
The moment ZuLong virtual shadow rushed into the golden ripples, it began to dissipate directly, but in the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

With a faint smile, Yang Ling stepped into the palace.

The next moment, the two dragon women were pulled by a huge force and also entered the palace.

Then, the originally cracked door began to recover, and the huge door was directly closed. However, different from before, there is no longer the power of ZuLong on the door, but the wish power.

The gate was sealed by Yang Ling.

Both Tianlong and ZuLong looked at each other and could only wait outside for a time.

On the other side, Yang Ling, who stepped into the palace, was attracted by the scene in front of her.

Inside the palace is a wild rainforest world, full of trees and mountains, winding rivers roaring, and in the sky, laws are transformed into dragon after dragon, cruising in the clouds.

Yang Ling looked at the two dragon women around her and said, "you two have a cause and effect with me. This is the wild ancestral dragon temple. Just act at will."

The two women looked at each other and knelt down at the same time. The blue haired dragon woman said eagerly: "respect the immortal, our sisters have unlimited respect for you. Please accept us as slaves, and we will try our best to help you!"

The two dragon women looked sincere. It was a pity to be maids with their talents. Yang Ling smiled faintly and a light door appeared in front of her when she waved her hand. Yang Xiaoxuan and Yang Xiaobing, who were originally closing, appeared.


Yang Xiaoxuan didn't know how many years he hadn't seen his master. His eyes were wet. Yang Xiaobing hugged Yang Ling and looked very excited.

Yang Ling gently brushed Yang Xiaobing's small head, touched Yang Xiaoxuan's small cheek and said softly, "here is full of the smell of the dragon. You are good to cultivate."

"These two Tianlong girls will follow you in the future."

The two Tianlong women were surprised when they heard the speech. They hurried to salute Yang Xiaoxuan and Yang Xiaobing. Even if the cultivation of the two women was almost the same as theirs, the two Tianlong women still looked up to Yang Xiaoxuan!

It should be. After all, Yang Xiaoxuan and Yang Xiaobing are people around Yang Ling, girls who have followed tianxianzun for a long time, and fairy maidens with supreme glory.

After a few words with them, Yang Ling appeared on a mountain peak, gave some advice, and a golden light flew into the sky.

The golden light exploded in the sky and turned into endless golden thin lines, which surrounded the vast wild dragon palace like a star river.

After the huge wish force wrapped the whole dragon palace, Yang Ling began the time adjustment function of the wish world.

Even after countless years inside, there will always be zero moments outside.

After all, this place is left by the ancestral dragon of xianzun level. Although the wild ancestral dragon is far inferior to the ancestral dragon, it is xianzun after all.

The power left behind is too huge. After calculation, Yang Ling learned that it will take 120 years to refine all the power, even him.

In the past 120 years, I'm afraid everything in the outside world has ended. Therefore, the means of adjusting time should be used naturally.

As for the amount of willpower consumed, I don't care at all.

Sitting cross legged on the mountain peak, a black hole appeared on Yang Ling's head. The dragons cruising in the sky began to be pulled over by the black hole and turned into the purest power, which was absorbed by Yang Ling.

He began to try to break through the yuan fairyland.

At the same time, Yang Xiaoxuan and others are also looking for the mountain to start cultivation. There are many forces here. Even if Yang Ling absorbs them violently, they are still enough for their cultivation.

After all, they don't even have one hundred million of Yang Ling's energy for cultivation in the celestial realm.

On the other side, in an ancient palace in Tianting, Su Qiling looked at the huge city in front of her, and her eyes were shocked.

The concentric knot on her body lit up, and a flash of light flashed in front of her. Meng Meng, wearing a T-shirt and a small skirt, appeared around her.

Mengmeng has been a girl for a long time. She was studying books in Muling galaxy. Suddenly she was summoned.

After such a long time of upgrading and refining, not only Yang Ling can summon through the concentric knot, but also the sisters can summon each other.

The premise is that the cultivation of the summoned party cannot be higher than that of the summoned party.

Mengmeng is theoretically Su Qiling's sister, but her cultivation is still worse than Su Qiling.

Mengmeng complained, "why! I am studying the philosophy of the heavens. What are you doing? "

Su Qiling pointed to the city ahead: "look for yourself."


Mengmeng looks at the huge city ahead and the huge statue of Nine Tailed heavenly fox in the city. Her eyes are very shocked.

"It's mom!"


Su Qiling's voice was a little excited: "the statue is the mother. This palace was left over from the last era and preserved after being transformed by the heaven!"


Su Qiling was about to come forward, but she was held by Mengmeng. She sniffed gently and hesitated: "I smell the smell of illusion."

"Qiling, it's an illusory Avenue!"

"Mom must have left it to us!"

"By the way, in my limited memory, my mother is called virtual dream Tianjun!"

Su Qiling's eyes were even brighter when she heard the speech. The two women rushed to the huge city ahead hand in hand. At the same time, the tail of the huge statue of Nine Tailed heavenly fox in the city slowly unfolded, just like the warm embrace of her mother, wrapped towards them.

In the Futian hall, thunder rumbled continuously. Yang Fenghuo, a group of children, was irrigated by the infinite power in the Futian hall, and even began to break through the realm continuously!

I don't know the ratio between the time flow rate in the Futian hall and the outside world. Everyone is immersed in cultivation. It seems that after a moment, it seems that after thousands of years, you wake up to break through the realm. After the realm breakthrough, you fall into a happy cultivation state again.

This is the immortal hall left by Qing Tianxian Zun. I don't know how much energy it contains. At the same time, these children began to understand the mystery of covering the sky.

Covering the sky palm is the fourth of the eight movements of tilting the sky. If they can learn a trace of fur, they can also dominate the world!

Outside the palace, Leia sat cross legged on the square, with a terrible black light all over her body.

Many ancient barbarians tried to rush into the light, kill Leiya and occupy the Futian hall. However, when they first came into contact with these lights, they all died.

The law of death emanating from Leia is too strong. Once touched, she will die immediately!

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