"Because of your greed, we were born!"

The protoss man of the kingdom of heaven laughed loudly and said, "destroy it!"

"Everything must return to the origin, everything will return to silence!"

"The original sin will be judged at last!"

"I'll curse, curse all the greedy races for vanishing!"

"I wish that the supreme god of our nation can open his eyes as soon as possible and judge this evil world!"

As his words rang out, his whole body began to burn.

"Burn! Rolling fire burns my body, take my body as a medium, great judgment, come quickly

At this moment, the man of the protoss of heaven prays to heaven in the burning fire. He is like a devout believer, looking forward to his God coming!

He is God. What he prays for and expects is the God of God!

It seems that his piety moved the Supreme God, and the breath of judgment permeated the world. Yang Ling was very familiar with the breath. It was the judgment of himself in the time of natural calamity!

Sure enough, the endless breath of judgment condensed into a pure white spear.

The gun of judgment!

Yang Ling's eyes showed the color of horror, and now he was locked by the strength of the trial!

"Back up!"

With a soft drink, his huge power broke out, and the law of moving was revealed, but the fleet behind him was forced to blink into the starry sky one light year away.

At the moment, he is facing the supreme gun of judgment alone!

"Ah Ling!"

Liu Muhan almost immediately left the Mothership and rushed to Yangling. At this moment, the terrible gun of judgment has been bombarded at Yangling!

300 million Longli!

The power of this shot, more than any time in the past, also more than the maximum strength limit of Yang Ling, reached the incredible 300 million dragon!

As soon as these forces appear, the space begins to collapse!

This is a shot that can't be avoided. It's a shot that the sky judges the immortals!

"Original sin, kill!"

"Original sin, kill!"

There was a terrible sound of divine punishment in the starry sky. In the face of the gun of judgment and the almost irresistible blow, Yang Ling didn't show any panic.

He opened his red lips and said a mantra:

"When the wishes of all living beings gather together, a hundred million trillion stars are broken into boundless dust. They are extraordinary and free from vulgarity. They all enter the fairyland, boundless and boundless!"

"When the wishes of all living beings are united, they should eliminate all evils and carry forward all good things, and all living beings will live forever."

"Infinite long cherished wish, listen to my command, all living beings read my name!"

"Great wish of all heaven..."

At the moment when the great immortal art of Hongyuan was about to be launched, Liu Muhan's voice rang out in the distance: "ah Ling!"

The hysterical exclamation of her lover distracted Yang Ling for a moment. Zhutian Hongyuan fairy stopped. At the next moment, the general outline of fate in her body seemed to feel the threat, and the ripples of fate began to spread.

"Ah Ling!"

In the distance, Liu Muhan looks at the gun of judgment that is about to blow on Yang Ling. She is almost desperate to inject her whole strength into the fragments of Sansheng stone, and then throws it hard!

She hoped that the fragments of sanshengshi could resist the trial for her husband, even for a moment.

Before her husband's death, there is nothing that can't be given up and wrapped up in her own life.


In this moment, the fragments of sanshengshi hit the point of the gun of judgment.

There is a clear voice, in the next moment, whether it is Yangling or liumuhan, you can see an unforgettable one.

There were traces of reincarnation on the fragments of Sansheng stone. The spider silk spread quickly, like the skeleton of something.

At this moment, Liu Suifeng, who is far away from the earth, seems to have sensed something. He looks at a certain direction of the starry sky and shows a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Time seems to freeze at this moment, one by one traces condensed, burst out a great force, that is the power of reincarnation.

Space and time lost their meaning at this moment. Yang Ling felt that the law of the moment was no longer necessary. Then, a meteor from the distance rushed in and adhered to the skeleton.

The whole sky is a meteor shower. Those are fragments, fragments of something.

A huge, galactic wheel has emerged.

"The disk of reincarnation!"

Yang Ling was stunned. What she saw was not a virtual shadow, but a real reincarnation disk.

The core of this ancient magic weapon, under the tip of the gun of judgment, is activated. The fragments of the disk of reincarnation scattered all over the universe span time and space, and are recombined at this moment!

At the moment when the samsara disk condenses, cosmic time begins to run!

The gun of trial is completely on the disk of reincarnation!


The magnificent scene is almost unimaginable, like an extremely massive star, hit on a supercontinent, the terrible scene is hard to describe.

The power of judgment swept the world, but the ancient reincarnation disk was completely activated.

The power of reincarnation begins to diffuse. After all, this gun of judgment is not a real gun of judgment, but a virtual shadow.

In front of the real disk of reincarnation, there is no resistance. In one thousandth of an instant, the power of judgment dissipates directly.


The wind of reincarnation is blowing gently, and the disk of reincarnation is shrinking rapidly. At the next moment, it turns into a small disk and falls on Liu Muhan's palm.

She is reincarnation of reincarnation immortal Zun and the owner of reincarnation disk.

The whole universe is silent. Liu Muhan flies to Yangling, holding a small reincarnation disk in his hand, and looks at Yangling at a loss.

"I thought you were going to die..."

A line of tears from the corner of Liu Mu Han's eyes, Yang Ling heart moved, gently wipe away the tears for her eyes, soft voice: "fool, your husband I invincible, how can die?"


"My husband is invincible."

Liu Mu Han choked and held Yang Ling's hand tightly, unwilling to let go.

The couple looked into the distance. At the moment, the fire on the man of the protoss of heaven had gone out, and his whole body was cracked, as if at the last moment.

"The great immortality of all heaven's wishes..."

"The disk of reincarnation..."

"Is that you?"

"Are you back?"

His muddy eyes try to see Yangling and liumuhan clearly, but it seems that he can't see everything any more.


"It turns out that day will come."

With a long sigh, he said slowly, "I will not send your message. Will you... Create a beautiful universe?"

"Ah... Maybe having each other around you is the most beautiful time and space."

"Bless you..."

He didn't say the words of blessing. With a bang, his body exploded and Taichu core floated in the space. On this Taichu core, the true meaning of curse and blessing was engraved.

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