After killing her on the road, Liu Muhan sent a group of soldiers into the tower and ate a layer of TAPI by the way. Now she is one level ahead of her class, and her economy is 800 yuan ahead. Her advantage has been played out.

As for the big bug of the root of all evils, he pushed a wave of soldiers back to the middle and drilled into the red buff field of the other side.

This is not a new round of wild monster to refresh it!

But the professional team is a professional team, the other side of the collapse of Nakano two people began to gather, in the prince scanning jewelry open road, two people hide in the local red buff field area in a grass, waiting for big insects to come against the field.

Big wisdom saw this and said with a smile: "SSD team intends to ambush a wave, if you can kill the big bug to get the reward, the initial disadvantage will be back a lot."

Dayong nodded his head and said, "don't say, the prince's attack and fly together with Yasuo's big move to ignite. It's really possible to kill the big bug!"

"Ah, the big bug has entered the other side's wild area!"

"Is this a turning point?"

The scene quieted down and everyone was staring at the screen.

I saw the big bug swaggering into each other's wild area, straight to red buff and go.

When he was about to get close to the grass, the prince was going to start!

Dayong exclaimed, "the second company of EQ is the key!"

The prince's flag had been inserted just after the words fell, but as he was flying in the air, the big bug sprayed w on the spot!

The next moment, the big bug was hit, but it was unbelievable that Yasso's big didn't keep up, because he was silent!


There was an uproar!

Ah Ling, what's the reaction speed? It's terrible!

This Yasuo's big did not keep up, these two people still have a hair!

Because of the explosion of the wild area, the Prince now has only level 4. Facing the big bug of level 7, Ping a just scratched his body.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Two even a go down, the big bug dropped half a grid of blood, this beat a chicken?

Because Yasuo didn't take the big move, he simply turned his head and left. The so-called Zhongye en Duanyi Jue means this kind of person

The prince tried to avoid the bug's Q by twisting his buttocks as he retreated. Unfortunately, Yang Ling didn't plan to put Q at all.

His cloth armour shoes, the prince has no shoes, the moving speed is not of the same grade, only to see the big bug driving e keep walking a, let the prince despair one mouthful at a time

No accident, the prince died in his own wild area, but then something incredible happened.

Big bug in the prince's death moment, suddenly flash across the wall a Q!

Yasso, who was watching the drama, was directly picked up by Q without any precaution!

The deceleration of big bug Q skill is very strong. When Yasso reacts, the bug is close. He runs to the tower, but he is still chased by a several times.

Yasuo's blood was full of play. He ate a Q and several FA Ping a, and was sprayed with W, accompanied by "Mo Mo Mo..." He was eaten by a big bug!

Everyone was silent, and then exploded in an instant!

Wild area 1V2 double kill opposite Zhongye!

Terror, it's so terrible!

The screen full of 6666, in addition to 6 buckles, they can not think of any praise.

Two professional commentators exclaimed in amazement. The great wisdom and fierce response came over and said in disbelief: "did you find that ah Ling deliberately stuck to the wall when he walked a before? He had a premeditation already!"

"Yes, no wonder the Q skill is pinched so dead. It turns out that he is staring at Yasuo!"

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