"Mole, mole ant?"

Zhang Yurou worried: "the foreigner heard that he was very powerful. You must not underestimate the enemy."

"No, I'm going too. I have to watch you!"

Yang Ling said with a smile: "why, I was beaten, do you help me to treat bandage?"

"Don't worry. It's OK."

Zhang Yurou smell speech Du Du mouth, she is a small woman, since Yang Ling said so, naturally will not insist on what.

She thought of one thing and said curiously, "ah Ling, I have an illusion these days when I get up in the morning."

"It seems that I have become stronger and stronger in all aspects of my body..."

Yang Ling's face showed a smile.

After the system is upgraded, the associated characters will get their own 10% attribute bonus, which has shown the effect.

He looked around and pointed to a stone pier not far away that was used to stop the car and said, "come on, you can try to kick the stone pier and see how much strength you have increased."

Zhang Yurou smell speech excited up, and Yang Ling together to the stone pier, kick a foot out.


A dull sound, a hundred pounds of stone pier directly kicked out more than a meter.


Zhang Yurou exclaimed, she is also trying, did not expect to be able to kick!

Yang Ling nodded with satisfaction, observing the strength of the woman at 10 o'clock.

According to the system, the 10 point strength is almost the same as a strong adult man.

Yang Ling kicked the stone pier back to its original position and said with a smile: "rain soft, your strength is estimated to be greater than your father."

"I don't think you should learn to hypnotize, but learn to fight, and dominate women's fighting?"

Zhang Yurou's face was a little red. She looked at Yang Ling anxiously and said, "ah Ling, you don't like a man like me..."

"Man, man, woman?"

Yang Ling smell speech a Leng, immediately burst into laughter: "I have not seen such a good-looking man woman."

"Don't worry. It's a good thing to get stronger. After you go back, you can take more activities and adapt to it."

"Besides, seriously, there's no harm in learning fighting."

Zhang Yurou looked at Yang Ling strangely and said, "ah Ling, you don't seem surprised at all?"

"Is it..."

"You've fucked my body?"

"Poof, hahaha..."

Yang Ling was amused by the little nurse. He reached out and touched the woman's head, and said with a smile, "who knows, maybe you can learn hypnosis to boost your strength?"

"OK, we have to keep a low profile even though we have increased our strength."

"go back, and I will withdraw too!"

Zhang Yurou blushed and nodded, but she could see that she was still very excited when she suddenly gained strength.

"Ding, you have satisfied Zhang Yurou's wish for better health. The wish value is + 2."

Looking at the back of the girl's leaving, Yang Ling smiles.

With their own attributes continue to enhance, the girls around them will be a little bit stronger, and later with pills, their four-dimensional will rise faster.

It's a waste not to let them learn some self-defense skills

Nodding to himself, he put it into the plan.

The competition started at 2:00 p.m., but after 9:00 a.m., his mobile phone kept ringing. The organizing committee called him to urge him to leave.

In the villa, Liu Muhan said: "a Ling, the financial statistics have come out. So far, the revenue of the event, including tickets, broadcast fees and other aspects, has reached 172 million mg gold."

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