After walking for a moment in this way, a firefish appeared again in the surrounding fog. This firefish was bigger than the previous one, and its rushing power was more fierce.

Yang Ling knows that this is not an active attack, but has already been set up for countless years. With such amazing talents as emperor Tianyue, she has definitely calculated everything.

Even if there is a simulation of the yuan Su dragon, but after all, it is not a real element dragon, head-on collision will still receive damage.

Since you can't hide, you can't hide. Yang Ling doesn't plan to hide either.

In one thousandth of an instant, Yang Ling fingers gently, but in front of a thunder net, and the next moment, the firefish head into the thunder net.

As soon as the firefish comes into contact with the big net, it begins to struggle. As a result, extreme high temperature begins to spread. Unfortunately, ray element ignores the high temperature.

There are at least three thousand dragon powers in thunder net.

Three thousand dragon power, which is basically a small limit of the Yuan Dynasty. Only those people with rich foundation can hold more than three thousand dragon power in their bodies.

And the inside information can not be formed overnight, this is from the beginning of the day after tomorrow, a little bit of accumulation, every small realm, every small progress is stronger than others, so a little bit, over time, can become more powerful.

It's the same Yuan Dynasty. Some people can only hold 3000 dragon forces, others can hold 6000 dragon forces, and some can even hold 9000 dragon forces. The gap between each other will only be bigger and bigger due to the different details.

And obviously, Yang Ling belongs to the kind of person with the most abundant information, let alone 6000 dragon power, even 9000 dragon power can easily accommodate.

Looking at the firefish struggling in the huge net, his eyes were shining, and his five fingers closed up fiercely!

In an instant, the giant net suddenly closed, and the struggling firefish was completely unable to move. Then it shrank rapidly. In a breathing time, it changed from a shark size reminder to a small fish in the palm of Yang Ling's hand.

What did not say, Yang Ling ate the fish directly.

This is the most pure energy. Once subdued, it can be directly transformed into rolling holy yuan without refining.

After a bite, the Shengyuan in the body rises again, and the power rises directly to the terrible nine thousand dragon power!


With a long breath, he could hold nearly 30000 dragon forces at the moment. The strength of this concentrated firefish is about 500 dragon forces, which is less than 20 thousand.

That is to say, there are still more than 40 such fire fish that can reach the limit perfectly, and then break through the realm to bring their own inside information into full play.

After the ultimate breakthrough, then which ultimate will be more extensive.

At the same time, Yang Ling found a thing under the eye of the sky, that is, after he swallowed the firefish, the huge dragon ball shrank slightly.

According to the calculation, Yang Ling basically affirmed one thing. Tianlongzhu automatically secreted a trace of energy to supplement the fire fish that was swallowed just now.

In other words, the fire fish is a part of the dragon ball, as long as the strength of the dragon ball is not exhausted, the fire fish will continue to appear, and it takes effort to subdue the fire fish.

You constantly devour the fire fish. Although you are constantly increasing the holy yuan in your body, your strength and mental power are constantly consumed. In this twisted space-time ring of divine fire, when you find that you have no strength or mental power, and you want to go out, you have already gone a long distance and have no ability to go back.

It's going to end up in your own greed.

This is also one of Tianyue's ingenious calculations, and it makes full use of the greed of creatures!

Good calculation!

Yang Ling light smile, Tianyue emperor is indeed a brilliant figure, but it is a pity that this calculation is invalid for him.

Because he knows void Sutra, he won't get lost in this twisted space at all. Tianyue emperor is even the great power of Sendai, but compared with void immortal, he is a younger brother.

So, he can absorb a wave and retreat.

Ha ha a smile, Yang Ling once again unfolded the void classics, toward the internal investigation and go.

Time and space seem to be distorted in this magic fire ring. I don't know how long after that, Yang Ling swallowed four firefish again, and her heart moved and her face brightened.

His strength has broken through ten thousand, and he has reached the first critical point of breakthrough. In fact, he has been able to break through the realm of creation now!

Ten thousand dragon power broke through the realm of creation, and the inside information was deep enough.

I once talked with elder sister xianzun about the holy land. In the era when heaven and earth were not withered and monks were running everywhere, the cultivation of yuanguangjing could break through the realm of creation, and one thousand Longli could try it.

Three thousand dragon force that already belongs to the type with abundant foundation.

The breakthrough of five thousand dragon power is the absolute genius of creation.

As for the breakthrough of ten thousand dragon power, it is the accumulation of the inside information that only the peerless genius can break through the creation. Ordinary people can't accumulate to this extent.

And if Yang Ling chooses this moment to make a breakthrough, it is also the breakthrough standard of peerless genius.

At the moment, he was very excited, but almost every cell in his body was cheering, hoping to break through a higher level of life immediately, telling him all the time: break through! Break through now!

Towards a higher level of life!

Almost every cell is like this, which is a huge temptation, even a huge body inertia tempting him.

This is like a beautiful woman standing in front of you, the temptation to you, as long as you take a step to have her, and will not pay any price, not only no price, and even a lot of benefits!

However, if you choose to climb to a higher level, to pursue more beautiful and amazing women, then you still need to go through such a long period of time, and in this period of time, every cell of your body will remind you all the time to break through immediately.

What a torment it is, what a temptation it takes to endure.

Genius is not only gifted, but also has superhuman self-control and strong will. After countless years of polishing, it can finally cross the ages, ascend to the immortals and even set foot on the road of supreme immortality.

Yang Ling forced to endure this desire to break through immediately, it's not enough!

This information is not enough, for the sake of a smoother road of cultivation in the future, for the sake of being truly invincible in the world, we should make persistent efforts!

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