Her costume is similar to 2B, but Leiya's exclusive adjudicator robot: C8.

"My lord Carlisle, I'll be in charge here for the time being. Go ahead."

"It's already arranged."

Carlyle's smile came from the corner of her mouth, and then disappeared in the same place.

Light or stay in place, no one knows, the three commanders of the monster army will go to dinner.

"Ding, you are the first alien to eat in the war with the local aborigines. The system determines that you dominate a small area, and the wish value is + 4800 points."

In fact, Yang Ling has another thing to do.

There were only three people on the table, Yang Ling, Leiya and Carlyle. Yang Ling said in a low voice, "Carlyle, this yanyuezong seems to be very good at manipulating the moonlight. The moon is hanging high tonight. I'm afraid the normal means of contact will be peeped, so I'm calling you to come and have dinner together."

Carlisle smell speech a Leng, curious way: "your father and daughter are making what abacus?"

"Can't I lead the troops to yanyuezong Mountain Gate and dig out the other party's nest?"

"I'm still here

Leiya chuckled: "it's worthy of being a woman who can fight against me. Small head melon seed is smart!"

"Now yanyuezong is almost elite, their mountain gate is empty after all."

"As long as we sneak out cavalry now, once we break the other side's Mountain Gate, then countless resources will be readily available."

"Even if you can't take the other party's treasure house, as long as you plunder a large number of monks in the other party's population, yanyuezong will surely invite you to join us."

"At that time, we'll have another lion to talk about..."

Then she looked at Yang Ling and said with a smile, "Dad, am I right?"

Yang Ling nodded with a smile and said, "yes, that's what I think."

"Carlisle, you are a maid, plus your own three magic generals and a large number of demons in the small world, enough to break each other's Mountain Gate."

"At that time, you can do it by yourself, and the main purpose is to maximize our benefits."

Leiya added: "I'll let C8 go with you. We can communicate at any time. That's the decision!"

Carly's face did not show any embarrassment, nor refused, but nodded: "do not use your C8, I can also break each other's Mountain Gate.""Two hours."

She stretched out two beautiful fingers and said seriously, "I can do the work before dawn."


Yang Ling said with a smile: "your ability is not a problem, but C8 still has to take it. She has a special spiritual connection with Leiya. We can better communicate with each other."

"Carlyle, be safe."

With a wave of his hand, ten fully armed fighting maids appeared in front of him.

This is what Yang Ling just spent 10000 points to make a wish to summon. Because he gave a lot of points on the battlefield, he summoned at will.

As soon as the ten maids appeared, Yingying prostrated herself to the ground and said, "see you, master, miss, and Lord Carlyle."

Looking at these ten pretty girls, no matter Leiya or Carlisle, their eyes are full of admiration.

Perhaps the most enviable thing about Yang Ling is that she can make beautiful maids and beat them.

When the maids got up, Leiya said, "C8 will follow you later. Go."

"Be safe."

This is the first time Leiya said to Carlisle such words as pay attention to safety, which made Carlisle a little stunned. Then she said with a smile, "you'd better care about yourself. Don't make your father angry."

With that, the black wind rolled in front of them, and they disappeared into the room, including the ten maids.

"The wind of disaster."

"Carly's accomplishments seem to have improved again."

Leiya sighed, while Yang Ling said with a smile: "war is also a disaster in a sense."

"The essence of my wish can absorb the spirit of war and the power of heaven. I think the essence of her disaster can also absorb the spirit of disaster."

"Is it?"

Leiya said with a smile: "so I said, she may be one of the most outstanding girls in our family."

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