"Three young masters, you have good eyesight. When you come, you see sister Siyin."

"What? Do you want to invite her to dance

Chu Siyin frowned at the speech, and master Xuan said with a smile: "Miss Chu, I've always been your fan. If you like, I really want to invite you to dance."


Chu Siyin shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't dance."


The three dandies frowned slightly at the same time, while the actress surnamed Yin said in a coquettish voice: "Oh, sister Chu, didn't you dance well before?"

"Or I don't want to see you dance with Ling Xuan

"Oh It's because of ah Ling... "

Master Xuan showed a smile, while another young master Dong said jokingly, "ah Ling, it's true that he has some skills, but all the people who can come here are from the same level as him."

"Miss Chu, you don't have to worry too much. If ah Ling misunderstands, we will tell him."

"I don't think even aline is stupid enough not to sell us the face?"

The actresses all giggled when they heard the speech. Sister Su chuckled: "yes, the three young masters' assets are nearly 50 billion yuan. Ah Ling must sell you this face."


Master Xuan said with a smile: "at our level, it's not family property, but family affairs and personal strength."

"Well, you don't understand."

He looked at Chu Siyin and said, "Miss Chu, is that ok? Invite you to dance? "

Chu Siyin bit her lower lip slightly. She was really worried. If these three dandies really went to ah Ling's trouble, wasn't it because of herself?

Several people's eyes are focused on Chu Siyin. After a long silence, she sighed, or shook her head: "I'll tell you the truth. I like ah Ling. It's impossible to dance with you."

As soon as this speech came out, several people were stunned.

This is really straightforward. I won't give you any face.

Seeing the three young masters, their faces all sank down, and several female stars succeeded in their treacherous schemes, they snickered more than one after another.

Master Xuan sneered: "good, very good."

"Miss Chu, you are pressing me with ah Ling."

"Wait and see, you will regret your decision now!"

Said directly took out the mobile phone, seems to be to make a phone call, but at this time several people behind actually spread a indifferent voice: "how, I can't suppress you?"

People smell speech is a Leng first, instinctive turn a head to see, but was all surprised.

"Ah Ling!"

Chu Siyin exclaimed, did not want to hide behind Yang Ling, and the female stars face all showed ugly color.

They didn't expect that ah Ling would be here too. Listening to this tone, they seem to have heard all the conversation just now

"Ladies, you wish to be shattered if you are not present."

All of them looked at the three young masters, and now they can see them.

The three men did not advise at all. Young master Xuan said calmly, "Yang Ling? Good to meet you

"If you can show up here, you still have some skills, but it's not enough to pretend to be forced in front of us."

Yang Ling gently rubbed Chu Siyin's head, then looked at the three people and said jokingly, "you are..."

"Sorry, so many rich second generation, I can't remember who you are."

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