Of course, it is certainly not the calculated position of Yang Ling. Under the general outline of fate, Yang Ling cannot be calculated.

What this powerful immortal Zun calculated must be the position of Su Qiling or mu WANYING, and the most likely is the position of Mu Shuiqing who is still closed.

She and long Tianao have been practicing together for so many years. She must be passive in her body, but she can't find it.

At the thought of this place, Yang Ling's heart moved and wished that in the world, the rolling willing force would directly wash away towards the bathing water!


"Bathe in water, your body has been moved, and wash every immortal cell with willing force."


"Yes, master!"

Bathed in water, he hurried to do so. At this time, a woman's voice roared in the sky.

"Yang Ling, is it too late to wash the imprint in the body now?"

Yang Ling followed her reputation. Standing on a broken planet site in the distance, there was a young woman in a blue long gown. She looked beautiful and exuded a pure and sacred breath. There was a terrible Taoist rhyme around her, but she was a super power in the realm of Xuanxian.

This feeling is almost the same as that given to her by the singer at the beginning. At a glance, there is no doubt about the heavenly Protoss, and it is much more powerful than the two heavenly Protoss Yang Ling met before.


The wind swept around, and there were a large number of barbarians, all of whom were at the level of virtual immortals and celestial immortals, and even five golden immortals experts of the barbarians.

These barbarians are different from those they have seen before. They all have a kingdom of God mark on their forehead.

"Ancient wasteland clan?"

Yang Ling now has a wealth of knowledge and recognized this group of people as ancient wasteland at a glance.

The ancient barbarians are the first barbarians made by the divine family of heaven. They are the ancestors of all barbarians now. They don't know how many they have, but their strength is extremely strong.

This is the race that the real heavenly Protoss really use to destroy the world.

Caught in a heavy siege, Yang Ling didn't show all the panic on his face. He said calmly: "unexpectedly, the heavenly Protoss and the ancient wasteland were born together."

"Although the goddess is covered with golden light, she exudes the smell of original sin. I think she should be a person of the original sin cult in the divine family of heaven."

"Do you want the greedy goddess to sit down or the judge goddess to sit down?"

As soon as he said this, the beauty of the divine family in heaven showed surprise in her eyes: "Yang Ling, you know a lot."

"Are you really the reincarnation of Tianxian Zun, and you have been thoroughly inherited from your previous life?"

Yang Ling sneered at the speech: "have you got the inheritance? Don't you know if you try it yourself?"

"Talk big."

The woman of the divine family in heaven said in a deep voice, "in that case, today I will sit down by the great goddess of vanity and original sin, and the third judge the goddess to judge you, a sinful man!"



All the ancient barbarians roared like wild animals. The next moment, 147 virtual immortals and 38 celestial immortals almost shot at the same time and swept away from all directions to Yang Ling.

Yang Ling sneered. With him as the center, all the spaces were broken, which not only shocked all the virtual and real immortals of the ancient wasteland, but also the golden immortals exploded at this moment, turned into rolling energy fragments and wandered in this void.


The third ruling goddess was stunned. She knew that Yang Ling might be very powerful, but she didn't expect to be strong to this extent.

Just hummed and killed all his men!

Floating in the void are not only pure energy, but also precious pearls.

With a wave of Yang Ling's big hand, a black hole appeared, and all the floating energy and treasure beads were collected into the black hole.

A jewel left by the ancient barbarians of the golden fairy fell into Yang Ling's hand, and he saw the clue at a glance.

No wonder the ancient barbarians were so strong that they had a divine personality!

Divine personality, a special life style possessed by gods. Only the protoss have divine personality. It is a unique thing.

Even the immortal has no divine personality, only the life personality.

These ancient barbarians have deities, which means that they were born at the dotted line level, at least virtual immortals!

"Ding, it is detected that you have a large number of deities. Do you turn it over to the system to exchange it for wish values and attribute points?"

"Turn it in."

"Ding, you turn in your life grid and get a wish value of 2000000000 and an attribute point of 2000000000."

Good guy, I got the 40e wish value and attribute point at once. Yang Ling chose to strengthen her Yuanjing on the spot. The carving rules on each immortal core Yuanjing are becoming clearer and clearer, and each immortal cell is more powerful.

Yang Ling's power improved the dragon power of 1E in an instant.

This is the 1E Power improved in the final sprint stage. If you really count it, it may be equivalent to hundreds of millions of dragon power accumulated before.


After the death of the ancient wasteland, the rolling energy storm poured into the furnace of desire, and the infinite desire began to produce.

The voice of the golden stove rang out in Yang Ling's heart: "master, many wishes!"

"Do you use these wishes to expand the grand vision of the starry sky, strengthen the wish world, or with the true meaning of all the wishes you give to your body?"

Yang Ling came to the conclusion in an instant of ten thousandth. Now many era relics have not been collected. For the time being, there is no need to expand the grand plan of the starry sky, but there are rolling wills stored in the wish world. It was not used up.

It's better to leave it to the system to strengthen itself.

After being transformed by the furnace, all the forces rushed into the true meaning of desire. Yang Ling's mind sounded the voice of the system again: "it has been transformed into wish value and attribute point for you."

"You get the wish value, the wish value is 2000000000, and the attribute point is 2000000000."

Just as like as two peas, 1E's power is pouring into Yangling's body.

Now Yangling has 90.5 billion dragon power. There is still a little gap from the level of 100 billion yuan fairy.

He looked at the third goddess of the divine family in heaven and said in a deep voice, "since you can figure out the position of my apprentice, you have to die."

"I don't like being watched all the time."

With a wave of his big hand, the rolling force formed a black broken hand. The black broken hand is full of the power of leaning to the sky, and all spaces and laws everywhere he goes are broken!

"The hand of heaven?"

"Alas... Qing Tianxian Zun, you really came back."

"Is fate inevitable after all?"

She sighed softly in her mouth, but her eyes lit up. There was a strong breath of judgment. NIMA opened. At the same time, there was a ray of sincerity in this breath of judgment.

"Every living creature has original sin, and the existence of your friars is an original sin."

"Today, I will judge the vanity in you!"

"Qing Tianxian Zun, you have been judged!"

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