"Ding, you smashed Yin Xuan's wish to suppress you with the king of gamblers. Attribute point + 1."

A bolt from the blue!

What a bolt from the blue!

He lenglengleng looking at a face indifferent Yang Ling, suddenly a soft knee will kneel down.

But in front of Yang Ling, you can not kneel if you want.

A gentle force lifted him up. Yang Ling said faintly: "there is gold under the man's knee. Master Yin doesn't have to be like this."

Seeing that the handsome young man was so scared, he looked at the mobile phone that fell to the ground and said with a smile: "the name of the king of gamblers is like thunder. If I have time to go back home, I really want to see it."

The king of gamblers on the screen said with a bitter smile, "master, what you did before you, master Su and master long was earth shaking. We all admire it."

Seeing Yang Ling looking at himself with a smile, Yin Luo saw sweat on his forehead and said with a bitter smile, "master, the child is so spoiled that he has offended you somehow. Please hold your hand and let him go this time..."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "it's not a big deal, but your son wants to invite my girlfriend to dinner."

"Please, invite your girlfriend to dinner..."

Hearing this, even under the beautiful effect of mobile phone video, Yin Luo's face became iron green. He gritted his teeth and said, "master, I'm going to fly back and break his leg myself!"

Seeing that he was about to leave, Yang Ling waved her hand with a smile: "OK, he didn't know in advance. Besides, I was the one The elder owes you money from the casino. "

"Let's call it a day. I'll have the money transferred to your account later."

The king of gamblers was shocked and said: "how can this be? Since you are your elder, you can play at our casinos without charge."

"Well, I've just built a new casino in Aumen, and I'll transfer it to your name immediately, so that your elder can play with it in his spare time."

The melon eaters were startled by the conversation between the two people, and their eyes almost glared out. Even the reporters forgot to write articles, and their eyes widened to look at Yang Ling.

They asked the classic question again.

What kind of existence is ah Ling!

This is too exaggerated!

Yang Ling laughed in his heart and snorted coldly on his face: "am I greedy for the younger generation's things?"

"If it is spread out, will it not be ridiculed by the old people?"

The king of gambler said very wisely, "elder, who dares to laugh at you with your great achievements?"

"My respect for you is like the continuous flow of the river and the flood of the Yellow River."

"If you don't accept the younger generation's casinos, I will..."

"I just ran into you and died in front of you!"


A large area of the sound of dislocation sounded, and even some people can not believe that the scene happened in front of them was stimulated and fainted.

"Ding, you meet the imagination of some gourd eating people, wish value + 1."

"Ding, you smashed the desire of some gourd eating people not to be seriously stimulated. Attribute point + 1."

Yang Ling made a wink at Zhang Yurou. Zhang Yurou immediately called the emergency call, so as not to be too excited to die at the door of the store.

All people are dizzy, a generation of king of gamblers, even if they die, they have to give a gambling house to ah Ling. If the other side doesn't accept it, they will also seek suicide.

Either the king of gamblers got his head clipped by the door or their head was kicked by a donkey.

This is too terrible!

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