Su Qiling was surprised and said, "glass bottle?"


"Why is this thing here?"

Xiao Longnv's face was full of curiosity, and Yang Ling said with a smile, "you care so much."

"Boss, how much is it? I'll take it."


After a little surprised, Yang Ling looked at the number.

This guy knows the goods.

It's a pity that the newspaper is less. If you want him to sell it, 50 million yuan will be the bottom line!

Yang Ling faint smile, is ready to pay it, but seems to be sensing something, after a little silence a sigh.

At the moment, not far away, a beautiful girl was looking at him, and her eyes were filled with tears.

This daughter Yang Ling knows, but is the sister of ex girlfriend Fang Yuwei, Fang Yumeng.

I still remember that on the way to the college entrance examination that day, Fang Yuwei was stopped by Tian Zhuo Yan. Fang Yumeng was in the car. If Yang Ling did not happen to pass by, she would not be able to go to the examination room.

A few months later, she returned to the Fang family with her father and sister, and flew to the branches and became a Phoenix.

Today's Fang Yumeng is dressed up to show the true qualities of Miss Fang's family. At first glance, she is a lady of a wealthy family.

This pair of sisters are very close to themselves. Her sister Fang Yuwei even reaches the full value. The sense of presence induction skill is ineffective for them, so she can find Yang Ling in the crowd.

, for them, what Yangling did not want to make complaints about, and saw the girl's tears ceaselessly, and he felt his heart out.

In other words, it is understandable that your sister saw me cry. After all, she got along so long.

What's the matter with you?

Don't cry, people will misunderstand!

Sure enough, the two girls around found something unusual. Su Qiling was surprised and said, "a Ling, there is a girl who looks at you and tears."

"Are you bullying people

Yang Ling shook her head slightly and didn't say anything more.

Su Qiling, however, seemed to understand something, with a wisp of smile in her eyes.

Xiao Longnu sighed: "Yang Daoyou, that child seems to like you very much."

"No, really good?"

Yang Ling light said: "some meet, for some people, may not be a good thing."

Xiao Longnu sighs and stops talking.

On the other side, Fang Yumeng's housekeeper dressed woman startled: "second miss, how did you cry?"

"I know you don't like Chen Da Shao, but the marriage of the two families means two ancestors."

"Don't cry, Chen Dashao will come soon..."


Fang Yumeng choked: "I'm not because of this."

"It's just that I saw an acquaintance, and I didn't hold back for a moment..."


A man's voice came from behind them. Looking back, it was a handsome young man dressed casually.

When the housekeeper saw this man, she quickly saluted him and said, "Hello, young master Chen."

The handsome man nodded slightly, then looked at Fang Yumeng, concerned: "Yumeng, which acquaintance dares to bully you? I'll meet him

"No, no bullying!"

"It's just that I think of something

Fang Yumeng's tears could not stop falling down. Chen Hao's eyebrows were locked. He had just come back from the mountain training with his master. He had not set foot on the earth for many years, and many things he didn't know.

But the fiancee cried into tears, which is not obviously hurt by love!


Chen Hao snorted and said to the housekeeper, "housekeeper Fang, what's going on here?"


Housekeeper see Chen Hao angry, bitter smile, although she can not observe the three Yang Ling, but still unconsciously look at that direction.

Chen Haoshun looked at the girl's eyes, looked at Yang Ling and hummed: "it turned out to be a small white face!"

With that, he strode straight past!

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