"Third, I know that I am very good-looking. Many girls like me very much, and even many boys also like me. But I want to make it clear that I like it and do not affect your daily communication."

"You can take me as a goal, a direction of struggle, but don't take me as the standard of mate selection."

"Last but not least, don't hold me

Yang Ling said angrily: "the scandal said in front of you, if you can't control yourself want to hold me, I don't care about men and women, whether beautiful or ugly, directly pull down."

The reporters were open mouthed and speechless.

They've seen the rich second generation or the big man who is cruel to the heaven and the earth to the air, but it's a little bit sensational, but what Yang Ling said is true.

It can be seen that he is not making a topic, not deliberately attracting traffic, but talking to all fans with great sincerity.

Say something to your heart.

In addition, the reporters' keen sense of smell told them that Alin was a little angry.

The reason for his anger may be that fans can't find him and harass his family and friends.

Some time ago, the microblogs of Chu Siyin and Yang Xue were overcrowded, and all kinds of comments were made. Chu Siyin even stopped live broadcasting for a few days because she was so annoyed.

Female fans are so crazy that some of them have forgotten their surnames.

Yang Ling is gently reminding them that if they continue to do so, he will not want fans.

Yes, no fans. That's what it means!

The reporters did not dare to ask any more questions for a while. The whole scene was silent. Yang Ling saw that the effect had been achieved, and the person whose jaw dislocated was almost accepted. He waved his hand and said, "OK, this is a private place. I didn't hold a press conference."

"Everybody, please."

A moment later, the reporters all left the fitness center, and only Yang Ling was left in the store.

Yang Ling looked at Zhang's father and said with a smile, "Uncle Zhang, do you like gambling?"

Zhang's father was obviously afraid of Yang Ling. He said with a dry smile, "no, Xiaoling, I just play once in a while, and I won't gamble again..."

Zhang Yurou sighed, but Yang Ling said with a smile: "it's OK, who doesn't have a hobby?"

"Well, since Uncle Zhang likes gambling, how about the management of the gambling house given by the king of gamblers?"

"I give you 10% of the total shares in the casinos every year. I think after this event, the business of casinos there should be very good."

Zhang Fu was surprised and said, "really?"

No, I'm too small to manage

I didn't think this man was a little bit self-conscious.

Yang Ling said with a smile: "uncle is modest. I believe that with your experience, you should be able to run the casino well."

"In addition, I will send several financial personnel to assist you. After you go there, you can hire experienced personnel to assist in management."

Zhang's father rubbed his hands and looked at Zhang Yu's Judo: "rain soft, or I'll try it? "

Zhang Yurou sighed: "Dad, this is a chance for you. After you go there, don't gamble, and don't look for some women who are not good at gambling..."

Zhang's father promised that he was going to be the general manager of a casino, so let alone the excitement.

"Ding, you have satisfied Zhang father's wish to run a gambling house. The wish value is + 1."

With a faint smile, Yang Ling dialed a phone and said, "snake, you..."

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