Yang Ling looked at him and was angry.

What a good young man he was, how could he have an affair.

He snorted: "Jianghua, can you do it? It's only a week or so since the beginning of school that you've got to hook up with your little sister. It's going to take a year and a half. Don't you have wives and concubines in groups?"

As soon as he said this, ye Yiyi was even more aggrieved, and her eyes turned red. However, another girl was a little unconvinced, but she did not dare to speak because of Yang Ling's majesty.

Jiang Hua said with a wry smile: "brother Yang, it's not what you think. Last night, ouch, I did go out last night, but I just drank some wine. I didn't think of anything else..."

OK, I can't explain why I'm confused after drinking

Yang Ling glared at him and looked at the girl sitting on the other side.

I have to say, the girl is really good, but it is just not bad.

However, Yang Ling looked at her in a strange way. He and Su Qiling looked at each other and saw a wisp of surprise in each other's eyes.

To tell you the truth, it will happen.

The whole world knows that Jiang Hua is following his Yang Ling, and he will have an unlimited future in the future. This guy is now a hot cake. I don't know how many girls want to post it.

After hesitation, Yang Ling looked at the girl and said, "little sister, what's your name?"

The girl said weakly, "Meng Xuan."

The pitiful appearance makes people feel pity.

Yang Ling nodded her head and said, "well, little sister Meng Xuan, do you know that Jianghua has a girlfriend?"

"I know!"

"Jiang Hua and I belong to the same department. During military training, he stood beside me and took care of me..."

"I just wanted to invite him to dinner last night, hoping to be a good friend with him. I didn't want to break him up with Yijie."

"It's just Jiang Hua he..."

Say unexpectedly choked up.

The crowd shook their heads and sighed one by one. Jiang Hua grinned bitterly, and ye Yiyi's eyes showed a trace of pity.

Looking at this woman's expression, all people have only one idea in their hearts, that is: Jianghua this scum!

Yang Ling saw this silence. After a moment, he said strangely: "what's wrong with Jianghua? Can you tell me the details?"

This speech a, everybody is a Leng, immediately collective turn up white eye!

"Ah Ling, there is a big girl with yellow flowers. Do you ask that?"

"Ah Ling's head is sometimes just like being caught in the door. It's not clear what to do!"

"Details? I also want to know the details... "

The girl is also a Leng, surprised to see Yang Ling after a look, the reaction came over, a low head to look very shy.

Yang Ling saw this corner of the mouth showed a smile, he said with a light smile: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"Let's change the question. Do you like Jianghua?"


Everyone pricked up her ears. The girl looked a little flustered. Her eyes swept around the crowd as if she was looking for something, but she quickly withdrew her eyes in disappointment.

After hesitation, she blushed and nodded: "like Jiang Huahe is very kind to me. "

"I see."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "so to sum up, you like Jianghua, but you don't want to separate him and ye Yiyi, so last night you called him out to drink. After drinking, Jianghua got drunk and you took him to the hotel."

"Then a drunken Jiang Hua did something strange to you, didn't he?"


Yang Ling's clue is so reasonable that things seem to be a little clear.

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