"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the top reward: skill card * 1."

"Lie / slot!"

Yang Ling cheered. Before upgrading the system, he does not need new skills or magic weapons, but needs all kinds of cards!

The most ideal natural is the maid card, look at the osmanthus like that, the maid is too strong.

However, the skill card is also very good. Now there are more skills, and the wish value is so little. A card can be worth at least 100 wish values.

After all the income has been consumed, Yang Ling goes to bed with his wife in his arms.

The next morning, because it was a weekend, she didn't need to go to work. According to the previous practice, Yang Ling went to the side of the road to buy breakfast. Because she had the sense of presence induction skills, she didn't recognize him as the big boss.

The grove has just finished collecting the subsistence allowances, and a surprise voice comes from behind.

"Ah Ling!"

Zhang Yurou excitedly rushed into Yang Ling's arms and said with a smile, "I watched yesterday's game, you are really too powerful!"

"I would like to be with you. If my father hadn't pulled me, I would have gone to you."

This little nurse, no, it should be the boss now.

She is also a system related person. Seeing four girls in the competition field together, she naturally has a great liking. With the invisible attraction, no wonder she wants to go to find them.

Yang Ling said with a smile: "Liu Dong has mentioned you for a long time. If you want to invite you to dinner, you are not willing to."


Zhang Yurou pursed her lips and said, "I'm not ready yet..."

Yang Ling funny looking at her, is not to eat Contact feelings, how to feel like to see parents.

After that, he took a test of Zhang Yurou's hypnosis knowledge. Generally speaking, it was not bad. The girl still had some talent in this respect.

But compared with the talented girl Liu Muhan, it is still a little worse.

However, if you go on like this, you can always learn something. Anyway, there is still a little time to open the health center. Take your time.

Before leaving, Zhang Yurou whispered: "a Ling, my father wants to change the third floor of the fitness center into a house..."

"How can that be done?"


Before Zhang Yurou had time to show her disappointment, Yang Ling said, "you have time to see the house. If you like it, tell me I'll buy it for you!"

Looking at the youth in front of him, Zhang Yurou's heart will melt.

Yang Ling was so kind to her. She hugged Yang Ling again and said shyly, "ah Ling, I don't want to be a girl anymore..."


Yang Ling's face turned red when she heard the speech. It was no longer a temptation, but a straightforward one!

He said with a soft smile in Zhang Yurou's ear: "if you have a chance, just wait for one to come true."


"Shame to death

Zhang Yurou's face is even redder, but she is holding Yang Ling and does not want to let go. Yang Ling smiles and shakes her head, and feels more pity for the girl in her heart.

They are all system related characters, but he has no psychological burden, but as he said, this kind of thing still has to wait for a natural result.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Yurou, Yang Ling went back to the villa and had breakfast with Liu Muhan. The female president habitually ordered the news, and then chuckled.

Sure enough, the screen is full of things about yesterday's game, such as the most powerful team in history, the super galactic warship, the most beautiful team in history, and all kinds of praise.

This is the chain reaction of strength.

If you lose yesterday, today's news will be another situation.

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