Looking at the battlefield again, he said with a smile: "if I were the Lord of the temple of God, I would take this opportunity to explore the reality."

"I think the double saints must be peeping at some place."

"Maybe even mother earth is paying attention to this war."

As time goes by, the three goddess robots are still killing the ghost like chopping melons and vegetables, showing no sign of fatigue at all.

In the sky, the monks of the ancient fire sect turned black, and the shock in the eyes of the ancient fire immortal was beyond comparison.

His eyes were not focused on the battlefield below, but on the light curtain on the steel sword deck ahead.

He really wants to know what the dragon god palace is.

Unexpectedly, without using any friars, he killed the ghost in pieces.

If there are such terrible women below, then the war has lost any suspense.

Unless the temple of God comes out in person, they have to surrender.

For this reason, Gu Huo knew that the war between Xia Fang and fan was over. If he didn't want to consume too much information, he should start the friar war immediately.

However, he really didn't want to, because after watching the war between yanyuezong and the Dragon Palace, he knew that his own friars' army was not the rival of those cavalry armies riding pterosaurs in the distance.

Moreover, on the premise that the wind of recovery did not disappear, opening the friars' War was just a sacrifice.

He was waiting, waiting for the ghost to die completely, waiting for the temple of heaven to watch the battle in secret. They couldn't bear it and took the initiative.

In this way, the ancient fire sect can withdraw from the front line, and let the temple of God directly fight against the fierce power of the dragon god palace.

As time goes by, Yang Ling has collected the breath of war and blood, and strengthened her strength again. However, there are few ghosts left to be slaughtered on the battlefield.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't even touch a single corner of the three goddess robots.

Yang Ling found out how much performance of 2B has been improved after absorbing a lot of willpower. After inquiring about the system, she learned that the bullet power of pot auxiliary robot has been improved, the phantom storm of pot has been improved, and the quality of 2B's own Taidao has been improved.

In fact, all of these are integrated with 2B. If the war goes on like this, the more powerful our forces are, the stronger they are. Yang Ling doesn't mind fighting for three days and three nights.

However, some people can't watch it anymore.

When the last ghost was cut in half by 2B, suddenly there was a roaring sound in the sky, and a man's voice came from all over the world.

"Dragon god palace, I'm the Yang saint of double saints. I'll give you one last chance to quit Tianyue."

"If not, die!"

There is a terrible power diffused, all people feel difficult to breathe at this moment, that kind of pressure from the level of life is hard to move.

The holy land, the power, finally appeared.

At this moment, it seems that the heaven and the earth are subject to this voice.

The light curtain slowly dissipated, revealing the figure of the Yangling family.

Some people are looking at Yang Ling, waiting for the real leader of the dragon god palace to speak.

There was a silence between heaven and earth, but Yang Ling began slowly. The voice also boomed, pointing to the sky and stepping on the ground, which covered up the voice of Yang Sheng.

"I'll give you a chance, too. The temple of God will surrender immediately. Otherwise, you will die."


In the distance, a cold hum came from the sky. Together with the sound of cold hum, there was a deafening sound of real Qi.

I saw a large amount of light coming in this direction in the distant sky. Everyone instinctively looked at the sky. When the light was getting closer, it was more and more true.

It's a huge fist!

A great fist made of boundless light and Yang Qi!

On the battlefield, everyone wants to worship this fist, which is the breath of life!

"One hundred Longli dares to impress others."

Yang Ling showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. His voice reverberated in everyone's heart. Under everyone's eyes, he waved his hand.

Thunder and lightning in the sky, the next moment, a big hand formed by thunder suddenly formed, but it turned into a thunder giant fist, smashed toward the white fist!

That terrible power is even better than Yang Sheng's Guangguang giant fist!

Before the two terrible forces, heaven and earth have lost color, everything has no color, including Liu Muhan and others. Once again, everyone's eyes are focused on the place where the two giant fists are about to meet!

At a certain moment, two giant fists collide in the sky!

There was no earthshaking explosion, no terrible energy storm, thunder giant fist just like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, directly wiped out the white light giant fist.

Yes, it's just worn out!White light giant fist in contact with thunder giant fist that moment, on the spot began to annihilate.

This is a complete defeat in strength!

Thunder giant fist, but Yang Ling used three hundred dragon power!

It's three times more powerful than the white light giant fist!

Even if Yang Ling did not reach the holy land, even if there was a little gap in the realm, but in the face of absolute power, everything seemed so ridiculous.


There was a sound of shock in the sky, and after the white light giant fist was destroyed, Lei Guang giant fist still went to the red sky, pointing at the end of the sky, emitting boundless light clouds.

That's where Yangsheng is.

"The light of the sun!"

Yang Sheng's dignified voice sounded, but this time, it seemed a little impatient.

There is a very concise white pitching among the white clouds. There is a magic weapon hidden in the pitching!

Yang Ling really saw that this satin like thing was a holy weapon!

This Yang saint, unexpectedly uses the holy weapon directly to resist Yang Ling's thunder light big hand!

The next moment, white pitching blows on Lei Guangju fist again. After a short silence, a startling explosion sounds in the sky!

The white light and lightning burst at the same time, the terrible power of earth shaking, the whole field blowing up a hurricane, lightning and white light splashing between the sky and the earth into a bright!

Everyone instinctively closed their eyes and squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms. Some people were scared to cry directly, and some even urinated on the spot.

This level of fighting has gone beyond their imagination and is beyond their understanding.

Not only the soldiers in the lower battlefield, but also the semi holy masters such as Yanyue real person and Guhuo real person, instinctively avoided the dazzling light.

Is this the collision after Longli broke 100?

It's terrible. It's a confrontation of another life level!

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