He gently closed the book in his hand. In the sea of books, the light in front of Yang Ling flickered and appeared in the old man in the book.

He sighed and nodded at Yang Ling. The whole person gradually dissipated, and the books in Yang Ling's hand glittered, and the words inside began to change.

Originally a Book of adventure stories, it is now transformed into a law classics.

This is an ancient book recording the law of the water element. It is recorded from the fragments of the law of the water element to the true meaning. Yang Ling cleared the adventure arranged by the book fairy and completely controlled the water element.

Yes, he has mastered the essence of water!

Then he sat cross legged and carved the true meaning of the law of water element on his own yuan crystal. His strength increased again and his knowledge became more and more abundant.

After all this, Yang Ling picked up another book beside the shelf and opened the first volume.

There was a flash of light in front of him. This time, he appeared in the desert

Time is like water, time is like shuttle.

In the last area of the sea of books, Yang Ling read books and passed the test of a Book fairy. He swam in one story after another.

Sometimes it is the protagonist, sometimes it is a supporting role. There are stories of his own and those of others.

In some powerful stories, he even lost himself for a time, but he finally passed the customs.

After all, his Yuanjing was carved with the avenue of destiny. Even if Shuxian Avenue reached the realm of Yuanxian, it could not have too much impact on him.

Time flowed. Finally, Yang Ling put down the thick books in her hands.

He took a long breath.

This is the last book. After reading the last book in this sea of books, Yang Ling has reached 90 billion dragon power.

It's only 10 billion dragon power away from Yuanxian realm.

In front is the staircase leading to the fourth floor. Yang Ling looks back at the almost endless sea of books. He vaguely sees Liu Muhan, mu WANYING, Leiya and Su Qiling, but he doesn't see Liu Suifeng.

Sister xianzun may already be on a higher floor.

In her heart, there is nostalgia after all.

With a faint smile, Yang Ling stepped into the fourth floor.

Just entering the fourth floor, Yang Ling felt a strong shock all over her body and found that the gravity here was so strong that it was boundless.

Here is a golden wish room, and these gravitations are generated by the golden furnace in the center of the room.

"The furnace of desire!"

Yang Ling's eyes showed a surprise. She thought the wish furnace would be on the highest floor. Unexpectedly, she sat on the fourth floor.

Boundless gravity could not stop Yang Ling's steps. He walked forward and came to the furnace of desire step by step.

There was no accident, as if it were taken for granted. He gently stretched out his hand and stroked the golden furnace.

It seemed to be responding to Yang Ling's action, and the desire furnace trembled gently.

Something is activated!

The golden light flickered in front of him. A handsome young man in a golden robe appeared in front of Yang Ling. He knelt down and saluted: "see the reincarnation of immortal statue in the golden furnace!"

This is the spirit of the furnace of desire.

Yang Ling looked at him and said with a faint smile, "get up."

"Well, I thought the spirit of the furnace was a woman."

"Did you just wake up?"

The golden stove nodded and said, "you touched the golden stove and made me wake up."

"Sir, do you prefer women?"

Yang Ling was stunned at the speech and said with a smile, "what you said, do I prefer men?"


Jin Lu knelt down again and said, "excuse me, sir. I didn't mean to say that."

As he spoke, his figure changed, but in the blink of an eye he became a beautiful woman in a golden robe.

Yang Ling really doesn't care about the gender of the instrument spirit. He smiled lightly and said, "get up."

"You can be anything you want."

After that, Yang Ling looked at the furnace of desire in front of her and put her hand on the furnace again.

A stream of information poured into his mind, and the furnace of desire was constantly responding to him.

You don't even need to shed blood to recognize the Lord, just as the furnace is its own.

"Ding, congratulations to the host on obtaining the wish furnace. You can use the wish furnace to infinitely absorb the wishes of all sentient beings and strengthen yourself."

When the long lost voice of the system sounded, Yang Ling smiled and said, "system, are you finally talking?"

"I thought it was too long and there was no electricity."

System: "Lord xianzun doesn't have a calling system. The system won't disturb you."

"Tip: the system has been upgraded to lv45 for a long time. The new function is enabled. Please check it by yourself."

Yang Ling said with a smile, "you haven't changed at all."

The next time, Yang Ling checked the new functions of the system and became familiar with the desire furnace.

The new functions are to strengthen cultivation. Even in the realm of Xuanxian, the system is still helping Yang Ling as always. Yang Ling knows that it can help her practice back to the realm of xianzun, and after the realm of xianzun, she needs to rely on herself.

The wish melting pot itself is a chaotic treasure. Yang Ling's current cultivation is actually not easy to control.

However, the furnace itself will automatically absorb the wishes. It can be said that the whole wish world can accumulate so many wishes and then give birth to the wish family, which is due to the existence of the wish furnace.

Yang Ling engraved the word "Earth" on the melting pot of desire.

The earth is his base camp. Even after a lot, everyone is still talking about, worshipping and admiring Yang Ling.

These feelings are the condensation of the wishes of all living beings. Even across infinite space and time, even different dimensions and even different eras, as long as the wish furnace is still there, as long as the life worshiping Yang Ling is still there, then the furnace will gather their wishes.

Yang Ling can choose to convert these vows into vows to strengthen her own laws, or choose to use them as energy to maintain the operation of the whole wish world.

Beside her, the golden stove that became a girl's eyes were a little wet. She whispered, "after the death of the automatic immortal, there has been no new wish pouring into the furnace for a long time..."

"At that time, all the infinite beings in the heavens worshipped the immortal, and a large number of wills poured into the furnace all the time."

"Now looking at you, I seem to look at the former immortal."

Tears blurred her eyes, and the lost memories poured into her heart again. When Yang Ling stroked the furnace of desire, she also recalled some memories of her previous life.

His heart is also quite touched.

Yes, I used to be the Lord of heaven and the immortal worshipped by infinite creatures.

Even though he was reluctant to admit it, he was an immortal after all.

His destiny is to worship the immortal, but now he is reborn, which is equivalent to Yang Ling integrating the little memory of the immortal.

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