Qingling fairy followed Liu Muhan for three years. Not to mention how to improve her cultivation, she has grown up in all aspects. Moreover, she has lived seven or eight hundred years, and her abilities in all aspects are outstanding.

Under the test, the woman's political ability is 91 points, but she is able to take charge of her own affairs.

The most important thing is that her cultivation is high, and Yuan Guangjing's ability is also a system related person, which is the right person to stay.

Not to mention, Yuan Lei's political ability has reached 94 points. Although there is a slight gap compared with Liu Muhan, it is also two points lower, which is enough to manage this huge planet.

At present, the major sects of Tianyue star have been completely dependent on each other. Tianyue star is harmonious and has entered the road of rapid development. The two of them have left enough space.

With the 200 maids left behind, Yang Ling was not worried about what would happen.

It has been agreed that two years later, yuanlei and Qingling fairy will go to the earth with a new army of monks.

On February 19, 2040 earth time, Yang Ling, Liu Muhan, Su Qiling, Su Qiuxia, miaotong'er and other people from the holy land, took the Muling spacecraft and set out to return to earth.

In the vast sky, a huge spaceship is sailing. The spaceship seems to be flying slowly, but the actual speed is one fourth of the speed of light. At the moment, the spaceship is sailing towards the nearest space node.

Inside the spaceship, in the luxurious lounge, Yang Ling and his wife are here.

The rest room is exclusive to the Yangling family. During this boring time of space flight, we eat and sleep here.

But the problem came, a room of women, one by one wearing a small Halter shirt skirt, completely ignored the existence of Yang Ling.

A group of beautiful women dress like this and sway around in front of their eyes, but when everyone is together, you can't do anything to them. This kind of feeling is really

It's a little uncomfortable, ok

Yang Ling has been thinking of finding an excuse to leave

At this meeting, Liu Muhan is playing with Su Qiling. Leiya and her friends are watching the game. They are playing chess. At this level, it is not as simple as playing chess.

It's all about comparing her calculation ability with each other. Although Su Qiling hasn't reached Yuanguang realm yet, her calculation ability is not good because she has the bonus of Zifu fox fairy house, and Liu Muhan's calculation ability of creating the realm is also fantastic.

The next step is to calculate the possibility of thousands of changes in the future, which is more powerful than supercomputers. Miaotong'er and Su Qiuxia, after reading for a while, feel that they can't understand, and Leiya is excitedly giving directions.

At the moment, Yang Ling, sitting by the window, is looking at the dark universe outside. Bored, she is calculating how much acceleration it will take to escape the shackles of the black hole at this speed.

After eating a strawberry from Su Qiuxia, Yang Ling said curiously, "Qiuxia, do you remember your previous life?"

Su Qiuxia said with a faint smile: "I think of some, but not all."

She sat beside Yang Ling, looking at Liu Muhan and other girls, and said softly, "it seems that I was a lonely person in my previous life, but I can be with you in this life. I feel that I have died well in my last life."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "yes, to meet you, I died in my last life is blood earned."

"In other words, do you remember your eight wasteland and Six Harmonies self respecting magic skill? What can I do for you? "

"In terms of resources, you can allocate whatever space you have."

Su Qiuxia nods her head gently. She really remembers the miraculous skills of her previous life. Just like Liu Muhan, her previous life is so strange to her that she has no sense of substitution.

While they were talking, suddenly, Yang Ling seemed to find something and looked out of the window at the universe.

The cold universe, at the end of Yang Ling's line of sight appeared a black light spot, this light spot flash away, but it can not escape Yang Ling's eyes.

"Eh, is that a moving space crack?"

Yang Ling's eyes showed a color of surprise. The light spot is a regular pattern. Generally speaking, the cracks in the space are irregular in shape, which proves that the light spot is made by people.

It should be the entrance to a certain space, but it may fall into the starry sky for various reasons.

On the other side of the light spot may be a brand new world, or some dangerous place, or even be banished to the edge of the universe. However, people who can make such regular space entrances usually have meta light realm at least.

Then it's not likely to be a mess. It's more likely to be the monk's hidden cave or something.

In Yuan light, some of the monks who are lucky or gifted have an independent small world, and the most likely light spot is the entrance to the small world.

"What? The space entrance of law

Leiya is not interested in playing chess. Instead, she lies on Yang Ling and looks out of the window. She says, "Dad, where is the entrance? Are you old and dazzled?"

Yang Ling rolled a white eye, one side is playing chess Liu Mu Han light angry way: "Jin Lei, don't talk to your father like this."

"Oh, I see."

Leiya spat out her little tongue, still holding Yang Ling. Su Qiling took the opportunity to push the chess and said with a giggle: "no, we're playing together!"

"Oh, Mu Han, let's go and have a look."

Liu Mu Han smiles and shakes his head. The whole family is lying by the window and looking out next to Yang Ling, but everyone can see the abnormality.

With a faint smile, a black mirror appeared in front of Yang Ling's eyes. The mirror seemed to be a telescope magnified thousands of times. Everyone immediately found the light spot.

"The entrance to the small world!"

"Dad, this is the entrance of a small world in space! Maybe some Sendai place in ancient times can stay here. Let's hurry to have a look! "

Leiya seems very happy, and Yangling also has some heart. Liu Mu frowns and says: "if it's really a small secret place, it's not good to say. How far is it from our spaceship?"

"Can we send a small unmanned reconnaissance ship to explore first?"

"Well... About 0.03 light years."


Liu Mu cold smell speech tiny a Leng, some speechless.

03 light years. It doesn't look like much, but the speed of a small unmanned spacecraft is only 14 light years

A month later, when the unmanned spacecraft arrived there, I didn't know where the entrance to the secret place had gone.

"I'll go!"

Su Qiling was the first to raise her hand. Then Miao tong'er also raised her hand and said, "I'll go with Qiling!"

"Carlisle and I are going, too!"

Speaking Leiya, this kind of thing, naturally will not lag behind.

Of course, Yang Ling also wanted to go, and she went alone.

The room is full of women, and can't do anything else. How can he stay with a room full of women all day?

I've been holding it for half a month. It's time to go out and let it out

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