The girl's light laughter came from her ear: "Oh, it's time for me to leave the customs."

"Dad, these are all law energy. After absorption, you can make great progress!"

"We need to consolidate the realm of Xuanxian!"

Leia giggled and took a deep breath. The rolling law rushed into her body, and her little face showed intoxication.

Yang Ling took a funny look at her daughter. The light band on this floor is enough for her to absorb. Go to the second floor to have a look.

When she moved, Yang Ling appeared on the second floor. The second floor was more magnificent. In addition to countless rules and light bands, various mountain and river martial arts were carved on the wall.

These martial arts are recorded in the heaven leaning temple. Yang Ling doesn't care, but such a pure law light band here makes Yang Ling smile.

"Charge me all!"

With a big hand, a black hole rumbled, and the rolling law poured into the body, and the power immediately began to climb up.

But in the blink of an eye, the law of the earth element in his body reached a perfect level, only one step away from the true meaning.

Yang Ling was collecting quickly, but she found that with the door opened, the spirit of countless immortals in the immortal hall began to escape outside.

The speed of this escape is very fast. Such escape can make the whole Tianting world more magnificent, and the energy contained is infinitely full, but it is not convenient for Yang Ling to absorb it.

"What's going on?"

Yang Ling's eyes showed surprise. She looked at the third floor, but there was a golden hourglass on the third floor.

At the moment, the hourglass just reverses, and there are circles of almost indistinguishable laws.

Yang Ling suddenly understood what was going on.

The hourglass is an exquisite time mechanism, which is connected with the core array of the whole immortal hall. There are arrays similar to the spirit guiding array. The difference is that the spirit guiding array attracts Reiki, while the array here attracts the law dust of the universe.

As long as the universe of the heavens still exists, the law will operate, and the operation of the law will produce law dust. Even in the end of the law, the law dust will be continuously attracted through the divine array, and then condensed into the law light band through the exquisite array.

When the energy law light in the fairy hall reaches the extreme, the hourglass will reverse, and the law light band in the fairy hall begins to escape into the whole Tianting world, so that the whole Tianting world has infinite energy and law.

So endless, so even after countless years, Tianting is still this Tianting, and it has constantly bred new heavenly soldiers and generals.

It's really an uncanny design and a means to seize the creation of heaven and earth.

Yang Ling wanted to understand the key, and was not surprised. At the same time, he also knew that he entered this time, just in time for the reversal of all the hourglass.

Huge energy begins to leak out. If it is not absorbed, it is wasted.

Thinking of this, he launched the true meaning of phagocytosis again. A large number of law light bands were absorbed by the rumble, and his own strength began to increase.

Yang Ling now exerts the true meaning of swallowing, and the power generated is incredible. The whole second layer includes the upper three and four layers. All the law light bands have been dissipated, and this suction has exceeded the power of the law to escape to the outside.

Yang Ling's strength is rising!

90.6 billion dragon power!

90.8 billion dragon power!

With the passage of time, even if the more you practice, the more difficult it is to enhance your strength, the light band of rolling law is still constantly enhancing Yang Ling's strength.

At a certain moment, Yang Ling's power came to the terrible 92 billion!

At this moment, every fairy core crystal in his body is becoming more and more clear, and the law of earth elements in his body has directly rushed into the true meaning!


A burst of explosion, Yang Ling's power came to 93 billion Longli!

At the same time, all the forces in the mountain and river immortal hall were swept away by Yang Ling alone.

With a deep breath, Yang Ling's huge spirit swept the whole mountain and river immortal hall. At the moment, the carved fence and jade masonry should still be there, but the law light band has been swept away.

Walking slowly, he found that his daughter was closing her eyes at the moment. With a faint smile, he walked out.

All the law light bands of this layer are absorbed by Leia in one breath. It takes her some time to refine.

When I came to the gate, I was a little stunned.

The heavenly soldiers and generals who were originally blocked by the eternal light column have rushed out and are fighting against the barbarians at the moment.

A large number of barbarians poured into the whole heaven. At the entrance of my brother's ladder, countless barbarians were pouring in.

No, ordinary barbarians simply can't rush up the ladder to heaven. These are ancient barbarians, at least those with virtual immortal cultivation.

There are wars everywhere in the whole Tianting world. These ancient barbarians are crazy to rush into various fairy mountain temples. In addition, many monks take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Tianting has changed from a peaceful place to a battlefield.

However, Yang Ling found that although these ancient barbarians were numerous, they did not take much advantage or even disadvantage in the battle with heavenly soldiers and generals.

The heaven is full of the spirit of immortality, so that the heavenly soldiers and generals can continuously use the spirit of immortality to supplement the loss of battle. However, the ancient wasteland clan can't absorb the spirit of immortality at all. They use the breath of God to fight.

Take the battle at the gate of the mountain and river immortal hall in front of you. There are hundreds of ancient wasteland people, but dozens of corpses have fallen. The loss of heavenly soldiers and generals is only a few people, and the war damage ratio is very huge.


There was a terrible roar in the sky. It should be an expert at Xuanxian level.

Among the heavenly soldiers and generals, there are also Xuanxian and even Yuanxian.

At the moment, the golden vortex leading to the outside world has been gradually shrinking. Yang Ling estimates that the whole Tianting will be locked again in half a day at most.

As long as we block the offensive for a long time, these ancient barbarians who rushed into the heaven are just a group of turtles in a jar.

Yang Ling stood at the gate of the mountain and river immortal hall and stood with his hands down. At this moment, he was finally found.

"It's Yang Ling!"

The ferocious man, the leader of the ancient wasteland family, roared: "this man is turning around. The gods have repeatedly reminded him to kill before he completely grows up!"


"Kill him before he recovers his immortal cultivation!"

All the ancient barbarians here rushed to Yangling recklessly, each displaying their magic skills, and a large number of magic skills roared towards Yangling.

"Lord xianzun!"

The general Jinxian wanted to rush over to protect Yang Ling, but Yang Ling pushed him away.

"How dare the ancient barbarians dare to fight with me?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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