In addition, Yang Ling suspected that anyone who entered the site was randomly transmitted alone.

He clearly remembered that when he rushed into the light door, Xiao Longnu and Su Qiling were still holding their hands. How could the Kung Fu people disappear in the blink of an eye?

He couldn't think of anything more than this explanation.

They can't worry about the end of the world, but sister Su doesn't care about the end of the world.

He suddenly found that he did not act alone for a long time. He was always surrounded by a variety of women. Now the world is finally quiet.

With a smile, Yang Ling looked at the colorful light gate in the sky, which was slowly disappearing. He was surprised to find that there were 77 light spots left in the light door.

"One light spot represents a day, shouldn't there be only seven light spots?"

He frowned slightly, suddenly thought of something, quickly took out the phone, this look, but found that the Apple phone soaked in water broken.


After swearing, Yang Ling took out a quartz watch, but was surprised after a while.

The second hand of the quartz watch moves very slowly, about one tenth of the normal speed.

"The internal time is slower than the external drain?"

Yang Ling is a little unbelievable, but she has to accept this reality.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the closer to the speed of light, the slower the passage of time will be. Once the speed exceeds the speed of light, it will even lead to the phenomenon of time backward.

"Is it possible that this secret place is constantly jumping in multi-dimensional space at the speed of one tenth of the speed of light?"

"But why don't I go blind intermittently? Is it impossible for individuals in the three-dimensional world to observe higher dimensional space? "

Yang Ling has one brain and two big brains. Although he has deduction and is proficient in this kind of magic skill, he also needs theoretical basis and a lot of practice to explain the phenomenon in front of him. Obviously, at present, the basic physical research of human beings has not reached this level.

If you can't think of it, just observe the light spot.

Now his task is to quickly collect Tiancai Dibao and join Xiao Longnu and others.

"I remember a lot of airplanes coming in. Will there be pilots in the secret?"

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Ling suddenly thought that his Xianhong Guiyun robe turned into a camouflage suit. He took out a big sniper and a submachine gun from the Acacia ring, and hung several grenades on the belt.

After all this, the corners of his mouth curled up and disappeared into the dense forest.

Half a day later, by a mountain stream, two sea fish head monsters are excited to see a little red grass growing not far away. Their eyes are full of greed.

It's a rare plant in the world.

After the two people looked at each other, the sea people with the head of the swordfish said with a smile: "brother Zhang, this Longyan grass belongs to me, and the next one you find belongs to you. How about it?"

The octopus monster, known as brother Zhang, said with a hoarse voice: "it's good to say that the aura here is so rich that we can't capture the natural material and the earth treasure by hand?"

"Brother Qi, you can take whatever you want."

The sailfish sea people were overjoyed and went to the Dragon grass immediately. But just two steps later, a harpoon pierced his chest.

He turned hard and looked at the octopus with a sneer on his face and said in a trembling voice, "you Why do you... "

"Why?" the octopus sneered

"Because you are a fool."

Then the harpoon stirred and the swordfish was killed on the spot.

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