After all, not everyone is like Su Qiling. As a monk, he is willing to be his concubine.

Seeing that the girl's back was about to disappear, Yang Ling gritted her teeth and called out, "fairy, where is this going?"

The young girl in front of me gave a slight pause and turned around. Tears flashed in her bright eyes. She tried hard to keep herself calm, but her voice was still shaking: "find a place to practice, consolidate the foundation and cultivate the yuan!"

Yang Ling bowed her head and was silent for a moment, and then called out, "can't you go there?"

Seven Xia fairy eyes with a trace of tears, she said with a smile: "then you will stay with me?"

Yang Ling smelled speech and laughed bitterly. He sighed, "fairy, will we see you again?"

Qixia fairy wanted to say something, but after a thousand words, it turned into a sigh.

She sighed, "wait until you are more stable."

Said to turn around again, but did not head back into the dense forest.

The breeze blows, blowing a few wisps of leaves, rolling up bursts of flower fragrance, at this moment, Yang Ling felt that this woman is like this dissipated in the wind in general, let people linger but helpless.

At the moment, the seven Xia fairy with her back to Yang Ling has already burst into tears.

After a little murmur, the colorful glow drifted away, and finally everything was calm.

"Ding, you smashed Qixia fairy. I hope you can accompany her forever. Attribute point + 2."

Yang Ling looked at the direction of the woman's disappearance, sighed: "the end of the dawn is the rising of the morning sun, the immortal road is long, I'll see you later."

Qixia fairy's last words have already expressed a layer of meaning. In fact, he hopes that his accomplishments can catch up with or even surpass himself.

At that time, she must have a reason to convince herself.

Yang Ling gently shook his head and turned into the cave.

There has never been a smooth life. Everyone has his own choice. Although cultivating immortals is a way against the heaven, there is providence in the world.

Leaves sound is parting, meet eventually.

Yang Ling, who has adjusted his mentality, began to recover the true Qi he had consumed before in the cave. The consumption of his spirit and Qi by resisting huahun was not small.

A day later, he recovered completely, and then a little Acacia bracelet on his hand, the old monk's storage bag originally given by Qixia fairy floated out, and he began to look at it.

In addition to a Book of anecdotes, there is also a small cloth bag, several bottles of pills, a silver dagger, a small basket of magic weapons, a jade slip used by ancient friars to record the contents, and a pile of spiritual stones.

Yang Lingxian opened the bottle of pills. Just after it was opened, there was a strong smell of medicine coming out. Seeing this, he did not feel happy, but laughed bitterly.

This kind of fragrance will appear only after the pill melts. After a close look, it turns out that several small bottles are empty.

It's too old. The pills in the jade bottle have melted

After putting the bottle away, he looked at the dagger and the flower basket magic weapon. He found that the two magic weapons had lost most of their spirituality because of their ages. Now they are just two very common magic weapons.

Yang Ling is familiar with the art of refining utensils. He knows that the materials needed to repair these two magic weapons are almost the same as refining one again. It's better to melt them some time and get more materials.

And the spirit stone is the same, there is not much aura left.

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