In the hills on the outskirts of S City, in a bamboo forest, Yang Ling turned his hand and a ginseng plant appeared in his hand.

This is a thousand year old ginseng sent by Fang Zhengye last night. He is going to test it with this old ginseng.

After taking a deep breath, his eyes flashed and his fingertips pointed to a bamboo.

"Ding, start the skill of transplanting flowers and trees."

I saw that the bamboo out of a green air flow, along the guidance of Yang Ling, slowly into the hands of the ginseng.

The ginseng is wrapped in green light and grows at the speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, there are more tentacles!


Yang Ling laughs. From his visual observation, the vitality of a bamboo can increase the year of the ginseng.

Of course, the bamboo that he stripped of its vitality turned into fly ash and disappeared in the wind.

For this effect, he is very satisfied.

Suddenly, he thought of something. He pulled off a tentacle of the thousand year old ginseng, and then he looked at a bush.

When he pointed again, a large green light came out of the Bush and poured directly into the tentacles.

Amazing things happened, this tentacle to the naked eye to see the speed of rapid growth, and soon turned into a nail plate size rhizome!

"Damn it, there's such an operation!"

Yang Ling widened her eyes and was overjoyed.

This means that he does not have to worry about purchasing a large number of seedlings of various herbs, as long as there is a matrix of medicinal materials, and then pull out a little to promote the ripening directly with the skill of transplanting flowers and trees!

Leap, this is a huge leap!

After holding on to the excitement, Yang Ling directly grasped the vitality of all the bamboos, shrubs and even weeds around her and injected them into the ginseng seedlings.

Then, the original nail plate size of the rhizome in the palm of the rapid growth, in a moment, it turned into a ginseng, full of 300 years of years!

Yang Ling laughs. With this skill, it's not to make money to open a medicine store?

A gust of wind blowing, the surrounding turned into a bare, this scene will Yang Ling from the beautiful fantasy to pull back.

Destroying the forest is going to jail

The problem is that the forest belongs to the people of the whole country. It is impossible for him to destroy the vegetation around s city on a large scale in order to speed up the ripening of medicinal materials.

After thinking about it, I had to buy land and grow it myself.

Fortunately, he has money and doesn't panic.

Yang Ling's mouth was warped. The first condition for alchemy was that raw materials had solved at least half of them.

Now is the second condition: furnace.

It is impossible for him to use dragon soul sword to change into a Dan stove. All kinds of medicine dregs produced in refining medicine will damage the spirit of magic weapon. This kind of stupid thing can't be done.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to use the current cast iron technology to build his own furnace.

At the thought of this, he moved and flew towards the city of S.

A moment later, in a hardware store, uncle Bao, the owner of a hardware store, was bored reading the newspaper. Suddenly, he sensed something. When he looked up, he saw a teenager looking at him.

"Xiaoling, you're here!"

Yang Ling nodded with a smile and asked, "Uncle Bao, are the weapons you asked to build last time?"

Uncle Bao said a little bit: "go, talk inside."

On the second floor of the hardware store, looking at a pile of knives, guns, swords and halberds leaning against the corner of a warehouse, Yang Ling touched it and nodded with satisfaction.

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