Good guy, this big pie is big enough. These big guys find the gate of the new world at once.

Don't monks just want a resource?

Once upon a time, we were born and killed for the resources of Tianyue star. Now the vast world outside can be explored. Of course, we have a good cooperation!

At present, they are all nominally under the jurisdiction of the dragon god palace. We are colleagues. This has eased the relationship of the whole mainland.

It's really a rare scene for thousands of years that the big men of the main departments, who used to have a very bad relationship, are chatting with each other now.

Of course, the topic they talked about most was Yang Ling, the real principal of the dragon god palace.

In particular, some female Taoists have heard that Yang Ling is very good-looking, and she is the principal of such a huge force. Many people have regarded her as the prince charming in their heart.

These friars at the top of their innate state, in small groups, are discussing how Yang Ling is doing. What they don't know is that what will start soon is not the summit of the cultivation world, but the idol meeting.

At this time, a black cloud came into the sky, and the voice on the square immediately went down. After the cloud fell to the ground, a girl wearing a black gorgeous gown and a dark golden crown on her head appeared, but it was Yuan Lei.

All the friars in the square, including the sect of the main sect, the supreme elder and so on, all bowed down and said, "see the Lord of the demon hall."

Yuanlei, one of the few great friars of yuanguangjing in Tianyue, is now married to Yang Ling, and her momentum has reached its peak.

It is said that after Jue Tianshen died, Yuan Lei was the most powerful person in the mainland of Tianyue.

The holy land is high and unattainable, and Yuanguang realm is even higher than Jiutian realm. Everyone bends down to salute, which shows the respect for yuanlei.

Yuan Lei looks cold, but after a sound, accompanied by two maids, she walks into the conference hall.

Until her back disappeared, the crowd gasped a little.

Tianmo temple was almost the public enemy of the mainland before. Even now everyone belongs to the dragon god palace, Yuan Lei won't give them a good look.

Everyone is secretly glad that this big man has been married, and it's not the matter for her to be in charge of the heaven devil temple, otherwise everyone will have nightmares when they sleep at night.

Yuan Lei just walked into the conference hall, but a piece of auspicious cloud came in the distance. After landing, two figures appeared. Seeing this, the crowd saluted again in a hurry and said: "see the Lord of the moon hall, see the Lord of Yin Sheng."

Naturally, it is yuetianteng and fangyingyu.

Yue tianteng was directly promoted by Yang Ling to be the Lord of the temple of God. The two have been married for nearly a month, and it seems that they are getting married.

They are also the giants of yuan Guangjing. Although they are not as cold as Yuan Lei, they just nod and walk into the hall together.

No matter yuanlei, yuetianteng or fangyingyu, they are all old monsters who have lived for many years. Yuanguangjing's life level is very different from these monsters. In essence, there is a big gap between them, so they seem arrogant.

The simplest examples are cats. Do tigers greet kittens seriously?

The gap between the congenital environment and the Yuanguang environment is much larger than that between the kitten and the tiger.

It's the first time for many people to see the real monk yuan Guangjing. For a moment, their legs are trembling instinctively. The little red faced nuns discussed by Yang Ling before found themselves so naive.

It is said that Yang Ling is a more powerful man in the realm of creation than monk Guangjing of the Yuan Dynasty. He is almost the apex of the human form. If he goes up again, he will become an immortal.

They feel that maybe Yang Ling passed by and could not even stand steadily.

In other words, the powerful and beautiful maids of the dragon god palace have seen a lot, but none of the legendary family has appeared.

Everyone began not to speak, even if they spoke a lot, because they felt that maybe the three members of the family would appear.

Sure enough, they didn't wait long. In the direction of dragon god palace, several people came slowly.

The leader is naturally Yang Ling.

But Yang Ling was the only one. Liu Muhan and Leiya didn't come. After eating the essence of the moon, they were both practicing, but they didn't slow down.

Su Qiling did not know where they were, but Yang Ling was the only one to attend the meeting.

At the moment, Yang Ling is accompanied by four little sisters, 2b, A2, C8 and 9s. They are temporary guest secretaries, recording the contents of the meeting and reporting back to their respective owners.

Four people in uniform black combat clothes, with the latest black shake Light Tactical glasses, floating around their own pot small auxiliary robot, very cool.

"Here it is

Everyone is almost a soul stirring. At the moment when Yang Ling appears in everyone's sight, almost everyone instinctively lowers his head.

Yang Ling did not release any aura, but walked gently, but it was the realm of creation that made them unable to look directly at it.

Before those who want to see a handsome young lady sister, where can also look up at the moment, they feel that they even have to stop breathing.

You know, these are all the big guys in the big business!

For a moment, the whole square appeared a scene of surprise, such a big square, so many experts, only Yang Ling a few people's footsteps, not even breathing.

This spectacle was also recorded by the historians, and became the chatting material after dinner.

As Yang Ling walked along, he looked at the big men of these major departments curiously. He also felt that the atmosphere was not right. He whispered: "2B, if you want to participate in such meetings in the future, you'd better wear a maid's skirt. Don't wear sunglasses. It's frightening to wear such formal clothes."

"Yes, I'll shorten the skirt."

2B originally wore the Black Gothic Lori skirt. When she heard Yang Ling's words, she was about to change the long skirt into a short one. Yang Ling was stunned and laughed, and said in a low voice: "you're not wearing leggings. There are so many great friars here, who can't turn their eyes? Next time. "

"Yes, sir."

Looking at the serious 2B beside, Yang Ling laughed and quickened her pace.

When we got to the front square, all the friars bowed down together and said, "see you, master of the palace!"

The voice is very neat, no one dare to look up, they are waiting for Yang Ling to walk into the conference palace, but unexpectedly, there is a voice of Yang Ling's smile: "please get up."

"The leader of the dragon god palace is my daughter. Today she and her mother are busy, so I will preside over the meeting."

"You don't have to be polite."

The voice is gentle and pleasant, making people feel like a spring breeze. Yang Ling's attitude is quite different from that of Yuan Lei and others!

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