This batch of ammunition includes large caliber snipers, submachine guns, anti tank rocket launchers, mortars, flame throwers, and various hand mines and mines. With these weapons, he can kill the barbarians and burn the sea clan experts without using any real gas.

It's not over. Yang Ling gave Justin another 10 million yuan to get some more ammunition. If there are tanks or other things, the price will be negotiated

After 12 o'clock in the night, Yang Ling, lying on the bed, received a system prompt: "Ding, congratulations on the host's completion of Liu Muhan's intimacy breakthrough task. The upper limit of Liu Muhan's intimacy has been increased to 200, and the host has obtained a treasure chest of wishes."

"Ding, congratulations on the completion of Su Qiuxia's intimacy breakthrough task. The upper limit of Su Qiuxia's intimacy has been increased to 200, and the host has obtained a treasure chest of wishes."

Yang Ling breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the speech, and the task lasted for a month was finally completed. In the future, as long as the system was upgraded, the intimacy of the two girls would continue to improve. In addition to the fact that they could continue to have a higher percentage of four dimensions from Yang Ling, Yang Ling could also get more feedback on their wish values and attribute points.

The prompt tone of the system continues: "Ding, chusiyin's intimacy breakthrough task has been activated. Does the host receive it now?"

This task can be delayed to receive, each lag day consumes 1 point of wish value. After silence for a while, Yang Ling chose not to take it temporarily.

According to the experience of the first two, Chu Siyin has to sleep with her. It's not that Yang Ling doesn't like Chu Siyin, but that the current situation is not suitable.


Completed two tasks, got two wish chest, Yang Ling did not rush to open, but began to allocate points.

This more than a week, he got a wish value of 31 points, plus the previous 16 points, now 47 / 10.

The free attribute point has also come to 21.

The old rule, add a little square.

After one operation, his panel changes as follows:

strength: 180

Agility: 170

physical strength: 170

mental strength: 168

wish value: 47 / 10

Charm Value: 80

"Ding, host gets two random rewards, current reward times: 2 times."

The reward opportunity must keep the synthetic treasure chest. Yang Ling said in a deep voice: "keep it, and open the box for my wish!"

"Ding, the host chooses to open the wish chest. Please wait a moment."

This time, the wish treasure chest is given to you after the task is completed, and the wish value is finally left. After a long wait, the system's sound prompts: "Ding, congratulations on the host to obtain the prop: skill card."


Yang Ling smiles. The value of the skill card is slightly lower than that of the maid card, but it can also be accepted. The export-oriented skills can be upgraded through cultivation, but the desire space is not good!

This skill card upgrade space is not good.

He went down to LV5 and said, "upgrade the system to LV5!"

"Ding, the host chooses to upgrade the wish space. The wish value is insufficient. You need to consume a skill card. Are you sure?"


With the fall of his voice, the wish space expanded rapidly, but in a moment, the volume of space changed from 10000 cubic meters to 10W cubic meters!

In the space, looking at the sky and earth which has been expanded ten times, Yang Ling laughs. Such a large area no longer needs to worry about the attack of dense phobia!

However, there is a problem. The extra 9W cube is now a bare area, so we need to increase the number of vegetation as soon as possible.

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