Thinking of this, Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "in the next catkins, I have been practicing in the golden light cave of Qianyuan mountain before. This time I came here with the maid rabbit to try my luck."

"If you do not give up, I would like to explore with you."

They all felt happy when they heard that the golden light cave in Qianyuan mountain was a ghost place, but it seemed that it was also scattered.

"Ding, you have satisfied Huang Zimo and others' wish to have a very handsome male monk and a beautiful female monk. The wish value is + 1200 points."

Huang Zimo said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, Miss Rabbit, let me introduce you."

"This is the old man, the Taoist friend of Jin Boyi, and the fairy of Hu Shulan..."

This person began to introduce one by one, was introduced to a few people, the man's smile, the woman is Yingying salute, naturally.

A moment later, Huang Zimo pointed to the beautiful woman in the goose yellow gown and said with a smile, "this is Yuan Lei, Yuan Xianzi. Although her cultivation is more than seven times in the congenital peak, as far as I know, her bone age is less than 60 years old. If she is put in the famous school, she is the absolute beauty of heaven, even the saint."

Yang Ling pretended to be surprised, but she said with a smile, "Yuan fairy is so gifted and beautiful. Liu admires her."

Yuan Lei looks at Yang Ling with bright eyes, and her eyes are more or less astonishing.

This kind of handsome man is very rare, such a man may be captured by a nun as soon as he is an adult.

It's no joke. With the reversal of yin and Yang, it's easier for women's cultivation to break through the realm. In the tianyuexing cultivation world, female friars are just as tough and independent as male friars.

It's absolutely rare that such a handsome and shameful little brother can grow up safely and cultivate to such a degree.

Seeing that Yang Ling said hello to herself mildly and praised herself, Yuan Lei blushed slightly and saluted: "little girl, I've seen Dao you. Dao you is rich and beautiful, and you are very beautiful."

Hearing Yuan Lei's words, people don't feel strange at all. The man in front of them really deserves the praise of Xianzi Zhuo Jue.

It's a little too good-looking!

After seeing each other, several people stood side by side on the hillside and looked ahead. Huang Zimo said with a smile: "you Taoist friends, the temple of heaven has issued a notice this morning. Three days later, in the morning, all of them rushed into the palace together, and after entering the emperor's tomb, they searched for their own opportunities."

"These three days, all the Taoist friends who want to come are here. I'll wait patiently."

Looking from afar, many monks like them are standing in the mountains in the distance, looking in this direction.

Jin Boyi, the old man, stood up with his hand in his hand and sighed: "it is said that there are countless treasures in the imperial tomb. In addition to the pills to increase Shouyuan, there are even immortal artifacts."

"We don't know how many of us can go back alive in this bloody storm."

Hearing this, all the people fell into silence. Huang Zimo said with a smile, "if we are monks of our generation, we will never be able to move forward."

"Besides, this time mainland experts gather here, I don't think it will be a big deal."

"By the way, I've heard nothing about the dragon god palace these days, but I don't know what the devil is doing."

Qin Wucheng, a middle-aged man with Hu dregs, sneered and said, "how dare you come to heaven and earth's grave to ask for no fun?"

"Even if the great emperor is only a remnant, that person can't face him."

Said, this person's face showed the color of admiration, looking at the front of this big grave, even faintly proud?

Lu Shuhuai, a young woman, said with a smile, "although few people in the world have ever seen the devil, they have heard that the devil is very handsome. His daughter, with her blonde hair, is also a first-class fairy."

"I'd like to see the father and daughter."

"And you, ray?"

Yuan Lei said with a faint smile: "it's just the devil outside the sky. As Qin Daoyou said, the tomb of the great emperor is not the place he should come to."

"Even if it does come, I don't think I can make any waves."

"After all, there are not only double saints on the mainland."

When she said this, there was a ray of self-confidence in her eyes, and Yang Ling felt a momentum emanating from her.

Although very weak, but there is a moment, people palpitation.

Quietly opened the eye of heaven, explored for a while, but did not find that the front of the Yuan Lei or congenital peak of the eighth heavy cultivation.

"Is it my illusion?"

He thought so in his heart and looked at the imperial tomb.

"Immortal? Can there really be immortal utensils? "

"It's getting more and more interesting."

In the next few days, Yang Ling became familiar with this group of people very quickly.

It has to be said that the charm value of this kind of thing sometimes really makes people speechless. He actually received a gift from two nuns in the team.Lu Shuhuai gave him some tiangangguo, and another friar named Shen fan gave him a pile of condensate pills.

Two days later, he also gained a wish value of + 30000 points. Because the charm value is too high, it makes people feel very comfortable, and the wish value is sent to the door for no reason.

Sometimes, good-looking can really do whatever you want

Late at night, in the tent.

Yang Ling is sleeping in the temporary wooden bed, while 2b is quietly sitting beside the bed guarding him. Suddenly, Yang Ling opens her eyes, showing a ray of surprise in her eyes.

"Bunny, come and sleep."

"Yes, commander."

2B gently sleep in the Yang Ling side, it seems that some blush.

"You just sleep in bed and wait for me to come back."

As the voice fell, Yang Ling's light flashed and disappeared on the bed.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Like a ghost, Yang Ling fell on the crown of a big tree and looked at the darkness ahead.

Yuan Lei, dressed in a long yellow shirt, is standing in the dark, quietly looking at the moonlight in the sky, as if waiting for something.

A moment later, a girl in black appeared in front of Yuan Lei and knelt down to salute, saying: "the Lord of the palace, we have investigated clearly. In the second floor of the imperial tomb, there is a mysterious laurel spirit."


Yuan Lei's face showed a slight smile.

"Xuanyuegui spirit!"

Yang Ling's eyes widened when she heard the words. Good guy, there is such a thing in the world!

Xuanyuegui spirit, according to legend, is a seed that was dug up by the heavenly court with infinite magic power in the past years and condensed from ten cores of the moon, in order to plant a real tianxuangui tree.

Ten moons, that's the energy of ten satellites, condensed into a seed, you can imagine how much energy it contains.

Yang Ling estimates that as long as you take it, you can immediately break through the realm without bottleneck.

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