The second message, the temple of heaven has found a way to restrain the will of the planet?

What method?

Does it have anything to do with mother earth, or does it mean that someone wants to capture the core of the planet and take control of the whole Tianyue continent.

Is it Shuangsheng?

The game of tianyuexing is more and more interesting.

At the same time, Yang Ling also had to sigh, Tianyue star is still to this extent, that is a complete super continent of purple Osmunda, how great will it be?

The universe is so wonderful. He doesn't want to go back to the earth any more. He wants to explore the universe well!

There were at least three thousand ghosts in the field, but the elder of the ancient fire sect yelled: "kill them!"

"kill all the puppets below! Kill all those steel giants! Kill all the people of yanyuezong and Longshen palace


At the same time, the monstrous ghosts made a roar, and then rushed to the robot troops below on the spot!

The speed is extremely fast, worthy of the existence of congenital metaphase.

C8 see this cold hum: "mechanism gun fire!"


"Bang bang!"

Another long-range gas killing mechanism gun of the robot opened fire at the same time.

After the revision, the psionic bullets fired by the mechanism gun were almost the size of fists, and the dense blue mechanism gun bullets blasted toward the three thousand ghost!

The ghost who rushed to the front almost did not retreat. They roared and faced the machine gun bullets. Their flesh was tangled. At first sight, their muscles were as hard as steel plates.

After a series of blasts, the group of ghosts in front of them were bombarded by hundreds of psionic bombs, and finally they were blown into blood fog.

But the speed of the ghost is too fast. After paying the price of dozens of ghost, they have rushed to the front of the robot army, only to see a ghost hit the robot.


With a bang, the robot was knocked back and forth. The thick armor was directly cracked, revealing the circuit board inside. The Zizi current was beating around the robot.

"Ding, the destruction rate is 25%"

the robot feeds back the information to C8, and C8 feeds back to Leiya at the first time.

Leiya's eyes showed a surprise, this high-tech nano shell can be pushed out of a big hole, which was unexpected.

"Bang bang!"

The next moment, a large number of ghost directly hit the robot, the first row of robots were hit askew seven to eight, have received varying degrees of damage.

However, robots are not vegetarians either. I saw a robot that was hit and retreated. The sword in its hand looked directly at a ghost. The ghost's fighting instinct was also very strong. It just jumped back and avoided the robot's sword.

However, this kind of backward jump is a good posture calculated in the robot combat program. When it just jumps in the air, the robot's mechanism gun shoots directly at the ghost.

After all, I'm not a real monk. I can't make use of it in midair. In such a close range, I'm being shot in the face by a robot.

After a series of psionic bullets, the ghost was beaten into meat sauce.

For a moment, the ghost and the robot are fighting together. From time to time, the robot explodes itself. The scene is really hot.

Yang Ling looked at these ghost, eyes showed a glimmer of joy, they died, the body of muddy dust beads rolled out!

Although the Hunchen beads are not as pure as the Hunchen beads in the original barbarians, they can also be turned in after asking the system!

It is known all over the world that Yang Ling has a habit of collecting beads. Leiyadang immediately ordered C8: "C8, give orders to the robot troops. After killing the ghost, collect the muddy dust beads with mechanical claws."

When the order was given, a dexterous mechanical arm was stretched out under the armpit of the robot during the fierce battle. It directly grabbed the muddy dust beads that fell on the ground and put them into the small storage space inside.

Field, the battle is very fierce, Yang Ling look light, Liu Mu Han is slightly frowned.

As for the ordinary staff in the spaceship, they were shocked by the scene. When did they see such a fierce war scene? What are those monsters? It's terrible!

Are aliens so powerful now?

On the deck, Liu Mu frowned: "husband, robots don't seem to be the opponents of these ghosts."

"Do you want the ordinary puppets to go up first to entangle the ghost, and the robot will step down to kill these monsters by remote means?"

Yang Ling smell speech a Leng, looked at Liu Mu Han way: "very good proposal!"

"Mu Han, you are good at fighting!"

See the husband's face with a trace of ridicule smile, Liu Mu Han gently white, he said: "say business, quick order."However, Yang Ling shook her head with a faint smile and said: "ordinary puppets are too slow to move, and now both sides are in a fierce battle. If the troops in a certain direction are transferred, the morale of ordinary soldiers in that battlefield will drop."

"Once a node collapses, it will cause the butterfly effect."

"Therefore, we can only send troops that have not yet been dispatched to deal with these ghosts. We can't transfer forces that have already been put into the battlefield."

"Well? Is that so? "

Liu Mu Han's face turned red. Fortunately, he didn't lead the army alone. Otherwise, he would have lost a lot of people's lives.

"What shall we do?"

How long has it been since I saw Liu Dong show such a little girl.

Su Qiling and others all giggled. Yang Ling held his wife's hand with a smile and said, "the ghost is really powerful. If you send elves to deal with it, you can't say that there will be some losses. Moreover, these ghost are disgusting. I don't want our beautiful elves to die in the hands of such monsters."

"Well, it's up to the robot to solve the problem by itself."

"Let's call 2B and A2 back, and let them solve these ghosts."

"You don't know that the top robots like 2B, A2 and C8 will improve their abilities in all aspects as they have more and more combat experience. It's time for them to practice here."


Liu Muhan immediately telepathically contacts A2, and Yangling also calls 2B little sister back. It won't be long before she can arrive.

As for the task that Leiya sent them to do before, because of the appearance of ghost, it's temporary.

It is the most urgent task to solve the problem of waste ghosts and earn muddy dust beads.

In addition, I have to mention that Yang Ling didn't talk about it casually before. With the upgrading of the system, they are indeed able to constantly evolve themselves.

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