After a few simple words, today's trip is finally over.

At night, in a parking lot, Yang Ling and Chu Siyin walk side by side. Because XiaoLongNu and Su Qiling plan to visit the night market, they are left now.

Nearby a Ferrari, two young girls were taking pictures. Chu Siyin saw that she was not in a good way: "husband, since I started driving Ferrari, people have been taking photos and forcing them by my car every day. They have shaved flowers several times."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "OK, it's my problem, OK."

"Next time I get you a tank, I won't be afraid of being scraped?"

Chu Siyin chuckled: "good, you dare to send me dare to open!"

Walking closer, Yang Ling said with a smile to the two young women who were shooting the video: "two beauties, let me have a little bit?"

The second daughter was stunned at first. When she recognized Yang Ling and Chu Siyin, she screamed, but she wanted to sign.

Well, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

"Ding, you have satisfied the desire of two female fans to get your signature, and the wish value is + 1."

After the second daughter left, Chu Siyin saw no one nearby and said with a red face: "husband, tonight..."

"How about sleeping with me..."


Yang Linggang's drink almost came out. Looking at Chu Siyin's shy appearance, he shook his head and said, "not today. There are too many people."

"What, I knew you would refuse!"

Chu Siyin was not happy and snorted, "that time you didn't touch me after sleeping with me!"

"If you take someone else's innocence, you don't care, right? You can't be responsible. Hum!"

Yang Ling opened his mouth and immediately shook his head and said, "no, no, no, you think too much. You may not believe it if you say it out. Besides your sister Liu, I have been intimate with you."


Chu Siyin looked at Yang Ling suspiciously. Seeing Yang Ling nodded seriously, she suddenly giggled and said, "understand, sister Liu is fragrant, I want to hug."

"My dear, it doesn't matter if you eat vegetables every day, sometimes pickled vegetables or bean curd

Yang Ling glared at her, Chu Siyin has always been fierce, but this is not too direct?

What's his funny way? Pickles or tofu? "

"I am, um..."

Chu Siyin tilted her head and thought for a while, then she said with a smile: "I am boleyi seaweed! Ha ha ha

Yang Ling was also amused by the girl. If it wasn't for XiaoLongNu, Su Qiling, Xu Shen and Bai Suzhen, it would be inconvenient for him to do something shameful. He really wanted to change his taste.

When she pinched Chu Siyin's soft waist, Yang Ling suddenly made a finger ring and immediately walked out of the corner from far away.

He was beautiful, dressed in maid's clothes. Although he had a soft smile on his mouth, he had a faint and fierce momentum.

It's not redundancy. Who else?

Walking to the front, the redundant child Yingying salutes: "young master, Mrs. Chu."

Chu Siyin was surprised to see redundant son, but Yang Ling said with a smile: "this is our maid, like osmanthus, you call her redundant son."

Mrs. Chu, who responded quickly, said, "sister Conger is good."

After getting familiar with it, Yang Ling said: "redundant son, send Siyin home. You can take care of your family with Osmanthus fragrans for the time being."

Redundant son nodded, but Chu Siyin was reluctant to say: "what, this is going to let people go home."

"No, I have to help sister Liu watch you!"

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