In the desolate starry sky, the thunder disaster has lasted for 20 days. When the thunder cloud dispersed, Leiya collapsed on the pumice stone under her body with blue smoke.

Originally, the planet where she stood with Carlisle had been completely smashed. Carlisle had gone through the nine days before her, and now she lay unconscious beside herself.

After the disaster, the door of the universe opened, and a strong pure light enveloped the two girls.

"Hoo... It's over at last."

"After killing so many people, yehuo is really fierce. I thought I was going to die..."

Leiya was so scared that she patted her chest and said: "you dare to say... In fact, I'm not ready to make a breakthrough!"

"Almost killed by a woman like you!"


Leiya did not have a good airway: "then you are not a breakthrough?"

"Thank me. According to the rules of ancient times, you have to kneel down and call me a benefactor."

"Hum... I can't kneel you when I kneel down!"

Carlisle snorted and gasped. She couldn't even fight.

However, the two girls' eyes were full of excitement. At this moment, they had already stepped into the realm of life robbery, and they were the kind of virtual immortals who had passed the nine nine days of robbery!

As long as the energy is enough, you can enter the celestial realm just like Yang Ling.

"Dad, are you proud of my daughter?"

Leiya's eyes are full of joy. As time goes by, the virtual shadow of the gate of the universe finally disappears. Their situation is different from that of Yang Ling. Yang Ling is full of spirit and strength after breaking through the realm.

Leiya and Carlisle are in a weak period because of the fierce karma fire. They only have the cultivation of entering the holy land for the first time, and the power they can mobilize is very limited.

"Carlisle, home!"

Leiya gets up and prepares to leave. Carlisle also tries her best to stand up. She takes one of them and falls into Leiya's arms.

"Useless woman, I'll carry you."

Leiya will carrier to back up, is about to unfold body method, but found that the whole space is frozen.


She was surprised and instinctively turned to look at them, only to find that there was a pair of eyes the size of stars in the cold and dark depths of the universe, looking at them.

"Star swallowing beast!"

"It's over..."

Carlisle recognized the owner of these eyes at a glance, and said almost hopelessly, "forstorea, I didn't expect that I would die with you."

Leiya's face also showed a bitter smile, but there was no despair, but a trace of war.

Star swallowing monster is one of the most terrible monsters in the universe. It is said that it is a kind of monsters of terrible laws formed after the extremely strong law of swallowing. They devour some dead stars in the starry sky and decompose these stars into countless cosmic dust.

After countless years of evolution, cosmic dust will evolve into stars again.

The star swallowing behemoth is a kind of existence similar to the cleanser and shaper, which is a part of maintaining the normal operation of the universe.

In the vast universe, I don't know how many star swallowing monsters there are, but this one seems to have self-consciousness.

This kind of star swallowing beast with self-consciousness will be bombarded by the natural calamity, but even if the friars are the same, once they pass the natural calamity, they will become more and more powerful.


A gust of evil wind swept in, and the huge eyes like stars disappeared, while Leiya and Carlyle had a handsome boy in front of them.

The young man with a strange flame, said with a smile: "in my long memory, it has been 16 million years since I saw someone go through the disaster."

"The world revives, the two girls are really amazing."

"In the next star and moon, would you like to have a talk at home?"

The boy's smile is very warm, let a person like a spring breeze.

Leiya snorted: "star swallowing beast, you are the scavenger of the universe. It's just a rule. How dare you invite us monks?"

"Are you not afraid of being punished?"

Xingyuechen said with a faint smile: "the two girls have killed countless evils. I've never heard of the fire just now. If you want to say the curse of heaven, you and I are just like each other."

"I don't know what you want us to do when you invite us home," Carlyle said in a cold voice

Xingyuechen said with a smile: "it's natural to eat both of you and enhance your cultivation."

"Don't worry, I also know that the four characters of your clan are not too rude."


Leiya said with a giggle, "good. I am Yang Jinlei. No one dares to talk to me like this."

"When I am in a stable state, I will come to you to chat, but now I'm leaving!"

As the voice fell, she whispered.



The sealed space suddenly disintegrates. Leiya is also a person who owns the body of tilting the sky, and blows up a hole in the space on the spot.


She turned into a golden light behind her back and disappeared.

"The law of shattering? It's interesting. It's really interesting. I haven't met such an interesting monk for many years. "

The stars and the moon sneer, but they catch up quickly.

The flying speed of the star giant is fast. Leiya and Carlisle are not in the state. Even if they are good at escaping, they can't escape!

When the second daughter is in a panic, Leiya suddenly bumps into a person.


Leiya let out a cry, looked up, tears almost left.


It was Yang Ling that she ran into!

Yang Ling looked at her daughter with red eyes and tears in the corner of her eyes, then looked at Carlyle with shame on her face, but she said with a smile: "Yang Jinlei, Carlyle, what a big thing you've done?"

"Dad... I'm wrong."

"You can hit me as much as you like when you go home. Don't be angry with me."

If you don't say it's OK, Yang Ling gets angry.

In anger, he reached out and twisted his daughter's ear. He said angrily, "look at yourself. Do you still look like a normal person?"

"Son of a bitch, if your mother knew you had done such a thing, she would be angry with you!"

Leiya is twisting her ears. Yang Ling uses her strength. She grins hoarsely in pain.

"And you, Carlyle, you're the accomplice!"

"I'll teach you a lesson for your brother Fang Xinzi when I go back. You two are going to be punished together."

Yang Ling didn't give her any face, and directly picked up Carly's ear. After all, she was a adopted daughter in name.

"Yang Ling... I'm sorry, but not yet! It hurts. Let go first. Yes, there are pursuers

Carlisle grabs Yang Ling's arm. It looks as painful as it is.

Hearing this, Yang Ling looked into the distance, and sure enough, someone came.

He pulled the two girls behind him, looked at the stars and moon not far away, and said in surprise, "star swallowing beast?"

"It's interesting."

And the star moon Chen looks at Yang Ling, the eye is to expose the panic.

"Heaven... Immortals?"

"Celestial beings in their prime?"

He began to retreat quietly

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