Yang Ling didn't have the time to appreciate the friars' battle in the sky. On the battlefield, it's urgent to seize the time to eliminate the other side.

He turned his head to Mu WANYING and said, "WANYING, you can send orders to all the maids. Our demons can fly those, too."

"Fight for a complete defeat in two hours."


Mu WANYING nodded and turned away.

Then, 1300 fighting maids rushed up at the same time, and the black cloud formed by the demons also changed.

These are 1300 maids who have almost reached the holy land!

The maids just rushed out and killed hundreds of thousands of flying Warcraft in a flash.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

Including those experts in the demon cloud are also stunned.

The whole world knows that the maid corps of Yang Ling's family is terrible, but at the moment, it is shocked to this extent!

"Holy Land..."

"Yang Ling, where did you get so many Fairies in holy land?"

The voice of the ape demon king was obviously surprised. He saw that the maids were all elves, but he couldn't understand why so many elves almost equal to the holy land appeared around the same person!

Yang Ling can't answer this kind of question. His eyes are full of sighs as he looks at the maids who fly wantonly and are invincible in the world.

After so many years of accumulation, the maids have finally formed their combat effectiveness, which is an invincible force and the trump of their own trumps!

At this moment, the whole world is appreciating the unparalleled heroism of the maids, and also deeply aware of the terrible existence of Yang Ling and the Yang family.

With this maid, you can push everything!

There was no chance for the Warcraft to appear. The maids directly defeated each other's flying Warcraft Legion.

More than 100000 Warcraft can be killed in one second. The whole sky is full of sword Qi. Ten breathing time almost strangles the enemy units!

The demon cloud retreats and hides in the depth of the ten thousand demon valley.

The biggest air battle in the history of mankind ended suddenly, but naturally.

People who came back from the shock began to cheer. Everyone cheered long live aling, long live the maid sister, long live the earth.

The maids returned to Yang Ling and stood quietly behind him. At this moment, Yang Ling showed a kind of unparalleled hegemony.

Long live a Ling

"We love you!"

Even across the ocean, Yang Ling seemed to hear the general cry of the tsunami.

In this cry, the system's prompt sound starts: "Ding, it is detected that under the command of the host, human beings have won the largest air battle in history. The system determines that you have dominated a large area. The progress of cultivation is + 5, and the current progress is 11850."

"Ding, it is detected that all living beings in the world are reading your name. The endless and sincere wish is condensed, and the true meaning of wish is strengthened."

"Ding, system level upgrade, current level: lv23, you can see the new functions added by yourself."

At the sound of the system, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Yang Ling's mouth. As mentioned in Zhu Tian's grand wish, one day, he will let all the hundreds of millions of creatures in Zhu Tian read my name.

"Orders, ground forces under the cover of air forces, slowly advance."

"Remember, the fire goes."


The head of the fighting maid, yong'er, took the order and immediately sent the order. The rest of the maids still stood quietly behind Yang Ling, waiting for the master's order.

At the moment, they are murderous and in sharp contrast with their charming and lovely appearance in the palace.

The command is conveyed layer upon layer. The huge fleet is pressing toward the mainland. Countless planes are exploring the way and missiles are hurling down. Even if they can't blow up people, they can't let the other side head up.

The originally deployed tanks slowly folded up. In addition to the necessary remaining, the tanks and robots began to push forward layer by layer.

More mechanized troops begin to land, and huge engineering robots begin to build huge war fortresses on the beach. Once the war fortress is set up, it will become a very strong firepower point on the ground, just like his name. I don't know how much it will cost to pull it out.

At the same time, a war fortress can cover a wide sea area to resist the threat from the sea.

At noon on February 17, 2040, the air battle in Antarctica ended. The four armies landed in Antarctica and began to fight on the ground to wipe out Wanyao valley.

Everyone went to lunch with an excited mood, and the soldiers began to eat LingMi in batches.

At the same time, a large number of ordinary low AI robots began to clean the battlefield.

The flesh and blood of monsters are rich in nutritional value. In addition to being used as the fuel of controllable nuclear fusion, they can also be used as canned luncheon meat, which is delicious and can improve the cultivation.

It contains far more energy than LingMi, which is a good thing for the human Union, which is committed to promoting the cultivation of the whole people.

In the cabin of the spaceship, Yang Ling's family get together for dinner. Leiya sits next to Yang Ling, holds his arm and says excitedly: "Dad, after this battle, I think the main army of Wanyao Valley has been eliminated."

"Just now I saw the chart. 300 kilometers away, there is a gathering place of Haizu under the water at the depth of 8000 meters. I suggest that the underwater troops can be divided into two ways. One way is to continue to catch up with the underwater monsters monitoring Wanyao Valley, and the other way is to sneak into the Haizu city to eliminate this gathering place and completely crush the possibility of Haizu's reinforcement."

As soon as this remark came out, the girls thought it was reasonable to break it. Mengmeng suggested, "this time I'll go into the water to see how I beat the Hai people."

"Yang Xiaobing, who has made great achievements in the war, also hopes to fight again. Both of them are the extreme creatures of ice attribute, and they are very restrained to the sea people."

Yang Ling looked at Su Qiuxia and said, "Qiuxia, what do you think?"

Su Qiuxia pondered for a while and then nodded slightly: "Xiaolei's plan is feasible. At present, it is a link of ground combat. Although the combat task of underwater submarine troops is not heavy, they can build a bridgehead near Antarctica."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Yang Ling said with a smile, "this plan is really good, but don't forget our original strategic purpose."

"Our only goal in this battle is to wipe out the Wanyao Valley completely. The lion and the rabbit fight with all his strength. I don't think it's a good thing to fight on two lines before we win completely."

"As for the city of Haizu, he can't fly. When Wanyao Valley is wiped out, he will come back to capture it."


"It's dad who thinks it over!"

When the plan was rejected, Leiya didn't feel depressed at all. Instead, she hugged Yang Ling's arm more intimately and said, "Dad, my plan is to advance 300 kilometers. In the afternoon, I will lead the vanguard army myself."


Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "remember to underestimate the enemy's rash advance. After 300 kilometers of advance, immediately set up camp and release the engineering robots to build the fortress."

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