According to the description of the system, the initial intimacy of relatives to the host is very high, and it is difficult to become the system related characters, which is also a ridge in Yang Ling's mind.

At this moment, his heart is very much looking forward to, and then the system's prompt sound rises: "Ding, make a wish to succeed, Yang Xue has officially become a system related person."

"Ding, brother and sister's fetter, Yang Xue's intimacy value to you has reached the full value, and the host has obtained a treasure chest of wishes."

"Ding, host charm + 1, current Charisma: 39."

"My slot is full! Sister awesome! "

If it's not midnight now, Yang Ling really wants to look up and laugh three times!

One treasure chest after another. Hi.

"Ding, does the host now open the chest of wishes?"

Open the box for a while, keep driving!

Yang Ling said excitedly, "open the treasure chest for me!"

"Ding, the host chooses to open the wish chest, and is drawing random rewards for you. Please wait a moment."

Another long wait, this time Yang Ling some anxiety.

This box is different from the previous one. It's a box given by Yang Xue!

Liu Muhan gives the desire space, Zhang Yurou gives the space to drive things, Xia Feiyan gives her daughter and mother the dragon soul sword, and Chu Siyin is proficient in alchemy.

Even if Huang Fengjiao has given such gods as Jinluan Huofeng, the people around him have not given him the most top-level things.

My sister is his closest friend. How can I say it's not too bad?

Don't know how long after, Yang Ling finally waited for the system's prompt tone: "Ding, congratulations on the host to obtain the top prize: the only true God!"

Unique true God:

function 1: after releasing skills, the host is in invincible state, lasting for 30 seconds, cooling time is 24 hours, and is immune to all attacks in invincible state.

The duration of invincibility increases by 30 seconds for each LV1 increase.

Function 2: after the invincible state is over, the total attributes of the host are increased by 100%, and LV1 is increased for all outward oriented skill levels, lasting for 30 seconds.

For each LV1 skill increase, the attribute explosion time increases by 30 seconds.

Yang Ling was stunned by this skill.

It's 30 seconds. It's no wonder that it's the name of the beast?

Come on, let alone the rocket, this time even the atomic bomb will not kill him.

The key skill can be upgraded. If it is upgraded to LV5, the invincible time will be nearly three minutes?

Swim in the magma and learn more about it.

What makes his scalp numb is that after the invincible state, all attributes are + 100%, and LV1 is increased for all outward oriented skills

What can be said but terror?

The only true God, in the duration of the skill, is no doubt God!

Yang Ling heavily vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas, let his heart calm down.

This skill has obviously surpassed such powerful things as space separation, thunder control and dragon soul sword. The only thing that can match it is the desire space.

The younger sister is the younger sister, come up full Pro density, give the skill also directly let Yang Ling become God, as expected did not have the white pain her.

Yang Ling secretly determined that in the future as long as in their own ability range, sister what to give!

Spoiled, spoiled, we are not afraid of money!

This evening's harvest can be said to be very huge, Yang Ling has been blowing cold wind on the balcony, blowing in the middle of the night to let the mood completely calm down.

Climbing onto the bed and hugging Liu Muhan, he fell asleep peacefully in the gentle struggle of the female president.

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