
Wang Jingshu's face was red, and she hastened to take back her eyes. She was embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry. I've never seen such a beautiful girl."

"But I think this lady is a little similar to Liu Dong..."

Xiao Longnu said with a light smile: "brother Yang said this when he first saw me."

"I'd like to see her if I have a chance."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "there is always a chance."

Said Wang Jing Shu and said, "take it?"

Speaking of business, Wang Jingshu quickly put a briefcase on the table and said, "Mr. Yang, this is the detailed financial statements of the group this quarter, as well as the asset flow situation of you and Liu Dong. You can have a look at it."

After taking over the thick document bag, Yang Ling nodded and said, "let me go. You can go back to help Liu Dong."

Hearing this, Wang Jingshu said with a bitter smile, "Liu Dong said that she would go shopping with her sisters today, but she was not in the company..."


Yang Ling said with a smile, "did she give herself a holiday?"

Wang Jingshu hesitated for a while, some embarrassed said: "Yang Dong, my boyfriend wants to travel with me to Maldives, do you think you can approve me a few days of annual leave?"


Yang Ling secretly exclaimed that it was not good, but on the surface, he said: "tourism is natural, but we should promote domestic sales. It's not too late to have a look at the great mountains and rivers of the motherland before going abroad."

"Well, I'll give you an annual leave. You and your boyfriend can go for a picnic in the suburbs of s city."


Wang Jingshu opened her mouth, some want to cry without tears.

She mentioned this with Liu Muhan before, and the female president directly asked her to pour a glass of water, as if nothing had happened, showing the face of the capitalists

I thought that Mr. Yang was good at talking, but as a result

The barren hills and mountains in the suburb of s city will be sent to prison if the forest is burned.

"Evil capitalists!"

Wang Jingshu cursed in his heart and snorted: "that Yang Dong, I still don't have a new year off."

"Go back to the company first, and drink tea slowly."

He walked toward the door.

"Ding, you smashed Wang Jingshu's desire to travel. Attribute point + 1."

Looking at the girl's back, XiaoLongNu said with a laugh: "brother Yang, how can you look like a local rich man?"

Yang Ling sighed: "this female secretary is also a member of Liu Dong's side. No one knows what measures the barbarians and the sea people will take next. It's too dangerous to leave s city."

Xiao Longnv was stunned at the smell of speech, and said with some amusement: "how do you listen like a pretext?"

"Oh, Miss long, look at what you said. How can a man of integrity like me squeeze employees?"

Seeing Yang Ling's sophistry, XiaoLongNu couldn't help laughing: "brother Yang, sometimes you really, cluck..."

in front of this fairy, a rare old face in Yangling, quickly ordered her a cup of coffee and a cake and saw the report herself.

He has not paid attention to the operation of the group for a long time, so it is not a whim, but to know exactly how much assets he has.

XiaoLongNu sipped her coffee and sat quietly on one side. Occasionally, she looked at Yang Ling, with a faint smile on her lips.

She seemed to enjoy the time.

Half an hour later, Yang Ling read all the information and was quite satisfied with the operation of the group.

Now his personal wealth has reached 8 billion yuan, of which 7.6 billion is the equity of the group, and the circulating cash is 400 million yuan.

Equity can't be changed. In fact, 400 million cash is not enough.

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