Looking at the sword like God Liu Mu Han at the moment, the corner of Yang Sheng's mouth just showed a sneer.

The next moment, all the Yin Yang swords, including Yu Ruyi, disappear


Liu Mu Han's eyes showed a trace of surprise. Just now, it was just an instinctive defensive reaction. At this moment, he opened the eye of heaven. At this moment, it was really a mirage.

With a small spell, the Yang Saint cheated out the secret of Tianhe wheel sword in his Xianling sword method!

This time, she wasted a lot of mana and spiritual power!

In her heart, she was angry, but she wanted to use some skills to counterattack again. But just at the moment when she pinched the sword Jue, Yu Ruyi, who didn't know where she was hiding, shot out fiercely!

Liu Muhan was startled in his heart. He knew that this jade was Ruyi. He quickly stopped his action and used the Trina tional sword formula again to protect himself with countless sword shadows.

It's just that something unexpected happened again. Yang Sheng's mouth showed a trace of ridicule, but the jade Ruyi suddenly circled and didn't choose to collide with the runner's sword shadow. Instead, it circled and flew back to Yang Sheng's side.

At the same time, Liu Muhan found a layer of cold air around him. Then, the air pressure around him began to be strange.

Yang Sheng sneered: "fairy, you are really powerful, but it's a pity that Yu Ruyi released a little ice magic power. The law of heaven and earth is hard to tolerate ice and fire. I'm afraid the air of ice around you will make the nine gods around you go away?"

Liu Muhan was surprised. This man used the magic power of ice to deal with himself by using the surrounding environment unconsciously!


Liu Muhan's secret way is not good. Before the fire of the nine heavenly gods around him completely stormed away, he started to escape the wind and disappeared in the same place.

However, all this was expected by Yang Sheng. At the moment when she was performing the art of escaping, Yang Ling took out a bronze mirror. The light from the bronze mirror reflected exactly where Liu Muhan was performing the art of escaping.

The next moment, Yu Ruyi flying, directly hit the past!

This is a prediction of Feng Dun's moving track, either concentrated by Yu Ruyi, or exerting more mana to forcibly change the direction of his movement.

Liu Muhan used a lot of mana in his panic just now. His speed was extremely fast. Under his strong inertia, he might have to use three or four thousand dragon power to change his direction!

Yang Sheng is still very old, has completely occupied the opportunity!


A dull sound comes again. Liu Muhan doesn't choose to change his wind escape direction, but uses Chixiao sword to block the blow.

Yu Ruyi flies back. The next moment, her figure shows up, but she looks at Yang Sheng coldly.

"You're smart."

Yang Sheng cold sound, that fly back and jade Ruyi is again released the cold, Liu Mu cold around the nine days God fire seems to have gone.

This is the same old trick!

This time, Liu Mu Han did not start the wind escape, but snorted, the whole body flame flowing, on the spot to directly dispel the cold.

Immediately, the surrounding fire calmed down.

Without more dialogue, although Liu Muhan is forced to be hit by Yu Ruyi, it's nothing for her who has a strong source to make people feel angry.

Did Liu Muhan catch this chance to defend and attack? The next moment was a little fingertip, but a burning stone suddenly appeared behind her!

This stone just like meteorite general, toward Yang Sheng fiercely blew in the past, all around the sacred fire to avoid retreat.

This is one of the great magic powers of fire mastered by Liu Muhan, red star falling!

"Four thousand dragon power!"

Yang Sheng was surprised, and his whole body disappeared in the same place in a blink, but the red star came after him. After circling in the mid air, he shot at him fiercely.

Yang Sheng's ultimate strength is less than 2500 dragon power. Liu Muhan's hand is 4000 dragon power, which has formed a thorough crushing force. However, it has to be said that Liu Muhan's fighting experience is still very lacking.

Before casting such a powerful method, it's better to first cast some other auxiliary Taoist methods, and at the same time, use the great advantage of spiritual power to block all the retreats of Yang Sheng, and then cast the red star drop, so as to achieve the effect of killing with one blow.

But now, it's difficult to control this Red Star Pendant to catch up with Yang Sheng.

Yang Sheng's eyes flashed, but he basically saw the reality of the fireball that followed him. The next moment, it was a flick.

He threw a magic weapon!

A very common magic weapon!

In such a high temperature environment, the magic weapon ball burned directly and was vaporized rapidly. But just before it was completely vaporized, the little ball hit the Red Star Pendant!


A startling explosion, this small ball is just like the fuse of the atomic bomb, which explodes the red star!

With the minimum cost, waste the strongest means of attack, this is experience!

The huge red star falling of 4000 dragon power explodes. Liu Muhan gives a light cry, and directly launches a tornado to protect himself firmly in the center of the tornado. Before the terrible explosion shock wave attacks him, Yang Sheng has already expected such a situation, and directly launches a Yin Yang Tai Chi pattern.

At the moment when the flame shock wave passes through the Tai Chi pattern, it seems that it has been relieved, and it has not broken the Tai Chi at all.

This is Yang Sheng's most confident defense means, this moment really easy to help him resolve the terrible attack.

The terrible shock wave comes fast and goes fast. Liu Muhan removes the tornado and takes a close look. However, Yang Sheng stands in the center of the Taiji pattern and looks at himself ironically!

"Well! See how long you can hold on! "

The Chixiao sword in his hand is used again, and the immortal sword technique draws the shadow of each way. The next moment, the shadow of the sword condenses in this sacred fire ring and attacks Yang Sheng in all directions.

Liu Mu Han's learning ability is very fast, but this is a direct blockade of all the retreat of Yang Sheng!


A light drink, all the sword shadow from all directions rushed to Yang Sheng, at the same time, she once again began to quickly pinch Jue, blazing star fall to start again!

This time, Yang Sheng can only be hard connected!

But at this moment, Yang Sheng's face showed a grim smile.

"Puff, puff, puff!"

The next moment, Yang Sheng's whole body was pierced by countless sword shadows, leaving blood behind, and then exploded into a blood fog with a bang.


Liu Mu cold fierce reaction come over, this time is not empty shadow, is a double!

To be exact, it should be regarded as a separate body!

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