But in any case, the maids have reached the level of the holy land.

This is also because they are not in the strict sense of having an independent life, so they will not be restricted by the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, we can have such ability.

Unfortunately, after the maids reached the battle effectiveness of the holy land, the cost soared to 10000 wish value, which was a little expensive.

Yang Ling is not in a hurry to make sure. Instead, she looks at the system mall, but her eyes are bright.

After he discovered his realm improvement, he unlocked some new things, such as the sale of various holy implements in the mall, the upgrade cards of various holy implements and magic weapons, and the upgrade cards of rule powers.

Yangling seems to open up a new world, everything seems to be different from before.

This time, the system gives a more detailed description of all kinds of skills. The skills of law, such as the law of phagocytosis and the law of terror, are actually the magic in the common sense.

The power of alchemy is related to the strength of the law fragment you have mastered. The law power upgrade card is actually to strengthen the law fragment you have mastered, which is similar to the strengthening magic power at that time.

The power also needs to have the suitable method to display, the immortal skill power promotion is quite useful for Yang Ling.

As for the great magic, it is a combination of many rules to form the power level of the great magic, or the top rules of the heavens, which alone has the power of the great magic.

As for the top ten rules, they are more powerful than magic when used alone.

After looking at these new cards, Yang Ling thought about it carefully, and decided to upgrade the power of the magic first. As for the promotion of the holy weapon, because of the great power of refining treasure, it can be advanced by the plundered resources and energy.

The skills of the immortal law are different from those of the supernatural power. The law stresses comprehension. Therefore, the immortal law skills can be divided into several power stages, namely, the law fragment stage, the law crystal stage, the law perfection stage and the final law essence stage.

If the essence of the law is condensed in the body, then it is equivalent to completely controlling the law, just like Yang Ling's wish essence, no matter how powerful it is.

Moreover, the evolution of a law to the true meaning can improve one's own strength, cultivation, and so on. It is not only like the previous supernatural power, but also has little effect on the improvement of cultivation.

In fact, after creating the realm, Yang Ling felt that the whole cultivation system had some differences, which was closer to the immortal's cultivation system.

In addition, the mall also updated the moves of Shengyuan Dan and Shenglong Dan, but these can be extracted from the war treasure chest. Yang Ling decided to buy the magic upgrade card.

The price of a magic upgrade card is 100000 wish value, which can enhance the power of a magic to a higher level.

He has a wish value of 200000 at present, and he just bought two cards.

Yang Ling said in a deep voice: "system, give me two immortal promotion cards."

"Ding, the host chooses to buy two Xianfa promotion cards, which add up to 20W wish value. Are you sure?"


At the command, the card is in hand.

Yang Ling tentatively said: "I want to use the immortal method upgrade card to upgrade the general outline of fate."

"Ding, the general principle of fate does not belong to the immortal law, and cannot be upgraded."

Good guy, I really can't.

If the general outline of fate can not be upgraded, Yang Ling will not be in a hurry. He will upgrade the fragments of any law until all the gains are digested.

He's going to open the treasure chest.

"System, give me two ordinary boxes first to cushion the bottom."

"Ding, the host has chosen to open the ordinary wish treasure box. Please wait a moment."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1 upgrade card of random spirit beast."

"Ding, congratulations on your magic card * 1."

This... Luck seems to be average.

But as the saying goes, first bitter then sweet, there may be something good in the box below.

"Twenty war chests, let's go!"

"Ding, the host has chosen to open 20 war chests. Please wait a moment."

After waiting for a moment, the prompt sound of the system rang out one after another: "Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Shengyuan Dan * 1."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Shengyuan pill * 2."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Shengyuan Dan * 4."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Shengyuan pill * 3."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Shengyuan pill * 2."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Shengyuan pill..."

With the continuous sound of the system prompt, Yang Ling's eyes widened. Good guy, all the 19 boxes are Shengyuan pills. Did you give 50 Shengyuan pills back and forth?

What about shengyuandan for dinner today?

The corners of his mouth twitch, expecting the last good thing.

According to the usual practice, the system will burst good things in the last box.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: shenglongdan * 1."


Three question marks appeared on Yang Ling's head.

Good guy, the last one was sent to the most rubbish, twenty boxes!

Blood loss!

Long time no see of open a box, unexpectedly opened a pile of Dan medicine, really speechless.

Well, in fact, Shengyuan Dan is also good. What can improve the potential has great potential. The higher the future achievements, the more investment in the future

"Open, continue to open, two exclusive treasure boxes have also been opened!"

"Ding, we are opening yuanlei's exclusive wish treasure box for you. Please wait a moment."

The waiting time is very long. After a long time, the system prompts: "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the law fragment: pure law."

"Lying trough!"

Yang Ling, who heard the system prompt sound, was surprised to get the pure rule!

Although the law of purity sounds elegant, in fact, it is one of the top 100 laws in the sky. It is extremely powerful and can purify everything!

Mom! Yuan Lei looks very evil. In fact, she is a simple girl. She gives such a piece of law!

With the addition of the top 100 pieces of laws, you can upgrade them and create your own magic with the pure law as the core.

It's true that the top three hundred laws of Zhutian can be used as the core, supplemented by other laws, to create great magic!

Sure enough, it's bitter first and sweet later. If you want to open a good thing, it's still an exclusive treasure box!

It's so nice to have so many girls around!

"System, let's make persistent efforts to open the exclusive treasure box of Qingling fairy for me."

"Ding, we are opening the special treasure box of Qingling fairy for the host. Please wait a moment."

This time, the waiting time is even longer. What will Qingling fairy give to reincarnation?

Yang Ling is really looking forward to it.

After waiting for a long time, the system prompts the sound: "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the law fragment: the law of big move."

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