
"What tribe of savages are you? Are you still hanging your head in these days? Not afraid of bad luck? "

Sometimes, Yang Ling really didn't understand what his daughter was thinking. He looked at Yang Xiaoxuan and said, "Xiaoxuan, you'll burn that head in the back. It's clean if you can't see it."


Yang Xiaoxuan's face showed the color of embarrassment. Leiya giggled: "Dad, Xiaoxuan, after she entered the Mothership, she hasn't got off the ship for more than two years. She's afraid of water!"

"There are also wonderful clothes. I dare not leave the carrier at all. Ha ha ha."

Only then did Yang Ling think about why these two cute girls with fire attributes were arranged to fight with the Hai nationality underwater

Yang Ling was surprised and said, "where are Carlyle and elodis?"

"At the front of the line."

Leiya said, "I'm sending them to stop the sirens from eroding our underwater forces."

The next time, Yang Ling carefully looked at Xia Leiya's platoon arrangement and combat plan. In fact, there was no problem at all. So far, she had no lessons to protect the city. The reason was that the opponent's strength was too strong.

The sea demon area envelops the whole sea fortress, and the sea fortress is the gateway of the sea heart city.

If you are attacked by both sides, the loss will be even more severe.

Yang Ling said curiously: "when I look at the sea demon area, the core lies in the continuous protection of the beast soul. As long as I cut off the beast soul, it's easier to fight."

"Have you investigated this, daughter?"


Leiya took out a document and handed it to Yang Ling. "Here, Dad, this is the result of the investigation."

Yang Ling a look under, but is tiny a Leng.

The core of the sea demon field is actually in the earth's crust, that is, in the deeper geological layer. Leiya has personally explored this geological layer. There are countless masters of the sea tribe, Bingyi who have restored their cultivation, the outstanding sea emperor of all ages, and even the legendary female emperor, in the palace of the geological layer.

"Have you had a fight with them?"

Yang Ling looked at her daughter and asked.

Leiya nodded seriously and said, "I went with Carlisle. As a result, we were besieged by a large group of Hai people. There were hundreds of excellent princes, princesses and the best sons of heaven. They bullied us two weak women."

"Weak woman, you?"

Yang Ling even rolled her eyes. If you are a weak woman, Yang Ling doesn't know who else can be called a strong woman in the world

Leiya said seriously: "Dad, you know Carlyle and I are not clay kneaded, but they are very good at combo because of their close blood relationship."

"Carlisle and I have been fighting for three days and three nights, but we haven't been attacked. We've been scolded by them for being evil women and evil women's heads. In a word, it's very annoying!"

Yang lingpu laughed and said, "daughter, to tell you the truth, I can't even refute this as a father."

"You and Carlyle... Yes, well, there's something wrong with character."

"Dad! You... "

Leiya said angrily: "originally I had a battle plan, now I won't tell you, hum!"

The little boy pretended to be angry. Yangling laughed and said, "OK, what's your royal highness plan? I'm all ears.


Leiya got closer and said in a low voice: "Dad, as long as we shield the gravity for a short time, the sea water will float. At that time, Carlisle and I will use our magic power to send the sea water to the sun, which will be able to break the home advantage of the sea people."

"These hateful sirens are like plucked cocks without sea water. I'll kill them at will."


Yang Ling stares at her serious daughter.

"Daughter, do you know the impact of this plan? How many creatures in the ocean will be extinct, have you ever thought about it? "

Leiya chuckled: "extinction is extinction. In the primitive life soup of the earth, there are some single celled organisms."

"The re evolution of all marine organisms may be a great process of life evolution."


Yang Ling twisted Leiya's small face and said angrily, "stop all your strange plans. Do you hear me?"


Leiya grabs Yang Ling's hand in both hands and explains: "Dad, don't be angry. At the beginning, I just wanted to use a nuclear bomb to exterminate, but Mary and liu Tie said that you must sign it."

"I don't have enough authority, or I wouldn't have thought of using these risky plans."

"Drop the bomb?"

"I should throw you out to feed the fish. My reputation will be destroyed in your hands sooner or later."

Yang Ling even rolled her eyes. Fortunately, she didn't have the right to throw a nuclear bomb. Otherwise, with Leiya's temperament, she could throw all the nuclear bombs in the world at one go

"Dad, don't say that. I'll be good. Let go, ok..."

For this daughter, even Yang Ling, who has become an immortal, feels that she can't do anything about it. The second generation of immortals can't keep up with others. They have more money than others, and they are better than Xius, but they regard human life as a weed

He released his hand, but said: "when I see your mother, with her temper, I don't think you may be able to survive in her hands."

Leiya rubbed her little face and said wrongly, "no, mom is not willing to screw my face like you..."

"Well, I won't tell you about it."

Yang Ling said helplessly, "I'll go and see for myself what's going on in the earth's crust."

"C8, get Carlyle."

"Yes, master."

Has been standing at the side of C8 immediately went, not a moment, Carlyle came to Yangling in front.

"Yang Ling, you..."

Carly looked at Yang Ling's eyes with a bit of surprise, in the end is the system related characters ah, she also saw that in front of the youth has become a fairy.

Yang Ling said with a faint smile, "Xiao Li, I'll go underground with Jin Lei, and you'll have this side."

"Xiao Li..."

Carly blushed a little, but nodded her head and said, "OK, I know how to do it."

At this time, Leiya is in front of Yang Ling, humming: "Carly, what are you blushing about?"

"I regard you as my best friend, but you are my mother?"


As if she had been told something was on her mind, Carlyle's brow jumped and immediately retorted, "what's the right of you father control to speak?"

"I think you'd like to call Mu Han elder sister, wouldn't you? Why don't you call your mother your sister, huh


Lei Ya's teeth are itching, but it can't be refuted. Yang Ling waved her hand and said, "what's in a mess? OK, that's it."

"Jinlei, lead the way."


Leiya makes a face at Carlyle and disappears into the Mothership with Yang Ling in her arms.

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