South Lake basketball team side, because Yang Ling did not appear for a long time, people's faces appeared a slightly anxious look.

Let's not say whether Yang Ling will play or not. If he doesn't come, the team will be short of one person directly, and the game will still be rough.

Su Qiuning said to her sister anxiously, "Qiuxia, do you want to call Yang Dong, this competition is about to start..."

Su Qiuxia is not in a hurry, she said with a faint smile: "he said it will come, rest assured."

The players are slightly stunned, but listen to this woman said so decisive, now also no more said.

Suddenly, Gao SHAOHAO brought people here. He glanced at the people of the South Lake basketball team and said with a smile, "where's Yang Ling?"

"He didn't flinch in the face of the battle, did he?"

Immediately someone answered: "this boy knows that he will lose, so he won't come directly, so as not to lose face. He really has a good abacus."

As soon as this was said, Gao SHAOHAO and others all burst into laughter, which was extremely ironic.

Because Yang Ling is not here, Su Qiuxia is not a member of the team. There is no one here who can be right with Gao SHAOHAO. After hearing the speech, they are all angry, but they don't say a word.

Seeing this, Gao SHAOHAO sneered and said, "how can the grand Muhua group not even have a decent leader? Are they all turtles shrinking their heads?"

"I think it's better to dismiss as soon as possible!"

"Is it?"

"I'm afraid you'll disband first?"

A cold voice from a distance, it turned out that Liu Muhan, dressed in professional clothes, came slowly with Wang Jingshu and Zhang Wenqi.

And said that, of course, it is Liu Muhan.

Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of her. The woman's face was amazing and incomparable, which could be called national beauty and natural fragrance. In addition, the identity of the female president, she already had a high popularity.

The track of Oz, which she played with Yang Ling before, exploded in an instant. To put it bluntly, her popularity can only be compared with that of the most popular ones in China.

But they are the president, not singing and filming!

This moment, with a burst of cheers!

In the face of Liu Muhan, whose popularity is exploding and his momentum is also amazing, Gao SHAOHAO obviously falls short. He almost instinctively takes a step back and says, "Liu, Liu Muhan, you are here!"

"Yang Ling, this kind of occasion even let a woman appear, he is not a man!"

Liu Mu's cold eyes showed Gao SHAOHAO some hair in his heart. He only heard her cold voice ring out slowly and said with a smile: "if he is here, I'm afraid you don't even have the courage to stand here."

"How dare you speak up in front of me?"

Gao SHAOHAO was shocked by the words. He thought of Yang Ling's indifferent manner on that day. Now he feels chilly.

He gritted his teeth and said, "yes, I admit that Yang Ling is No. 1, but what about that?"

"I tell you, everyone has their own strengths, this is the stadium, not the mall!"

"The best proof is that he dare not come!"

"He is afraid! He knows he will lose! "


Liu Muhan looked at the man as if he were an idiot. He said faintly, "I tell you, there is no thing that a Ling is afraid of in this world."

As if to confirm her words, suddenly came from the outside of the stadium like a tsunami of cheers!

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