With that, Yang Ling directly threw Yi Yulan into his arms. Looking at the stunned Jin Muyu, she relaxed her tone and sighed: "life is always faced with constant choices. Under different backgrounds, the rules and rules will also change."

"Is your heart ready?"

"Jin Muyu, it's time for you to grow up."

Then he turned around and walked slowly towards the front.

Hearing Yang Ling's words, Jin Muyu seemed to have a little light in his mind, but his dying girlfriend in his arms made him unable to think more. He said eagerly, "classmate Yang, no, senior Yang, I know you are an expert in the world. I will try my best to do what you say. Please help my girlfriend."

"Help her..."

Yang lingdun stopped, light said: "I said, your woman, I will only save once."

"And it's not just me who can save her."

"Think about it. Think about why you can do something difficult to understand that day. Maybe it's really useful?"

He did not turn around and walked forward again, but he came to a flower bed and stood still, looking up at the sky, as if thinking about something.

Jin Mu Yu looks at his girlfriend who has only one last breath left in his arms. His heart is in a mess.

However, we have to say that he is immortal reincarnation. Although he has not yet awakened, he has not completely lost his mind.

He thought quickly in his mind, and the mood in his heart seemed to communicate something.

Chaos is the main melody of everything in the world. The process of entropy increase is chaos, and chaos will lose energy.

And order is the only law that can restrain the law of entropy increase except the true meaning of fate, which is the law that can keep the total energy of the universe from losing rapidly.

What you say and what you think in your heart, everything will turn from chaos to order.

In order, you can control, you can use your fingers.

This is the essence of order.

At the moment, Jin Muyu's heart urgently hopes that his girlfriend can recover, and the recovery needs the poisonous blood in the body to be discharged from the body.

He sent out the true meaning of order. At this moment, all the poisonous blood was manipulated, and a little bit of countercurrent was really discharged from the body!

This scene shocked the two sisters and the horsetail girl on one side.

Yang Ling, who also pays close attention to the situation here, shows a smile at the corner of her mouth.

This time, the dust of order was more and more. Under the rapid calculation in his heart, he also understood a lot. All the calculated answers to the Runes of order law in his heart began to condense little by little, and the fragments of order had already appeared.

Sure enough, it's still necessary to stimulate this best friend to make the golden finger in his body explode faster.

Otherwise, according to this guy's single minded temper, God knows when he will be able to complete the transformation completely.

A moment later, Yi Yulan, who was already dying, opened her eyes. She was a little surprised and said, "Muyu?"

"I... are we in hell? Why are you dead... "

Her tears trickle down, but Jin Muyu hugs her girlfriend.

This moment, like a new life.

"Ding, your words reminded Jin Muyu and indirectly saved them. Wish fragment collection succeeded (100 times.)"

"Ding, you get a wish value of 800 points."

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Yang Ling's mouth turned up and was about to say something. Suddenly, something invisible and untouchable wrapped around him, making him slightly stunned.

"Qi Yun?"

"Is it the reward of the planet?"

Yang Ling suddenly reacts and looks at Jin Muyu.

The samsara of the great calamity and the great rule is endless. Under the calamity, the will of the planet is bound to launch a savior.

It could be one, it could be a couple.

Just now, a trace of the true meaning of order broke out in the twilight of Jin Dynasty, and Yi Yulan also showed a ray of power of reincarnation of fairies. As the aborigines of this planet, they were chosen as saviors at this moment!

Because Yang Ling has helped the Savior, she has been rewarded by the spirit of the planet!

Then the previous puzzle has also been solved. The reason why we can't plunder Qi Yun is that all Qi Yun is controlled by the will of this planet!

The will of the planet controls the movement of air, which means that the will of the planet has a strong sense of autonomy. It is not the will of Tianyue, but the existence of mother earth, aqua blue!

Yang Ling immediately judged that the will of the planet converges all the Qi, which is to fight against the great monk who is stripping the core of the planet.

"Interesting, more and more interesting."

"Nothing else. It's enough to know that the planet's air transport is in the hands of an existence."

Yang Ling's eyes have a light flash of light, the heart has already begun the rapid calculation.

On the other side, Yi Yulan seemed to recover. The two saviors walked to Yang Ling hand in hand and bowed at the same time. Yi Yulan said respectfully, "thank you for saving us, classmate Yang."

"We don't know the principle of this, but whether it's a test or anything else, in a word, I believe you don't mean us any harm."“ Jin Muyu and I will try our best to grow up and reach the expectation in your heart. "“ When I think about it, you will tell us everything, right Yang Ling looked at the beautiful woman, and then looked at Jin Muyu, but said faintly: "I don't have any expectations for you, but there are some. I'm optimistic about you." Then he looked at Jin Muyu, but he took out a long knife and put it on the ground. He hummed, "Jin Muyu, how long are you going to hide behind a woman?"“ I don't want to see your girlfriend be your knife again. "“ If I see you again, I'll kill Yi Yulan first and see who can protect you when I see you. "“ Hum Put a cruel words, it is to hum again, Yang Ling goes forward again. Jin Mu Yu looked at the long knife on the ground, and then at the background of Yang Ling. He was a little stunned. But Yi Yulan pulled out a long knife and put it in his hand. He said with a smile, "this Yang classmate is terrible, but I feel that he attaches great importance to you."“ Cold outside and hot inside, he is a gentle boy, and also a little proud yo, cluck... "Is... Is it?" Jin Mu Yu scratched his head“ Well Yi Yulan nodded and said with a smile, "I have a premonition that you will become good friends in the future."“ And I will know many excellent and like-minded girls through him“ Come on, let's follow him As he said this, he took Jin Muyu's hand and called the three girls back. They set out on the road again. This time, Yang Ling opened the way. Even though he was besieged by several waves of zombies on the road, all of them were easily solved by Yang Ling's knife. Along the way, Yi Yulan has been secretly observing Yang Ling's movements. He seems to be secretly learning all kinds of skills when he flicks his sword. And Yang Ling naturally also found this point, not only did not hide clumsily, but put the action more slowly, more clearly. Of course, his face is still cold. After all, it's the power of creation. Don't make friends with these guys before they wake up!

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