The law of order can control all the elements of the heavens, and it is higher than the law represented by the elements themselves.

Even if you are Da Yuanman, or even have the true meaning of the law of water, but in front of the law of order, it is nothing at all.

This is the crush of the superior law on the inferior law.

It's just a joke for these Hai people to use the so-called kuishui array in front of Yang Ling.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The water arrow pierced the chest of many sea experts, but after all, they were all powerful in holy land. It was not a serious injury to be pierced in the chest.

Yin Tianjie's shrill voice rang out again: "black water returns to one!"

All the sea dragons once again opened their mouths and spewed out a source of strength, which is a hundred holy land power!

Their original strength fused together to form a huge super giant water dragon that could hardly see the end.

"Yang Ling, even if you have the law of order, you can't exert it thoroughly in the face of absolute power!"


The huge sea dragon jumped into the sea. Under the boundless sea, there was a huge shadow approaching Yangling.

The next moment, the shadow jumps out of the sea, opens its mouth and bites Yang Ling and Leiya.

This big mouth brought more pressure than when the four great beasts appeared that day.

At least five million dragon power!


Now the fighting method has gone beyond Leiya's ability. On that day, she and Carlisle did not encounter such a terrible attack. Otherwise, let alone fighting for three days and three nights, even for three hours, they would have to flee.

At the moment, Leiya is afraid. She turns around and narrows down and jumps directly into Yangling's collar.

Can creation enlarge or shrink its own body at will, or is it safe to hide in dad's clothes

However, today's Yang Ling has been so powerful that he can't even estimate himself. In the face of this terrible blow, he just waved his hand.


In the position where he stood in the air, there was an abyss. The abyss was bottomless, as if once he jumped into the abyss, he would be trapped in it forever.

From then on, the sea dragon became the abyssal dragon, and there was no future.

"The law of the abyss!"

"Back up!"

Yin Tianjie roared. The giant sea dragon leaping up in the air actually said that it would retreat and then directly jumped into the boundless sea and disappeared.

At the moment, Yang Ling is the only one standing on the sea. Leiya will pick it on his collar, and a small head will appear everywhere.

"Dad, I calculated that these people together have at least 15 million dragon power!"

"They can combine their power perfectly and can't be underestimated."

"Why don't I go to find the position of their noumenon and help you break each one?"

Leiya put forward a suggestion. Yang Ling rubbed her daughter's head with her fingers and said with a smile, "weren't you very afraid just now? Will this volunteer again? "

"No, it was just my stress reaction."

"This will bring courage back. Look at me!"

He said that he was about to rush out, but Yang Ling pressed his collar back with a finger. He said with a smile, "the Female Emperor didn't do it. She is protecting the body of the sea people. It's useless for you to go."

"Well, I have my own way."

Just then, nine days above suddenly a dragon howling sound sounded, the huge sea dragon suddenly fell from the sky, rushed to Yangling!

Yang Ling waved his hand, the abyss rule appeared again, but the next moment, a sea dragon jumped out of the sea!

This sea dragon has two!


The first sea dragon was engulfed by the terrible abyss, but the second sea dragon was desperate to engulf Yangling!

"Yang Ling, is your abyss law still useful?"

Yin Tianjie's voice rang out, and Yang Ling's whole body flashed with a sneer.


"Bang Bang..."

This sea dragon from the bottom to the top suddenly began to collapse.

From the beginning, a little bit of collapse.

"The law of smashing?"

Yin Tianjie's voice with a trace of fear, the next moment, just listen to a bang, the huge sea dragon directly smashed, turned into rain all over the sky.

The water element has gone, the whole world has formed, and it's raining heavily!

Immediately, Yang Ling felt the temperature drop around him. But in the blink of an eye, the temperature dropped to below zero. The whole sea was frozen immediately. The heavy rain turned into ice cones and fell all over the sky.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding..."

The ice cone fell into Yang Ling's protective light curtain and collapsed directly.

Looking at all these changes, Leiya was surprised and said, "ice is the change of water. This kuishui formation can change into a cold ice formation. It's very powerful!"

Yang Ling light a smile, the eye ground didn't have any of the color of the accident, on the contrary was to expose the air of disappointment.

Suddenly, there is a very sharp ice cone on the sea level, piercing Yangling at a very fast speed!

This speed is almost the same as the time for the eyes to receive light. As soon as the eyes get feedback, the ice cone has been punctured.

"Near the speed of light!"

Leiya gently covers her small mouth, only to hear a bang, the ice cone is about to stab Yangling in the moment, directly crushed by the law of crushing.

"See how fast you react!"

Yin Tianjie roared. Countless ice cones pierced Yangling from all directions, but without exception, they were smashed at the moment of approaching Yangling.

Every time it's just a little bit worse, as long as it's a little faster, as long as it's a little more, it will be able to stab Yang Ling!

Once this person is injured, the empress will be able to take advantage, and the Hai clan will sweep away the passivity and attack the Terran.

At that time, the Hai people will win the war.

This idea appeared in every sea emperor's mind, they are more insidious to urge the power, the ice cone faster, more toward Yangling puncture, but, every time so little.

They refused to accept and continued to urge, but as always, almost.

This little bit seems to be a gap, although deep, but it can be crossed.

"Faster, faster..."

Every Haizu is crazy, and some people even start to dry up because they urge Shengyuan.



Ten, twenty

A lot of sea people's pride, princes and princesses began to wither up, which is extremely urging Shengyuan, Shouyuan was burned.

But, in this case, no one stops. Every sound of the ice cone breaking is like a death knell, and it will never stop.

The emperor of Haizu even began to wither!

In a moment, the voice of the female emperor's sigh sounded.

"Is this the law of greed?"

"Yang Ling, you are really good..."

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