Originally, I thought that the vitality of plants in the desire space was not enough, and the growth speed of plants was not so fierce.

It's good to meet a holy land master who can master the skills of emperor Qingdi and mu Huanggong. He was stunned and showed his way to summon plants in front of him.

Doesn't it squeeze you dry?

Therefore, under the guise of Epiphyllum, Yang Ling secretly transferred all the vitality of plants to the space of desire.

Immediately, in the space of desire, plant seedlings grew up on the bare loess ground.

These seedlings in the huge vitality of irrigation, rapid growth, and soon will be turned into towering trees.

Where the blue rain clouds fly, they become a dense forest, lush and beautiful.

Yunqinglan and other girls in the space are all in a daze when they look at the rain clouds in the sky. They don't know what's going on. They think that their husband is destroying the environment of the outer planet crazily.

Yang Ling laughs in his heart that the chance is rare. Instead, he is not in a hurry to solve the problem. Afforestation is a long-term plan. Is it a pity that such a good gardener is killed in vain?

On the other hand, duanmuyun exerts the power of the Qing emperor Muhuang, and the power is amazing. All kinds of vines are really overwhelming and can't block out the sun.

He felt that his wife behind him was looking at him with a smile, and felt the adoring eyes of his disciples. He was even more energetic!

Qingdi mu Huanggong was performed to the extreme by him!

"What about Epiphyllum?"

"With the help of my Qing emperor Mu Huang, it's hard for me to keep these rare flowers for a long time."

He yelled: "give your origin of Epiphyllum, I can let you go, otherwise, your cultivation today can only be the nourishment of my Qingdi muhuanggong!"

Around Yangling Epiphyllum flying, each Epiphyllum with a trace of turquoise pattern, this is Yangling will transplant wood magic to attach to each Epiphyllum, at first glance, it is really the withering power of Epiphyllum will countless vine roots to fly ash, in fact, the vitality is deprived.

He did not speak, directly continue to urge Epiphyllum, today he wants to give the desire space under a blue rain.

As time goes by, this spectacular scene continues.

"I see how long you can hold on!"

Duan muguang drinks hard again. He is determined to take Yang Ling down. In front of his wife and disciples, he shows the authority of the patriarch. However, he pats the storage bag, and a green ball flies out. In the blink of an eye, it grows rapidly, but it turns into a towering tree demon!

The tree demon opens its teeth and claws, but the face engraved on its trunk opens its mouth, and the saplings one by one jump out of its mouth and rush to the direction where Yang Ling is.


All kinds of beautiful sceneries such as forest sea and flower sea began to appear one by one. The maids in the space clapped and clapped happily one by one. Yun Qinglan also had a smile on her face.

This saves many years!

The more beautiful the wish space scenery is, the more relaxed and happy it is, and then it can dispel the demons invisibly.

In addition, the layout of yunqinglan is in accordance with the law. All plants in the world will also emit their own energy, but the disorderly energy is wasted.

However, after the regular arrangement of so many plants in the space, the energy emitted faintly forms an energy cycle, which not only moistens itself, but also moistens all the creatures in this cycle.

Every living creature in it will gradually become stronger and realize the improvement of life level, which is the most rare.

However, about 15 minutes later, the whole space of desire is already full of trees and flowers.

It has to be said that Duanmu Guang is the world's first-class afforestation master, and Yang Ling is willing to call him the strongest gardener.

This is the strongest gardener, and he is a strong one. The number of Epiphyllum flower array is less and less. Although he is sweating on his forehead, he is still desperately controlling the energy of plants, trying to crush the flower array to the car.

Now, around Yangling, there is a big blue egg, which is shrinking desperately. However, the white flowers inside are counteracting the shrinking power of the egg, and the scene is more and more spectacular.

After sweeping the whole space of desire, Yang Ling found that afforestation was almost done, but he began to control the vitality of plants to irrigate his family's medicine garden.

All kinds of thousand year ginseng, thousand year Polygonum multiflorum, wujingcao, peiyuanguo and other natural materials and local treasures grow rapidly and mature in batches.

Yang Ling is really in full bloom.

At the same time, Yang Ling also uses part of the plant vitality absorbed to irrigate the new Shouyuan fruit tree. Good guy, Shouyuan fruit tree is also growing slowly, and the green Shouyuan fruit on it is beginning to mature a little bit.

When we return to the earth, we send longevity yuan to our elders. We send them to suck boxes or boxes.

With the passage of time, even duanmuguang, the great power of the holy land, can't bear to control such a huge amount of plants.

At the moment, he can't see the expression of the young man in the flower array, but for the sake of Epiphyllum, he is determined to take this man down today, even if he pays some heavy treasure again.

At this time, Wen Shuhuai's voice rang out: "husband, I can help you."

"Give it to me after taking this man, I have a way to take out the source of Epiphyllum in his body!"

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