
She made the decision almost instantly.


The dark burning witch disappeared in place in an instant, jumping 382 times in the dimensional space in an instant, spanning a distance of three years and ten thousand light-years.

She thought she was safe and breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, she seemed to be aware of something. She hurried to look ahead and found out whether there was a golden giant pillar in front of her.

"This is the palm of the Buddha!"

"I didn't escape from his palm!"

Even if she was a demon king, she screamed with fear and wanted to escape again. Unexpectedly, her huge palm suddenly closed.


When the golden light dissipated, the black flame witch had become a nun in cassock. She sat cross legged in the air and said, "Yang Ling Xianyou, I used to kill countless people, but now I see through the world of mortals, and I've been a recluse since then. Please take me in."

Another golden light swept away. She disappeared in situ and then appeared in front of Yang Ling.

At this moment, all the living creatures in Yang Ling's area have completely converted, reciting Buddhist scriptures one after another and sending out boundless Buddhist power.

These Duhua creatures who recited the name of heavenly immortals scattered infinite vows, which turned into a golden river and poured into the virtual shadow of the wish furnace above Yang Ling's head.

Among them, the most powerful are two masters at the level of fairy king. They recite the Buddha's name at the same time, and their vows are almost comparable to those of creatures in a galaxy.


These wishes, the wishes in the world can last for a long time.

But with so many creatures in front of him, Yang Ling thought and appeared in front of him the Buddha beads condensed by the law of cause and effect. He threw the string of Buddha beads into the sky.

All the gods and demons who have been transformed have poured into the Buddha beads. The Buddha beads have their own space. They pour the eternal praise into the name of Tianxian Zun and continuously provide their own blessings to Yang Ling.

Not only is the willingness to improve, but also the civilization of the Buddhist era is improving a little.

In other words, from now on, no matter what Yang Ling does or where he is, as long as the era of Buddha is still strong, his strength will continue to strengthen.

Have fun!


Yang Ling laughed three times!

Then he looked at the two-dimensional star computer in the sky and waved his hand directly.

The power of terror dispersed. With the knowledge of the era of mechanical civilization, this power turned the whole two-dimensional plane computer into three-dimensional again.

But in the blink of an eye, the stellar computer was completely folded and turned into a three-dimensional infinitesimal proton.

This proton is not even as big as a microorganism. It's hard to imagine how to put such a terrible force into this small proton.

Yang Ling's mind moved. All the data, documents, knowledge, rules and so on in the proton star computer began to flow into his mind.

His whole body was wrapped up again by willing force and began to turn the clock.

Because a large number of gods and demons are consumed in one bite, his willing power is enough.

The external time was fixed for him again. Yang Ling was immersed in the ocean of knowledge and began to be unable to extricate herself.

A hundred years.

A thousand years.

Ten thousand years.

50000 years!

In the blink of an eye, Yang Ling has been closed for 50000 years, but the outside world has only passed five years.

He didn't completely turn around the time, because it consumed too much willpower. There's nothing wrong with flowing a little time.

This time, Yang Ling has been closed for 100000 years.

He controlled all the knowledge in the star computer, and his power reached the terrible five million immortal power.

However, even so, he felt that there was still a big gap from the realm of fairy king.

Maybe you can feel the powerful state when you reach 10 million immortal power.

After getting up, he once again launched the grand plan of the starry sky, identified a direction, and then collapsed step by step.

This time, it appeared in an ancient star ruins.

This relic is very special. It is on the back of an extremely ancient giant star beast, which is several times larger than the whole solar system. Its back is a huge jungle, continuous and completely invisible.

Yang lingsou suddenly appeared in a dense forest. His eyes swept the whole ruins and found that it was a memory left over from the era of the dragon.

The grand plan of the starry sky is so powerful that no matter where the ruins are hidden, they will be discovered at the first time.

Of course, this time is not hidden, but the giant beast should rush out of a dimensional wall and suddenly appear on the earth.

During these ten years, many changes have taken place in the universe. The aura between heaven and earth has become more and more rich. Generation after generation, the proud sons of heaven have risen, and all kinds of ancient existence have been born one after another.

The universe began to communicate with each other.

The whole universe has fallen into prosperity.

Youdao is prosperous and declining. Yang Ling doesn't know when this prosperity can be maintained, but she clearly knows that once this prosperity begins to wither, it is the end of the universe.

The heavenly Protoss will destroy the heavens and the era will restart again.

There was a sense of urgency in Yang Ling's heart.

This sense of urgency is not because of himself. He is not afraid that he will fall in the disaster. He has great confidence in himself.

Yang Ling's sense of urgency is because he is afraid of Xiaolongnv, Wuji xianzun and Shengguang xianzun. These people can't resist in the chaotic world.

Although there are various signs that they did not directly fight with the LORD God, but adopted the tactics of delaying time, with the faster and faster recovery of the heavenly Protoss, that day will come sooner or later.

Before that, he must at least return to the realm of immortal Zun, and finally return to the 12 eras of cultivation that he once devoted to immortal Zun.

Reasonable, it's a long distance.

Taking back the divergent thoughts, Yang Ling suddenly found something, moved and disappeared in place.

When it reappears, it is a shade.

He hid in the dark and looked at a group of boys and girls in front of him.

In the confrontation between the two sides, one side is all women, wearing white robes. Each one is bright and moving, and their accomplishments have reached the congenital peak. Among them, the realm of women leading the team is the realm of creation.

Yang Ling came here because she knew him.

It is mo Xiyan!

For Yang Ling, I haven't seen this former friend for hundreds of thousands of years, but for Mo Xiyan, it's only 40 or 50 years.

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