Hearing the system prompt sound, Yang Ling was slightly stunned.

When I broke through the holy land, I didn't use the progress of the system. It's normal to accumulate. However, from the progress bar, it took 50 progress points to promote the realm of creation.

Just NIMA. Okay.

Fortunately, the lv20 system has a big function. No matter how big or small the domain of hegemony is, it can add 1 point of hegemony. Otherwise, it would be hard to describe

If the outline is determined, then the next step is to discuss some countermeasures.

Mary first stood up and said, "Lao Zu, several strategists from the strategic planning center once proposed some plans, which were drawn up under the premise of war anxiety or facing failure."

"Just as this meeting is open, let's discuss it together."


Yang Ling nodded and said, "if you don't worry about winning, you must worry about losing. Good job."

"Open it up, let's all see."

Then, a short film appeared on the conference table, and a young man began to introduce it: "ancestors, leaders, my plan is called space exile plan."

"At the time of the war with the sea people, we will directly use space cutting technology to cut all the sea areas of the earth and exile them near Mars."

"There is no oxygen in space. Our simulation results show that all creatures in the sea, except the sea masters in holy land, will perish."

"Although the earth will be destroyed on a large scale, we have kept the fire of hope and can make a comeback."

Good guy, Yang Ling was stunned by this report.

The young man continued to say that the plan was very detailed. Even the energy required to implement the plan was clear for the plasma space collider.

Even after the loss of sea areas, the total mass of the earth, the various changes of gravity and the coping strategies of human beings are different.

It's one of the feasible plans, but

It's a little pompous.

Yang Ling slightly frowned, but out of a cautious attitude, or watched the film.


He couldn't hear Xi Bei in his voice. Immediately another film appeared, but a blonde man began to talk.

"Ancestors, leaders, my plan is called the Venus explosion plan."

"After we detonate Venus, the dust in space will block out the sun. We can avoid the dust storm in space by a series of means, such as artificial sun and artificial wind power, in the big array, but the alien race does not have such technological advantages."

"If we inhale a lot of space dust, we will die in a large number in a short time, and we will win without fighting!"


Yang Ling waved her hand directly.

The next video is a Chinese woman's commentary: "good ancestors, my plan is the wandering earth scheme, inspired by a famous film."

"We use the high-power propulsion device to make the earth break away from the original kneeling. As the distance from the sun gets farther and farther and the temperature drops suddenly, the sea water will no longer flow and all will freeze. At that time, we will still lose all our advantages!"

"After the elimination of the Haizu, we will push the earth back to its original position. We will make a detailed assessment. With the natural advantages of Dazhen, we can ensure that the surface temperature of human activity areas will not drop too low, and the impact on the people will not be very great..."

"That's pretty reliable."

Yang Ling nodded secretly. In fact, this is a good plan. The greatest advantage of human beings is the battle array. As long as we block the first wave of alien counterattack, with the rapid advance of the earth and the sudden drop of temperature, the battle effectiveness of the Hai people will drop dramatically, and the barbarians will hardly survive in the extreme climate.

At that time, the earth will become two extreme worlds, with ice and snow outside and everything inside.

Man can win without fighting.

However, there are too many variables in the wandering earth project. The biggest variable is Mother Earth.

Come back to see their own body are flying away, this is not on the spot to the extinction of human beings, it is not her.

"No, No."

Thinking of this, Yang Ling shook her head and said, "you guys, although this kind of plan is feasible, it will do too much harm to the earth itself."

"Mother earth won't forgive us for our sins. When the alien race doesn't wipe us out, mother earth is afraid of disaster."

Everyone also showed a wry smile. Lao Zu totally denied these plans. It can be seen that there are some dissatisfaction.

All the people have paid so much tax, but they have given up such an answer. If the ancestor denied all this, the people would quarrel with each other again.

Mary said hastily, "Lao Zu, there are two backup plans in the back. Please have a look."

Immediately, the virtual video played a new moment again, but it was a scientist in a white coat with a beard.

In the video, he said excitedly: "Hello, Yang Laozu, lady Leisha, my plan is called soul ascension plan!""We can install supercomputers on the space station and transplant all human consciousness into supercomputers in the form of chips."

"From then on, human beings can get rid of the bondage of the physical body and become the true God in the virtual world. Everyone can create the world he likes at will!"

"The space station is wandering in the universe in a wandering way. Controllable nuclear fusion technology will ensure the energy of the space station, and human beings can exist forever in this way!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Mary, put this crazy scientist under house arrest immediately, but this plan book can't be exposed!" Yang Ling said angrily


Mary stopped playing the video in a hurry. She could see that she was very angry.

Everyone looked at each other, but Liu tie and Yang Ling were the most familiar. He said with a smile, "don't be angry, Lao Zu. There are some avant-garde people among us occasionally."

"This is the development power ladder of our civilization and progress."

"Don't worry, the plan won't be revealed. There is a final report. Would you like to have a look?"

Yang Ling didn't have a good way: "isn't it a crazy plan?"

"Liu tie, is your newly established strategic Department reliable? How do you feel like a group of patients are communicating there? "

Hearing Yang Ling say this, everyone was relieved.

The tone of Lao Zu's joke, then it's OK.

Liu Tie said with a smile: "Lao Zu, I've been angry for a while. It's better to listen to their crazy plans."

"If you don't mind, I'll play it."

Said, did not wait for Yang Ling to speak then the point opened to play the key.

Yang Ling gave him a glance and looked at the virtual video. In the video, a Chinese man didn't even have a prologue. The man said directly: "my plan is divided into two directions: the artificial earth plan and the planet transformation plan!"

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