Yang Ling looked at the seven glow flower ball in front of her eyes. After a long time of entanglement, she still decided to eat it!

He pointed a little, seven clouds of flowers into a seven glow light, into the body.

"Ding, in a flash, Fanghua skill is upgraded to lv6!"

"Ding, host life increased."

"Ding, in a flash, Fanghua skill is upgraded to LV7!"

"Ding, host life increased..."

"Ding, upgrade to lv8"

"Ding, upgrade to Lv9..."

When all the Qixia petals were refined, his moment Fanghua even upgraded to the horror of Lv9, the number of petals reached 9216!

This is ten thousand Epiphyllum!

It's hard to imagine what it would be like to release more than ten thousand Epiphyllum at the same time. Even if Yang Ling didn't control them, the Epiphyllum rain alone could turn a ten mile radius into a withered land!

And once it's controlled, it's just terrible under the rain.

At that moment, his ability to attack and defend Fanghua became one of his strongest skills.

Moreover, when the skill is upgraded to Lv9, even the cooling time of the skill is gone. He can use it as he wants, which is just a big part of his true Qi consumed.

Since there is no cooling down time, there is no duration. In a word, this skill becomes as good as thunder control, and it is completely sent and received by the heart.

Now Yang Ling is confident that he can kill monks in the same realm without sneaking attacks. If he meets the son of Shanghai Yang again, he can at least block seven or eight moves by relying on ten thousand Epiphyllum.

The only pity is that the upgrade of skills only increases the number of Epiphyllum without increasing the power, otherwise Yang Ling really dares to fight with the son of the ocean.

In addition, Yang Ling was surprised to find that qixiahua's remaining medicinal power poured into his body, which increased his life span by 1000 years!

A thousand years old!

Now his life is over thirteen years old!

What is the most important thing for a monk? life!

The longer the life, the higher the achievement. This is the iron rule of the immortal cultivation world!

Moreover, the system can share his or her life span, which is like four dimensions. On the basis of the original life span, Yang Ling's shared life span is added.

For example, Liu Muhan's life span is now 100 years old, and the system's level is Lv2, that is, he can inherit 20% of his life from Yang Ling.

20% of Yang Ling's 1300 years old is 260 years old. With her original life span of 100 years, the maximum life expectancy of this woman has reached 360 years old!

Moreover, with the improvement of their own cultivation, the improvement of Yang Ling's cultivation, and the increase in the proportion of sharing after the system upgrade, the number will only increase.

The sisters probably don't know that they are going to live forever for no reason.

This really makes Yang Ling very happy. Sometimes he dreams back in the middle of the night and finds that after the vicissitudes of life, there is only himself left in the world, and no one he knows.

Wives, girlfriends, relatives and even enemies have fallen in the long river of time.

This kind of feeling makes him very melancholy, even doubt life, wake up is scared out of a cold sweat.

This is actually the most painful place for friars, and it is also the reason why many friars do not want to be exposed to the world of mortals.

There is no time for practice. Looking back on it for a hundred years, the world is quiet and I am the only one.

Now everyone is Shouyuan rose, Yang Ling's face showed a happy smile, convergence of divergent thoughts, again look inside.

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