Chen Yi looks at this person like an idiot, while Yang Xue looks at the man in sunglasses, smilingly takes out his mobile phone and dials a phone.

On the green belt outside the hotel, Yang Ling is surrounded by a group of dogs.

Yes, he doesn't know why there are so many dogs in C City, but he is surrounded by dogs.

The stray dogs stare at a hot dog in his hand, and their eyes glow with greed.

A group of dogs can't do anything about him, but to his surprise, all the dogs are carrying a faint Aura!

Just as he was trying to find out, the phone rang.

"Brother, there is a fool rich second generation who wants to soak us. This time there is a bit of conflict. Please come and save me!"

Yang Ling a Leng, curious way: "the other side what way?"

Yang Xue jokingly said: "it's like the young master of Jinhua mining industry, with 100 million assets!"

Yang Ling smell speech light smile way: "snow, you are also adults, some small things have to deal with by themselves."

"You say you are so good-looking that you will not be harassed. You can't let your brother SWAT all the flies?"

"I'm busy. I'll take care of it myself."

Then he hung up the phone.

I'm kidding. Yang Xue and Chen Yi's four-dimensional clear 18 o'clock, a slap in the face can fan a small punk into the hospital, but he has to do it in person?

"Ding, you smashed Yang Xue's wish to help chase flies. Attribute point + 2."

Listening to the toot of the phone, Yang Xue was a little confused, and then he held Chen Yi's small arm and cried: "wuwuwu, my brother is a straight man of steel, he let us deal with it by ourselves!"


"Do it yourself?"

Chen Yi slightly stunned and sighed, intending to show her identity. But at this time, Yang Xue stood up, looked at the rich second generation and said, "if my brother came, you would break a leg at most."

"It's a pity that my brother doesn't care. It's your bad luck."

The rich second generation and the horsemen were stunned when they heard the speech. When they just wanted to say something, they saw an incredible scene.

Yang Xue held the table directly. At the next moment, she lifted the log table of two or three hundred jin over her head on the spot and smashed it towards the rich second generation!


After a muffled sound, several people all fell to the ground with their heads broken and bleeding, and the scream resounded throughout the dining room.

Everyone was stunned. A 17-8-year-old girl lifted a table with a weight of several hundred Jin and hit people?

Is NIMA still a person?

Say, a word does not agree to open film, you are too cruel!

The man with sunglasses was smashed and bleeding on the ground. His face was distorted by severe pain, and his voice trembled with fear from the heart.

"You Are you that kind of existence? "


Yang Xue looked at him in surprise, and then stepped on his face and hummed: "look at the look of your air just now. Why are you shaking now?"

"Say, do you want our V letter?"

Sunglasses male face was trampled, pain roared: "this is C City, immediately let me go, or you will die very ugly!"


Yang Xue has never been a good temper, her eyes showed a wisp of cold, even toward the knee of this person severely stepped on the past!

This is no experience, Yang Ling never step on the knee and other key parts, that is the action of the disabled.

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