"You die!"

Su Qiling stamped her foot and gave Yang Ling a sharp glance. Sometimes this man is not popular.

"Ding, you smashed Su Qiling's desire to have intimate interaction with you. Attribute point + 1."

Seeing that Yang Ling has already gone forward, Su Qiling snorted, or quickly catch up.

"Well, didn't you mean to buy me a house?"

Yang Ling said with a smile, "I haven't forgotten. Let's go."

"That's about it."

Su Qiling chuckled. She took Yang Ling's arm and said with a smile, "for the sake of your expenses, I'll try to be your girlfriend for one day."

"Only one day for a villa? It's a bit expensive

make complaints about Yangling's heart. "Smile," "Su Dao you, we are also masters of the natural environment. If you arm my arm, will you lose your master's master?"

"Why don't you let it go?"

Su Qiling snorted, "Liu Suifeng sticks to you every day, so I can't hold your arm?"

Yang Ling smell speech a Leng, 90 points under the intimacy, this demon girl finally release the nature?

In other words, it was not until after their physical contact that Yang Ling realized that the girl had reached the mid congenital state.

The big demon is the big demon. It's really powerful.

Seeing that the hateful person didn't push herself away, Su Qiling's face became more and more brilliant. I can see that she likes to get along with this Yang Ling very much.

"Ding, you have satisfied Su Qiling's wish to be your girlfriend for one day. The wish value is + 1."

All the way, they came to Yipin sunshine villa area.

This is the latest opening of S City Villa District, the price is very expensive, the grade and Nanhu villa area is similar, but compared with Longwan are far worse.

Looking at the villa group in front of him, Yang Lingqi said strangely: "it was the property of Tian's group before. You killed the boss of others, and you still bought the villa here?"

Su Qiling said calmly, "you mean the father and son surnamed Tian?"

"They were killed by the lamas."


Yang Ling heard a Leng, surprised: "but when I asked you, you said you are not polite, not disguised to admit it?"

"Yes, I killed the Lama. I saved your Siyin lover. You're welcome. What's the problem?"

"I see..."

Yang Ling smiles and nods. Su Qiling's 90 points of intimacy to herself does not deceive her.

For the little girl holding his arm, he had a good feeling in his heart.

Su Qiling took Yang Ling to the real estate center. As she walked, she said with a smile, "I've got a good view of the villa. The biggest one in the middle also has a fountain, a swimming pool and a garden."

Yang Ling turned her eyes when she heard the speech. The evil girl's eyes were poisonous. It would cost at least twenty or thirty million

But in Yang Ling's eyes, what can be solved with money is not a matter.

Two people walk to the door of the house purchase center, but slightly a Leng.

I saw a group of young people in front of them, with cigarettes in their mouth, blocking the gate one by one, ruffian and ruffian are also very arrogant.

A few punks holding the slogan of returning my hard-earned money in their hands seemed to come to ask for salary.

The sales faces in the hall looked at their faces pale, obviously scared.

Su Qiling said strangely: "what age are you still asking for his salary?"

"Why don't you go to the court?"

Yang Ling said with a smile: "asking for salary is just an excuse. It's true that social people come here to ask for money."

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