Mr. Wang said quietly: "boss he, you are welcome to invest in our city, but this land is the first place that Mr. Liu and Mr. Yang of Muhua group are interested in."

"If only you had come earlier."

To protect local enterprises is to protect Duzi, which is the old tradition of s city. This is to make it clear that we do not intend to sell land to the HK boss.

Boss he frowned when he heard the speech and said with disdain: "why, isn't there any preferential treatment for investment in mainland China?"

"Director Wang, you call it a discount?"

Director Wang smelled the speech, but he was a leader after all. He said faintly: "boss he, since you have invited the master here, I think you should also know the situation here."

"If master Jiang really has the ability to solve the problems here, I can give you a fair chance to compete."

"Well, that's what you said."

Boss he took a look at Yang Ling and Liu Muhan standing together and said haughtily, "two, you have heard director Wang's words."

"It happens that you have also invited a master to come here. Let's have a comparison. Whoever solves the problem here will belong to the land. How about it?"

Liu Muhan smell speech to see Yang Ling, it is obvious to him to make a decision.

Yang Ling indifferent way: "good, but boss he, there is a word I have to remind you two."


Two people smell speech a Leng, only listen to Yang Ling indifferent way: "please pay attention to your attitude, I hate others in front of me pretending to force."

"If you dare to talk to us like that again, I promise you two will have to lie down and get out of here."

This speech a, everybody is a Leng, immediately pour the cold air!

Don't doubt the truth of this sentence. Ah Ling, it's the one who breaks people's legs if they don't agree with each other!

"Ding, you smashed boss he's desire to pretend to be forced. Attribute point + 1."

Boss he turned pale and stepped back a few steps, while Jiang He said angrily: "boy, it's good for young people to have momentum, but you can get a clear target."

"I also warn you, don't think you can be a little skilful, in front of a real master master's skills

"Otherwise, I'll give you a taste of the pain of a broken leg."

"Is it?"

Yang Ling indifferent way: "less nonsense, let me see, you master what skills."


Jiang He looks at Yang Ling coldly. He is not a fool. He can feel a faint sense of oppression from the youth in front of him.

Although he has absolute confidence in himself, it is better not to have a positive conflict with Yang Ling before the monster is solved.

He made a gesture to the people around him, and the four or five strong men immediately returned to the car and carried a large number of spears to the river.

Jiang He sneered: "look at it well, and I will solve you after I solve it."

Said, a jump on the edge of the pile of spears, this jump at least seven or eight meters away, let the field people have eyes.

Looking at the calm river, Jiang He suddenly cried out: "demon, you are a disaster to the world, come out to me!"

The genie will not pay attention to him. If someone who doesn't know is here, he will definitely think that he escaped from the mental hospital.

There was no movement along the river. After a sneer, Jiang He picked up a spear, calculated with his fingers, and suddenly thrust himself into the water not far away!

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