Quietly with a look at Zhang Wenqi, loyalty shows 89 points, is a very high level.

Although Yang Ling knows that she may not be competent, but the situation of the company is complex now. He and Liu Muhan are both employing people, and high loyalty is the first choice.

Two people said a word, suddenly Yang Ling's mobile phone rang, after connecting, came Liu Muhan's angry voice: "a Ling, where are you going to interview?"

Yang Ling said with a smile, "something happened just now. I'm in the park next door. Come here?"

"Yes, you wait for me."

A moment later, a Rolls Royce slowly drives over. Liu Muhan gets out of the car and looks at Yang Ling. His eyes are fixed on Zhang Wenqi.

Zhang Wenqi was looked at by the female president's eyes, and the whole person became nervous. Yang Ling said with a smile: "Liu Dong, this is my junior high school practice teacher, called Zhang Wenqi."

"I've hired her as secretary to our president's office."

Liu Muhan smelled the speech and nodded slightly. He said to Zhang Wenqi, "I believe that a Ling's vision, you know it again, and follow him later."

Hearing the speech, Zhang Wenqi quickly nodded her head and said, "OK, Liu Dong, don't worry, I will work hard!"

In front of the outsider, Liu Muhan brings her iceberg female president's aura, which is also a beautiful woman, but Zhang Wenqi seems to be shocked.

Seeing this, Liu Muhan said with a smile: "you are Yang Dong's teacher. Don't be so restrained in front of me. Just be casual."

"I have something to talk about with Yang Dong. You go back first."

Zhang Wenqi smelled the speech and looked at Yang Ling. After seeing Yang Ling nodding slightly, she whispered: "I'll go back first. Goodbye to the two directors."

Looking at the girl's disappearing figure, Liu Muhan did not have a good airway: "a Ling, I have read the information about this girl. She is a Chinese teacher, so I'm afraid it's not suitable to be a secretary."

"Are you in love with someone else?"

With jealousy, Yang Ling laughed and shook his head and said, "she is not as good-looking as you are. I have no energy to hook up with others."

"By the way, didn't you mean to take me to a place?"

"Let's go?"

Liu Muhan is about to say something, but Yang Ling has already walked towards the car. She pouts and quickly follows up.

This time, Liu Lan is no longer. Liu Muhan drove by alone. Sitting on the co pilot, looking at the scenery flying past the window, Yang Ling said curiously, "where are we going?"

Liu Muhan chuckled: "by the sea."

"By the sea?"

Yang Ling said in surprise, "is it going to swim? I don't have my swimming trunks with me! "

Liu Muhan chuckled: "I know you don't have it. I've prepared it for you."

Yang Ling smell speech funny way: "also, you should know the size of my swimming trunks."


"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Liu Muhan's face was red, but he didn't show any vitality.

Although s city is not far away from the sea, it has to be open for two hours. All the way through the wind and the electric engine, they talk and feel that the time passes quickly.

A moment later, at the beach, they looked at the blue sea, and Liu Muhan took a deep breath: "I've wanted to go on holiday for a long time. I've agreed with my mother that we'll stay here one night and go back tomorrow."

Yang Ling said with a smile, "Liu Dong, is this our honeymoon trip?"

"Of course not!"

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